Part 11: And Now for Something Completely Different
Update 11: And Now for Something Completely Different

: (I went to talk with Kori, but...)

: Hey, Ethan--what's on your mind?

: Oh, er, nothing.

: You hiding something from me, hmm?

: Of course not!

: 'Cause you know I'll find out eventually!

: I-I know...

: (Morris... I know he means well, but he can be a little rough around the edges.)

: (Girls would flock to him if he'd only tone down his attitude a little.)

: What, you psychoanalyzing me? Get outta my head, man!

: ...

: (What the heck--why not ask him for advice?)

: Listen, Morris...

: I know you're here to study, but can I ask you something?

: Guess I can spare a second or two.

: You know my parents went missing...right?

: Of course I do.

: Now, this is going to sound crazy, but hear me out, okay?

: That depends.

: Well, until a few days ago, my mom and dad were still around.

: Huh?
Morris: Sorry. We'll be good.

: Keep it down, will ya? ...So then what?

: ...And then, a few days ago, suddenly everything was as though my folks had been gone for years. It's still like that...and I want to know why this is happening.

: ...

: It's really whacked-out, I know. But it's true, all of it.

: It's no dream--and I'm not crazy.

: You know what I think...

: (Oh, no, here it comes...)

: ...? Parallel worlds?

: There used to be a book in our secret hideout, "The Mystery of Parallel Worlds".

: (Now that he mentions it... Someone put it in our hideout to class up the place. I've never read it.)

: (In fact, I don't think anyone's read it--besides Morris...)

: Basically, your situation is right outta that book.

: Eh?

: Why don't you go looking for it, find yourself some answers?

: ......

: Look, I've wasted enough time on your petty little problems.

: M-Morris...
There's the sound of a phone buzzing, and Morris picks it up.
Morris: Yeah? ...I'm at the library.
Morris: I'm studying, what else? Did you even have to ask?
Morris: You want results? All I have to do is apply myself and those grades are in the bag.

: (Who's he talking to? His parents?)
Morris: Right now I'm wasting prime studying time talking to you...

: Hey, Ethan?

: Yeah?

: This is gonna take a while. I'll be right back.

: Sure thing.

: (...Not sure he wanted me to hear that conversation, anyway. ...... ............)

: (...Let's see. Maybe I should look for that Parallel Worlds book. .........)

: (Nah...I can't be bothered. ......... I'd like to talk with Morris, so I can't go home just yet...)

: (Think I'll go get some fresh air myself.)

: (Didn't I see some kind of antique shop on my way here?)

: (I think it was called "Aeon"... Maybe I'll go check it out.)

:'re all set?

: Yeah. Don't worry about it. My folks are just getting on my nerves, that's all.

: All right. Glad to hear that it wasn't anything major.
Now Ethan's phone starts going off.

: Phone's buzzing.

: Yeah--I put it on silent mode.

: ...It's Vin. What does he want?
Vin: Ben's m-murdered someone! Hurry!
Ethan: What? Ben!? Got it. I'll be right there.

: What is it?

: W-well... Ben...k-killed someone...

: WHAT!?
Sara: Silence!

: I'm headed for Chronos. Are you coming?

: Do you have to ask?