Part 2: Buildings, Units and Arts encountered
The advisors guide to Japan"One can not advise great men to glorious victory without knowledge of all their tools. Know yourself and know your enemy and you will be undefeated in one thousand battles."

Cost: Free/1600/3200
The town building chain increases the number of buildings allowed in a province as well as the size/number of walls. The first tier, Town, has only a small barricade and unlike all other tiers, troops engaged in a siege defence can rout. The provided garrison is small and of low quality. This building chain consumes food. The Stronghold chain increases the size of the city, allowing additional building chains to be constructed in the province (an additional building chain per upgrade level) and also consumes a food for each upgrade level. Additionally, the Stronghold chain increases the level of fortifications in the province. We have already seen the Town fortifications (A knee high wall), Stronghold fortifications are a wooden walled fort on a raised dirt pad. Defending troops inside this fort will fight to the death instead of retreating. Forts are an upgrade to the Stronghold and improve on it by having an outer courtyard and a further raised inner courtyard, requiring attackers to scale two sets of walls as well as allowing the defenders to fall back when one set of walls is breached. Defenders will only fight to the death in the inner courtyard, while in the outer courtyard they will still rout, although they will rout to the central keep rather than offmap, where they will reform for the final defence. Forts also add defensive archery towers, who will pelt the attacking forces with arrows while they are in range. Be careful however, as the towers can be captured by the attackers and turned against the defenders! Forts also allow the construction of another building chain in the province.

Cost: Free/1440/2880
The Tadokoro is the basic garrison building for the settlement. It provides repression to the province and adds the ability to recruitment slots and the ability to recruit levy. It has two possible chains that it can be upgraded into. The first dedicated building of the Mustering chain, the Muster Field gives additional recruitment slots and replenishment rate to the province containing it. The Barracks is the third building in the Mustering chain, improving the quality of Levy produced there by 1 combat rank in addition to allowing the recruitment of Fire Bomb Throwers. It also increases the replenishment rate of the province further.

Cost: Free/1260
Town Watch is one of the possible upgrades to the Tadokoro and is the first building of the Watch chain. This chain increases the size of the garrison in the province as well as the amount of repression. As it is mutually exclusive with the Mustering chain, you can either have a large garrison and repression or recruitment capacity and replenishment in a province.

Cost: Free/950
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Dry Field Agriculture B (950) 34 28 23 20 17 16 14 13 12
Dry Field Agriculture M (950) 27 21 18 15 14 12 11 10 9
Dry Field Agriculture A (950) 22 19 16 13 12 11 10 9 8
Dry Field Agriculture F (950) 17 14 12 10 9 8 7 7 6
Dry Field Agriculture VF (950) 12 10 8 7 6 6 5 5 4
Rice Paddies B (1755) 110 88 74 63 55 49 44 40 37
Rice Paddies M (1755) 85 68 57 49 43 38 34 31 29
Rice Paddies A (1755) 74 59 49 42 37 33 30 27 25
Rice Paddies F (1755) 55 44 37 32 28 25 22 20 19
Rice Paddies VF (1755) 37 30 25 21 19 17 15 14 13
Improved Irrigation B (4200) 75 60 50 43 38 34 30 28 25
Improved Irrigation M (4200) 58 47 39 33 29 26 24 21 20
Improved Irrigation A (4200) 50 40 34 29 25 23 20 19 17
Improved Irrigation F (4200) 38 30 25 22 19 17 15 14 13
Improved Irrigation VF (4200) 25 20 17 15 13 12 10 10 9

