Part 22: Special Update 02
Special Update 02
Sorry for the interruption once again, people of the world! This is Juanito, with another emergency announcement.

Oh dear! It seems as though the evil rebel agents have infiltrated our mine and incited the miners to strike! We know this because, as El Presidente says, no true Tropican would ever think about avoiding work unless he were manipulated by the enemies of Tropico.
We seem to have three basic options to deal with the strike: we can bribe the strikers, bribe the agent, or let it play out. El Presidente says that he has someone in place ready to provide a “third option,” but as there are three options already, I am not sure what he is talking about.
Finally, please keep in mind that our treasury is currently at over $50,000, and a cargo ship is about to pull in, so whichever option you, the people of the world, choose, we will be able to afford it.