Part 13: Weapon Disposal
Update 13: Weapon Disposal
So let's go searching for Lucky.

Okay, more seriously this time. If anyone's curious, the other spot Lucky generally shows up at is the Intersection.

Dog: :: whine ::

Morris: Poor thing. He's scared. C'mon, Lucky--here, boy.
Lucky: :: whiiine ::

Lucky: :: whiiiiiine ::

Ethan: (So Morris is a dog-lover. Who'da thought it?)
Morris: There, there. C'mon, Lucky--let's get outta here.
Lucky: Woof!
So we return to Chronos to deliver our lucky dog.
{Soundtrack: Silence}

You'd have thought they would have been called well before now.

He immediately runs off.

Vin also runs off, leaving us alone.

Ethan: What is it, Lucky? What's over there?

Ethan: (Are these what Ben used on Aaron? But why pliers? These are only used for cutting wires and stuff.)
I wonder why a wire-cutting tool was around the spot a wire was recently cut. While he's thinking to himself about pliers, Jacob comes out.

I sincerely hope you can figure out what we're expected to do here.
First order of business, as always, is clearing up the relevant flashback.
Flashback: Dropped Murderpliers posted:


Here I mess around a bit. I spend a little too much time overall messing with Ashley and Emily, probably because the reactions are pretty unique compared to some of the other possible ones.

Back to the real topic, which is actually surprisingly easy to miss even when you know it's there. It's hidden behind the planters on the left, behind where Past-Emily's standing, and you have to maneuver the screen around after you open the Hole to see them.


Pliers posted:
If you found and grabbed them when you had a chance to beforehand, this chapter changes as a result. I may show the change off after the LP's finished.

Close the Hole, etc.


Ethan's ringtone goes off. I can't place anything it's making a reference to, and it doesn't seem like it's mimicking a part of the game's soundtrack. May just be a generic ringtone.

Vin: Hey, it's Vin. Ben...Ben's in trouble.

Ethan: What? Y-you mean he didn't turn himself in after all?
Vin: Turn himself in? For what? Ah, never mind. Grab Morris and come down to Central Hospital. Take the bus that leaves from the station. Got it?
Ethan: Wait, Vin! (What's changed...?)

Ethan's not the fastest thinker when put in a tight spot, but he's actually pretty quick on the uptake, and I haven't really given him credit for that thus far.
Ethan: So what happened to Aaron?
Vin: Huh? He's a cop, isn't he? Didn't Morris tell you they took him in?
I feel like something got lost in translation here, because those sentences do not logically connect. Maybe it's supposed to say something about him being with the police instead of him being a policeman. Also, interesting that the police got called this time when they didn't for the stabbing and manslaughter.
Vin: C'mon, Ethan, get a grip! Anyway, hurry up! Ben's unconscious!
And he hangs up.

Flashback time!
Flashback: Fight posted:
Ethan: (How could it have come to this--just by taking those nippers?)
This one was updated last time, but I forgot to include it.
Flashback: Secret Hideout posted:
Ethan: (We all took turns looking after Shiloh.)
I'm going to be closing off the Emily-Glasses vote after next update, so any late voters should finish that up. I think the count's just barely in favour of giving her back the glasses right now.