Cost: Free/980
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Pastures B (980) 62 49 41 35 31 28 25 23 21
Pastures M (980) 48 38 32 27 24 21 19 18 16
Pastures A (980) 41 33 28 24 21 19 17 15 14
Pastures F (980) 31 25 21 18 16 14 13 12 11
Pastures VF (980) 21 17 14 12 11 10 9 8 7
Horse Breeders B (1820) 228 182 152 130 114 102 91 83 76
Horse Breeders A (1820) 175 140 117 100 88 78 70 64 59
Horse Breeders M (1820) 152 122 102 87 76 68 61 56 51
Horse Breeders F (1820) 114 91 76 65 57 51 46 42 38
Horse Breeders VF (1820) 76 61 51 44 38 34 31 28 26
Warhorse Studs B (4000) 112 89 75 64 56 50 45 41 38
Warhorse Studs A (4000) 86 69 57 49 43 38 35 32 29
Warhorse Studs M (4000) 75 60 50 43 38 33 30 27 25
Warhorse Studs F (4000) 56 45 38 32 28 25 23 21 19
Warhorse Studs VF (4000) 38 30 25 22 19 17 15 14 13

Cost: Free/2600/3950
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Roads (2600) 81 73 66 61 58 54 51 49 47
Post Roads and Stations (3950) 82 73 67 62 58 55 52 49 47
Imperial Roads (3840) 76 68 62 57 54 51 48 46 44

Cost: 765/1440/2800/5950
The Koryu building chain focuses on the production and replenishment of traditional defensive units which focus on the Naginata and Warrior Monks. Bow Warrior Monks also require a Buddhist Sanctuary in the same province before they can be produced. The Koryu School allows the recruitment of Naginata Warrior Monks provided an Buddhist Temple is in the same province. It also increases the experience of Bow Warrior Monk and Naginata Attendants produced there. The Koryu Dojo adds a defending garrison of Onna Bushi, reduces the recruitment time of all Koryu units by 1 turn and allows the production of Mounted Naginata and Testubo Warrior Monks with a Pastures and Buddhist Temple respectively. The Legendary Koryu Dojo allows the recruitment of Onna Bushi Heroines and Naginata Warrior Monk Heroes with a Pastures and a Famous Buddhist Temple respectively. It also increases the rank of all units produced here by a further 1 (Hero units included).

Cost: 765/1440
The Bushi building chain focuses on the production and replenishment of offensive units that focus on the sword and bow, such as Sword Attendants and Bow Attendants. The Bushi School allows the recruitment of Foot Samurai and rank 1 Bow/Sword Attendants.

Cost: Free/900
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Harbour (900) 34 28 25 22 19 18 16 15 14
Trading Port (2530) 38 33 29 26 23 21 19 18 17

Cost: 800/1800
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Barter Exchange (800) 17 14 12 11 9 9 8 7 7
Market (1800) 30 24 20 18 15 14 12 11 10
Goods Exchange (3300) 55 44 37 32 28 25 22 20 19
Merchant Guild (7600) 47 39 33 29 25 23 21 19 18

Cost: 800/2000
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Barter Exchange (800) 17 14 12 11 9 9 8 7 7
Food Stores (2000) 64 57 52 48 45 43 40 39 37
Granary (3000) 78 70 64 59 55 52 49 47 45
Grain Warehouse (7500) 59 52 46 42 39 36 34 32 30

Cost: 700/1520
Turns until profit:
10% Admin/20% Admin/40% Admin
Province Wealth: 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Clan Estate (700) 15/18/23 11/12/16 8/9/12 7/7/10 6/6/8 5/5/7
Shinden (1520) 34/38/51 23/26/34 17/19/26 14/16/21 12/13/17 10/11/15
Mandokoro (3600) 80/90/120 54/60/80 40/45/60 32/36/48 27/30/40 23/26/35
Taira Palace* (6800) 152/170/227 101/114/152 76/85/114 61/68/91 51/57/76 44/49/65

Cost: 765
The School building chain increases the technology rate of your clan for both Budo and Bunka arts.

Cost: 765/1440
The Temple building chain allows the recruitment of the Sou agent (one per building chain up to a maximum of 5) as well as increasing the happiness of the province. They are also required for the production of Warrior Monks with the Sanctuary as a prerequisite of Bow Warrior Monks. The Buddhist Temple is the second building in the temple chain and further increases the happiness of the province, as well as allowing the construction of Naginata Warrior Monks and increasing the rank of all Warrior Monks recruited in the province.

