Part 10: Foreshadowing
Update 10: Foreshadowing


{Video: Kori Appearance}

Kori: This is another past for you to change.
Ethan: What are you talking about?
Kori: I saw a picture of this place once already...because you changed it with your Pen.
Ethan: You know about my Pen? You don't have one, too?
Kori: No...I don't. This "Hollow Pen" you speak of is invisible to me. But soon you'll realize...
Ethan: Realize what?
Kori: The pictures you and I see only appear because someone's changed the past. And that includes the changes you make yourself.
Ethan: ...So are there others like me out there, with Pens like mine?
Kori: ...... Never mind that. Are you going to make some changes here or what?
Ethan: Oh, er...
Kori: I won't get in your way--this time.
And she leaves.
Ethan: (Who IS this Kori character, anyway?)

Ethan: (It pays to be extra careful when fiddling with the past! You've got to do what you can to avoid unforeseen side effects...)
Ethan: (That should do it.)
As always, we close the Hole and prepare to receive our new flashbacks.


The bells on the door ring as he goes.

Now that's just cold. Anyway, one scene cut later, we come back to...

Kori: And that includes the changes you make yourself.

???: Ethan...Kairos.
???: Well, let's see what he's capable of. And if he gets in the way...we can just erase him.

Our standard end-chapter status update, brought to you from the future.
Flashback: Fixed Fridge posted:
Ethan:I'd better put that bicycle key back one of these days.
I don't think he ever does.