Part 16: Life on Tropico Stinks
Update 15: Life on Tropico Stinks
Greetings, citizens of Tropico and of the globe! For those listening in for the first time, I am Pablo, and with me to provide the Spanish half of our broadcast is Raul.
¡Hola, lectores del hilo Tropico! Si usted puede hablar español o utilizar un traductor en línea, gracias por tomarse la molestia de leer estas palabras.
It has taken just over a year, but Radio Free Tropico has finally convinced President Pizzaman to let us use TNN’s transmitter and address the world directly. Now we can finally spread the word that Mr. Juan is too timid to speak.
De hecho, me gustaría dar las gracias a todos los que han publicado y hecho este mi hilo más ocupado nunca. La respuesta ha sido abrumadora, y mucho más de lo yo que esperado para un ele-pe de Tropico.

I’m not certain how this works, but President Pizzaman has assured me that our listeners can see the photographs we place here. If this is so, can you not see the problem? Our president is off building yet another frivolous building while the shacks, home to immigrants and our very sons and daughters, pile up outside this station! Tell me, citizens of the globe, is this any way to live?!
Este hilo se termina pronto, así que estoy considerando otros juegos para ele-pe. ¿Te gustaría ver el Ladrón trilogía? Sería mi primera ve-ele-pe, y voy a usar un micrófono, también, aunque voy a hablar en voz baja para no arruinar la atmósfera. Dime, los lectores del hilo, ¿te gustaría esto?
I say it is not, but I seem to be alone in this matter! When I ask the Communists, they tell me the president cares for the little man. When I ask the Capitalists, they say our treasury is massive! But if this is so, why are the farmers still paid only six dollars a month?! When I ask the Religious faction, they say that God smiles on our island. When I ask the Environmentalists, they say that the president cares for the trees and animals. He seems to care more for the money the tourists pay to see them, but no one seems to notice!
Gracias de nuevo por la lectura, y ¿es alguien en la puerta?
What was that, Raul?
*Creak* *Ka-clunk*
Señor Juan? What are you doing here?
¿Juan? Pero…¿por…que~ *Thump*
Señor Juan! You shot Raul! Why did you shoot Raul?!
¡Me llamo Juanito, hijo de puta!
*Rustle* *rustle*
Hello, people of the world, this is your old pal Juanito! It seems that Radio Free Tropico is experiencing some technical difficulties. Why not change the station to TNN? We have been on the air reliably for 30 years now! Remember our slogan: “In Tropico, your only true choice is TNN!” I hope to hear from you soon, and don’t forget to keep sending us your choice for edicts! This has been Juanito, and Radio Free Tropico will very soon be off the air. ¡Hasta mañana!