Cost: Free
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Senmin Village (1900) 48 38 32 28 24 21 19 18 16
Smuggling Network (3600) 90 72 60 52 45 40 36 32 30

Cost: Free
The only building for the Philosophical Tradition province speciality, this increases your research rate by 20% for Budo and Bunka arts.

Cost: Free/1800
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Pirate Cove (1800) 57 49 43 38 34 31 29 26 25
Pirate Den (3570) 52 43 37 32 29 26 24 22 20

Cost: Free
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Silk Spinner (2050) 9/16 9/15 9/14 8/13 8/12 8/12 8/11 7/10 7/10
Master Silk Spinner (3800) 17/29 16/27 16/25 15/24 15/22 14/21 14/20 13/19 13/18

Cost: Free/1400
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Small Iron Mine (1400) 6/10 5/9 5/9 5/9 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/7 5/7
Iron Mine (2400) 9/16 9/16 9/15 9/14 8/14 8/13 8/13 8/12 8/12

Cost: Free
The first building in the Gold province speciality building chain, this increases the wealth of the province that contains it.
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Gold Lodes (2400) 24 20 16 14 12 11 10 9 8
Gold Mine (5000) 50 40 34 29 25 23 20 19 17

Cost: ???/1350
Washi Mills are the second building in the Craftwork building chain with the Artisans province speciality, further increasing the wealth generated and the number of luxury goods. The accuracy boost to ranged units from the first building is unchanged.
Turns until profit:
Province Tax Rate: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
Washi Mills (1350) 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 (Crafts)
Laquerware Works (3750) 4/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/5 3/5 (Crafts)

Cost: Special
While these troops are proficient in melee, they are exceptionally skilled with the bow and make a deadly unit that is capable of causing exceptional damage to the enemy forces. With the low quality of most troops in the Genpei War, it is critical that they keep their command aura over units wherever possible. Their high armour makes them very resistant to arrows and cavalry charges.

Cost: 285/NA/520/615
Cheap and plentiful, Bow Levy are terrible in melee and will run at the drop of a hat. Under no circumstance should you let a horse get within 100 metres or use them outside the general's aura. However, if they can be properly protected, the low armour of most troops means that they can inflict respectable casualties. Unlike their Levy counterpart, Bow Attendants can shoot reasonably accurately and have enough morale to be able to operate in a skirmishing fashion. They are still exceptionally weak to melee and will lose to anything that isn't Levy in combat. Despite having the same upkeep as Bow Attendants, Bow Warrior Monks have significantly higher morale, better melee skills and armour as well as higher accuracy and slightly faster reload. The downside is that they are harder to replenish and recruit as they require both the Koryu Training Ground and a Buddhist Sanctuary, unlike the Bow Attendants which only need a Bushi Training Grounds.

Cost: 235/NA/475/800
Your staple troops for protecting flanks against cavalry and doing most of the screening for ranged troops, Naginata units are effective against all types of troops and only lose to sword units, it would be a foolish cavalry commander that would attack these troops! Despite the blatant lie description for Levy calling them reliable, the only thing they do reliably is die and run away. However, Levy are very cheap, can be made anywhere and replacements are plentiful. Our armour bonus should help keep them alive better than most, but they should still be kept inside the general's aura. Attendants can operate on the flanks without supervision, possessing superior combat skills, armour and morale. With their superior numbers, Attendants can even expect to perform well against Samurai or Monks, although they should not be left engaged against these targets unsupported. Naginata Warrior Monks wield the naginata with unsurpassed skill, each man an equal of a samurai in melee combat while able to obliterate cavalry. In addition, they have the ability to Warcry, reducing the melee defence of enemy units as well as their morale.

Cost: ???

Cost: 665
With their rather exceptional combat statistics (and price tag to match) these elite troops are capable of performing every role on the battlefield, from support, to ranged combat, to heavy melee. Unfortunately, the units are exceptionally small (only 45 men per unit) which means replenishment is a long process and they have a very high cost. Like all small units, they should avoid units with powerful charges.

Cost: 500
Fire Bomb Throwers throw explosive grenades that deal massive damage and cause terror in the troops they strike. They require a lot of skill to use however, as their grenades have no distinction between friend and foe while their melee skills are poor to say the least!

