Part 13: One righteous man
Being the soft-hearted goons that you are, you voted for knocking Zelig out.
No witty Rabbinical one liner, alas.
Her eyes shined with relief.
I quickly untied her.
It's over, Mrs. Lauder. We'll leave Rabbi Zelig for the police.
You're... you're hurt! You're bleeding all over.
It'll be okay, Mrs. Lauder.
It's all right. Let's just get out of here.
Well, all right. If you say so.
The Rabbi and Mrs. Lauder start walking towards the door.
I'm fine, Mrs. Lauder.
Call me Raj, please.
But we're going to the hospital and no argument.
Rajshree and Rabbi Stone leave, and the screen fades to black.
The weeks sped by.
Jack's bestowal arrived in the mail, and I was able to appease all my debts.
Thanks to an anonymous tip, the police picked up Amos Zelig before he regained consciousness.
Back to the grind.
Another week, another Shabbos.
Has anything changed for me?
Not really.
Debts still pile up, but they won't be a problem as long as Jack's money holds.
After that... it's best not to think about it.
Is it only in the aftermath of pain that we are justified in questioning God's fairness?
Rajshree enters the synagogue.
Just how much pain...
Then it hit me.
God might not seem fair. We may not always feel connected to Him. That is, we may feel lonely, and often do.
Whether we accept or deny it, the connection is there.
And since we are connected, we are responsible.
Maybe there are no answers. Ultimately, we may never find that elusive truth.
Yet, ultimately, we may find something else: meaning, significance, and fulfillment.
If so, that may be enough.
Congratulations, we've hit the best ending.
Original music composed by: Velislav Ivanov
Deluxe music composed by: Peter Gesser
Backgrounds by: Tom Scary
Talking portraits by: Shane Stevens
Character design and animations by: Shane Stevens
Coding by: Dave Gilbert
And others:
Next time: the other endings.