Part 1: Day 1: Reaper's Game
Day 1: Reaper's Game
Cutscene Video: Opening
He's quite the loner isn't he? But strange things are happening today, after he mysteriously wakes up in the middle of a busy intersection.
Song: Underground

: I can hear voices in my head!
What just happened?
Just a reminder, italicized text is thoughts. Neku does switch from speaking to thinking his monologue sometimes.

Already, we get our first gameplay feature, scanning.

You run around area maps by touching the spot you wish to go to, pressing the directional pad, or with the XABY buttons.
TWEWY cares about the lefties in the audience.
Anyway, let's get to scanning.

For the most part, scanning is used to read random people's thoughts. Some of these are funny, some form narratives as the game progresses. I'll give the random ones their own updates.

Voices! Definitely voices! But why? Am I hearing peoples thoughts!? What the hell IS this pin?
But suddenly...

: Oh, thats cute. See ya, spam. Deleted.
He looks at his phone again.

: Huh? Still there... Its like the junk mail from hell.
Suddenly a flash of light!
Cutscene Video: Seven Days

Strange frogs, with intricate tattoos for rear legs, appear!
Music: Calling

: What do they want with me?
Battle Video: Movement and Escaping
I take the chance to get comfy with movement again before I retreat. Thankfully this battlefield is large enough that I can zoom around pretty freely. Neku has invincibility frames at the start of his dash, which I show off. With no way to damage the frogs, there is no choice but to flee.
Music: Long Dream

Most new gameplay features give you two items, a "sticker" which technically enables the ability, and a book telling you how it works. I'll be cutting out most of them.
He begins to plead to the crowds around the Scramble Crossing, but...

No one notices his plight, or even the frogs at all.

: Crap! I gotta run!
Cutscene Video: Opening Credits
If you have no idea what's going on, that's because most of the imagery is of characters we haven't met yet, both good and bad. It's mostly there for the music, I guess.
Music: Twister
After that cutscene, we cut to two figures, male and female, on the rooftop, conveniently obscured by shadow. The effect his honestly rather pointless as 1)the black wings are ominous enough and 2)They were seen without the shadow in the cutscene that just played.

: Stop whining. We havent had work in, like, forever.

: Exactly. It feels like the Monday after vacation.

: Youd prefer a permanent vacation? Day 1 has the most Players. Nows our chance to rack up some points! How else you gonna make up for last month?

: Aight, aight... One week wont kill me. Probably. Hey, while were at it... How bout we play a little game?

: A gaaame?

: Yeah, so it doesnt feel so much like work. Cmon, you love it.

: Oh, yeah. You know me. Sigh... All right.

: Lets see who bags the most Players during todays mission.

: Are you joking? Thats no fun at all!

: You dont like it?
The female figure giggles.

: But Im gonna crush you! Theres no contest.

: Ohh, zing! Now I have to actually try. You know the drill. Loser buys winner a hot bowl of ramen.

We cut back to our hero as he flees to the Statue of Hachiko. Screen transitions net you a graphic of the area you have arrived at.

: Huff, huff...
That's how he catches his breath. Get used to it.

: I didn't do anything to you!
But then he sees the oddest sight, other people being attacked by the frogs!
Cutscene video: Ereasure
Seriously what is it with this game and its really short cutscenes in the first day.
Music: Despair

: They vanished! Why are people disappearing!?

: Whats happening... Why am I even here? What the hell! Theyre gonna get
But then, a girl runs up to him and yells...

: Uhh... Ive kinda got my hands full...

: Listen! If we forge a pact, we can beat the

: Who cares about a little noise!

: You wanna be erased? Hurry up! Theres no time! Make a pact with me! Please!

: A-Alright! I accept.
Cutscene video: Pact
If they look cut off at the torso, that's because... They kinda are. This cutscene was designed with the gap between the DS's screens in mind, so the middle is cut out.
The strange thing is, the previous cutscenes with with cross-screen images don't, so they look weird on an actual DS. Gah!
She hands him a red pin with an orange flame graphic.

: Ill explain later! Right now we have to stop the Noise!

: Uhh... OK?

: Get ready!
Battle Video: Pin Basics and Dragging
So for the first battle you can win they give you an incredibly crummy pin. Pyrokinesis is a basic unbranded pin with the... Pyrokinesis psych. With boot and reboot times longer than its actual use, it's not terribly exciting.
Also the absence of the HP bar suggests that you can't actually lose yet, but I've never been hit enough to see.