Cost: 700/1150
These skilled horsemen have an exceptional charge and solid bonus against cavalry, as well as having very respectable combat statistics. This makes them perfect for hunting opposing generals and collapsing levy lines. Nevertheless, they will take heavy damage from naginata levy and will be outright slaughtered against naginata attendants, so they should be used with care. Onna Bushi Heroines have exceptional combat statistics and amazing tactical flexibility. While they are very expensive to recruit and field they can be absolutely pivotal. Their ranged statistics are less than ideal, given their exceptionally small unit size (You can expect 8 arrows to hit per volley compared with 13 from a unit of Bow Levy (although it's not that simple)) but that is more than made up for by their exceptional melee combat skills, especially their unbelievable charge. Due to their small size, they should be kept away from massed arrow fire. Despite the fact that they can engage a naginata unit head on and win (barring elite naginata units like Warrior Monks), they should only be used like that as a last resort, as heavy casualties would be the expected outcome.

Cost: 150
The Attendants Light Ship is the naval equivalent of a Levy unit. Cheap and unreliable, but they have their uses. Any ship can carry a full stack of troops and an unlimited number of agents, so this is a transport more than a warship.

Bonus tech rate needed
Complete in: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
2 turns - 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 turns - 200 50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 turns - 400 150 67 25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 turns - 500 200 100 50 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 turns - 600 250 133 75 40 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 turns - 700 300 167 100 60 34 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10 turns - 900 400 234 150 100 67 43 25 12 - - - - - - - - - - - -
12 turns - 1100 500 300 200 140 100 72 50 34 20 10 - - - - - - - - - -
15 turns - 1400 650 400 275 200 150 115 88 67 50 37 25 16 8 - - - - - - -
20 turns - 1900 900 567 400 300 234 186 150 123 100 81 67 54 43 34 25 18 12 6 - -
22 turns - 2100 1000 634 450 340 267 215 175 145 120 100 84 70 58 47 38 30 23 16 10 5

Ingame encyclopaedia - Budo posted:
Look inside yourself:
There you will find victory.
The lotus blossoms.
Warriors should be sudden, like a blazing fire, and steadfast, like the mountains. They should flow like water, and move in a rushing storm, like the wind. In these things, their enemies will be defeated.

Ingame encyclopaedia - Koryu posted:
With a single step,
Your journey truly begins.
But there is much to be done.
The path is a long lifetime.
Not just a destination.
The warrior does not just hold his weapon and hack about hopefully. He has used wisdom, and practiced long years before he strikes an enemy with sincerity.
Ingame encyclopaedia - The Old Way posted:
Respect the old ways;
They have crafted who you are:
A warrior of stone.
There are many roads from the swordsmith to the battlefield, not all of equal length. The clever student listens to the master who has walked on before him.
Ingame encyclopaedia - Old Way Mastery posted:
To become master,
You must overcome weakness.
Cast aside all fear,
Step gladly into the dark,
And meet death as an old friend.
Mastery is not posturing to impress a judge in a tournament. It is a practical matter: the business of killing quickly and honourably.

Ingame encyclopaedia - Way Of The Bow posted:
Swift as the north wind,
Light as the white crane's feather,
Deadly as the snake.
To stand in the stirrups at full gallop, release the shaft, and hit a target dead centre is the epitome of skill. To do this and consider the actions of the enemy, shows mastery of oneself, the ultimate goal of a warrior.

Ingame encyclopaedia - Bushi posted:
Victor and vanquished:
Both little more than autumn dew,
On the leaf of time.
To be a samurai is a position of honour, but long years spent learning all there is to know about being a samurai show even greater worth.

Ingame encyclopaedia - Chinese Learning posted:
As night follows day
Accept another's wisdom,
Wisest of the wise!
The clever man looks at his cup, and admires the workmanship; perhaps he treasures it for its beauty. Then he drinks the tea and is refreshed.

Ingame encyclopaedia - Poetry and Literature posted:
Unbound and silk-soft,
A petal on a spring breeze:
Every poet's soul.
To crush an enemy on the field of battle is a great thing. To kill hope in an enemy heart with a few well-chosen words may be equally useful. And what could the sadness of a poet's vision do to a foe's spirit?

