Part 21: Special Update 01
¿Debemos decirles?
Nos dijo que "todo".
Pero esto es una bomba!
Todo significa TODO.
Special Update 01
Hello once again, people of the world! Sorry to have to bother you so early, but it seems we have a problem, and only you, the people of the world, can help us solve it!

It seems that, lacking the numbers to threaten our buildings directly, the evil rebels have decided to prey upon our fears of exploding things and may have put a bomb in El Presidente’s cigar factory! We can afford to pay the ransom, but this will fund further acts of terrorism, plus the Nationalists do not like it when El Presidente gives money to anyone but himself. We could also clean out the building entirely, although the factory will not be able to produce for three months while the workers are busy searching for the bomb. Still, tobacco is not exactly our most productive crop. Finally, we could call the rebel’s bluff, although since the construction building was raided for demolition material a few weeks back, I am not so sure they are lying.
Please, people of the world, let us know what to do, and quickly!