: Whoa! You can use the pin? You must be really good at
psychs. Guess I found the right partner, huh?

]: Thats what you call those flames? A psych?

: Yup. And now that weve made a pact, the Noise wont come after us!

: In other words, were safe.

: Right. See? All gone.

: All gone. So...What are Noise?

: Theyre the monsters we just fought. Duh.

And "psychs"? That what this pin is for?

Finally we have her name. It's kinda rough having to narrate things without actually using names.

: Call me Shiki.

I call this wack.

: Weve got a long week ahead of us!

: A week? Week of what?

: The Reapers Game is seven days long, right?

Reapers? Excuse me? Who is this flake?

: So whats your name?

Forget her... Where am I? How did I get here?

: Cmon, tell me your name.

The sign says "Shibuya Station"... Why am I in Shibuya?

: Something wrong?

Wait... the intersection. I just need to retrace my steps.

Oh Neku, you card.

The time on the top-right is the actual time by the DS's clock. I am playing video games for people on the internet really late at night...
Anyway, Shiki's following him and he freaks out.

: Why are you following me!?

: Why are you making yourself so hard to follow?

: Screw you. I go where I want.

: Go where? Were trapped in here!

: What? Dont be stupid.

: Youre the one being stupid. We made a pact. Were supposed to stick together! You cant beat Noise alone. You cant survive!

: Survive what?

: The Game! Dont you wanna win?

: Pfft. Play games on your own time.

: Hey! Thats not funny! Theyll erase us if we dont win! You saw what happened to those people! You wanna join them? Besides, were partners. Partners work together.

: No way! Dont make me a part of this.

: A what? Im not playing anything.

: Oh yeah? Then why do you have a Player Pin?

: See, youre part of the Reapers Game, too.

: ...

: We dont have time for this! The clocks ticking! Weve only got 20 minutes! Lets hurry to Ten-Four!

That junk mail...Please. What kind of nut would believe that? Then again... This day has been pretty weird. And shes gonna follow me anyway... May as well go along and try to figure this out. All right, you win. Lead the way.

: Good. Now, for the last time... Tell me your name.

So I used it one or two times before he said it. Sue me.

: Neku, huh? Cute name.

Shut up.

: All right, Neku. Lets go over to 104!

If only it were so easy as just running there.

: Its blocked! Theres no way past!

: We cant get through!? But this is the way to Ten-Four!

: ...
Why do I feel like Im being watched? That guy over there. Whats he staring at?

A deactivating sound is heard.

: What are we gonna do about this wall?

: Huh? Neku! Its open.

: Whats up with that?

: No idea. A lucky break, I guess! Cmon, we gotta keep moving.

Something about that guy in red... Huh? Whered he go? Weird.

Though the mission is clear, the day isn't entirely over...

: Whew! Mission complete!

The mysterious voice stays off-screen the whole time, but her giggle is familiar.

: What!?

: Only an idiot would screw up on Day 1.

: Whos there!?

: Oh, no... A Reaper?

: Reaper...

: You two are gonna get erased sooner or later. So come on. Help a girl out and earn me a few extra points, K?

: This time focus your thoughts on me!

: What!? Fight your own battles!

: Please! To fight the noise!

: ...Fine.

: Come on!
Battle Video: Dixiefrogs and a Mosh Grizzly
We get control of Shiki, who fights on the top screen with directional or face buttons. So far all she can do is have her cat doll attack by pressing Left and Right (or Y and A) to preform combos. They're much more efficient than Neku's pyrokinesis, and her finisher has invincibility frames, which is how she avoids the Grizzly's swipes.
Also we're introduced to the light puck, which gives combo finishers more oomph. The damage numbers with a ! are the ones boosted by the puck, which gives you an idea of how much it helps. Passing the puck a lot boosts the bonus. What exactly qualifies as a "finisher" with some of Neku's psychs is a bit ambiguous, considering every hit of pyrokenisis is equal.
Music: Hybrid (JP)

Scarletite is important. Keep it in mind for later.

: Whew... We did it...

: Weve got six more days... Are we gonna make it? I...I dont want to be erased...

I cant believe this... Why am I stuck here? What if Im erased!? What the hell kind of game is this? This cant be right. Gaaah! Im really stuck here? In Shibuya!?