Ingame encyclopaedia - Rice Loans posted:
Swords drawn in anger:
One grain of rice miscounted.
Bellies groan afresh.
Food in the hungry belly will be repaid a thousand fold, but later when times are better. Such a deal seems sensible to the farmer when times are bad, the granaries echo at harvest, and the rats eat each other.
Ingame encyclopaedia - Tax Quota posted:
On a sea of gold
The ship of state floats upward.
The rowers' backs bend.
Hope for the future moves men's hearts more than fear of its coming. With hope, tomorrow's dawn is always brighter, and tomorrow's labours a little lighter.

Ingame Encyclopaedia - Confucianism posted:
The power of belief
Resides not in words or thoughts:
Happiness blossoms.
If a ruler acts properly, then people are given an exemplar to emulate and admire. The whole community grows and prospers if all have respect and justice at the hands of their masters and fellows.

Ingame encyclopaedia - Direct Land Tax posted:
Taxed like so much gold,
Another commodity:
The fruits of autumn.
Land is easy to tax. It cannot be hidden away from the vigilant eyes of an inspector, even by the most cunning of village elders.
Junsatsushi Skills

General Skills

Monomi Skills

Shirabyoshi Skills

Sou Skills


Shogun 2: Rise of the Samurai Resources
What do trade resources do?
Trade resources, like the name suggests, are items which your clan exports or imports and enables you to construct the final buildings of certain chains (The final Clan Estate building requires Silk, for example).
So I only need to import or export them? Why get them then?
Exporting a trade good gives you the value of the trade good (shown underneath the resource icons below) for each item of the trade good you sell, in addition to the normal tariffs you would get if you traded with a clan. This is a flat bonus to your income, so it is unaffected by your tax rate or administrative cost. The base building for each trade good produces 10 of each good (So if you sold all the crafts from the basic craft building you would get another 460 koku a turn!).
Wow, why would I ever build anything else?
Your trading partners can only purchase so many trade goods from you based on their size (Around 2 per province they own is a rough estimate), so any unpurchased goods are wasted. Nevertheless, trade goods can earn you a lot of money. It's also important to note that in Realm Divide no-one will trade with you and these will be basically worthless, so if your economy is too heavily trade based, Realm Divide will wreck you.
So I can be worse off if I grab a silk province if I have maxed out my trading partners on crafts?
No, the maximum amount of trade goods you can sell to a clan is per trade good, not total.

Chinese Texts: This trade good is required for the final building of the School chain, giving a large boost to research rate.
Available from: Naval trade node only
Required for buildings: Confucian Academy

Crafts: This trade good is required for the final buildings of the Market and Granary chain, giving large boosts to town wealth or growth and enabling rank 2 Junsatsushi.
Available from: Buzen, Hoki, Echizen, Hitachi
Required for buildings: Grain Warehouse, Merchant Guild

Incense: This trade good is required for the final building of the Temple Chain, enabling rank 2 Sou and warrior monk heroes.
Available from: Naval trade node only
Required for buildings: Famous Buddhist Temple

Iron: This trade good is required for the final building of the Bushi and Koryu chains, enabling the recruitment of all non-monk heroes.
Available from: Naval Trade node, Hyuga, Mimisaka, Mikawa, Kazusa, Miyagi
Required for buildings: Legendary Bushi Dojo, Legendary Koryu Dojo

Silk: This trade good is required for the final building of the Clan Estate chain, enabling a 20% reduction in clan administrative cost.
Available from: Tsukushi, Harima, Mino, Kozuke
Required for buildings: Taira Palace, Minamoto Palace, Fujiwara Palace

Wood: This trade good is required for the final buildings of the Harbour and Military Port chains, enabling additional trade routes or advanced samurai ships. It is also required for Castles, the final building in the Town chain, allowing the largest cities.
Available from: Naval Trade node, Tosa, Hida, Fukushima
Required for buildings: Castle, Trading Port, Drydock