Part 17: Host of the Pan-Caribbean Games 1978-81
Update 16: Host of the Pan-Caribbean Games 1978-81
Greetings, people of the world! It is I, Juanito, representing TNN, once again the only radio station on Tropico after the unfortunate accident over at Radio Free Tropico.

But let us leave that time behind us, yes? The world has been a busy place over the last two years! It seems that everyone is invading everything these days. Somalia invades Ethiopia and fails, Vietnam invades Cambodia to get rid of the Khmer Rouge, China invades Vietnam for invading Cambodia!
The revolutions have been keeping busy as well. El Salvador has started to see some coup attempts and Juntas after Jose Duarte stole the election (and got caught). Afghanistan’s presidente was assassinated last year and replaced by Communists, but then the Communists were deposed themselves! The USSR does not like this, and has invaded Afghanistan no more than a week ago! Only time will tell if this occupation will be long or short.
Iran has also overthrown their shah, but the rebels have decided to side with Allah instead of the USA or the USSR. They seem to hate the US more, though, and have taken the US embassy hostage. I hear there is an American anchor who will not stop bringing the matter up. I wonder that they do not get sick of this? If Juanito refused to stop talking about hostages, he would never be found again, much like the Radio Free Tropico hosts!

At least the international markets have turned around. Perhaps war is good for business? I know a lot of people out there will be looking for some authentic Tropican Spiced Rum!

We have also followed the advice of the people of the world and our island will host the Pan-Caribbean Games for the next three years! Perhaps competing in less-violent sports will help bring the region back together. Probably not, but TNN is still the most optimistic station on the island! Perhaps in the Caribbean, at the moment.

But enough talk of war! Is this plane not an exciting example of progress in Tropico? The pilot later yelled at our cameraman (who also pilots the helicopter) for getting “too close for safety,” but the excellent photograph is more than worth risking a fiery death!

At the end of ’78 when the election results were to be counted, El Presidente was found to be napping and waved his gun at anyone who attempted to wake him. For this reason, the official counters looked at each other and shrugged, and then proceeded to count the votes normally. Mr. Pizzaman was angry when he found out that his counting methods were not used, but he calmed down once they explained that he had won 87% of the vote anyway.

Many new immigrants have come to the island, but all our jobs and tenements have been full for some time now, so there is a fairly large shantytown building up behind the college campus. In response, El Presidente decided to build Tropico’s very first condominium complex over the ruins of the old radio station, as it gives the wealthy a nice view of the poor people of Tropico.

El Presidente also decided to build a new station that would not compete directly with TNN. I am told that it produces the tiny-box-images the Americanos call “TV.” Some say TV will replace radio, but Juanito will believe it when he sees it!

Also, during the construction, several of the foreigners mentioned that building scaffolds all the way up to build the antenna was a foolish safety risk.

I was glad to see when they were proven wrong!

The station has since been finished and is broadcasting to all Tropicans who can afford these “TV’s.” All it gets is some sort of English propaganda station, though.

Something else to note is that C. Everett Koop, recently released from the Reeducation Center, has taken a position at the new station. She now has nothing but respect for El Presidente, of course, but I hear that she retches every time someone plays Beethoven. I wonder why?
Ah, but I should get to our special segment. Yes, there is sadly only one special segment now.

Today, we shall show our interview with one of the most respected members of the Tropican community: Vincente Vandaro Vandaron!

Although Vincente began as a lowly dockworker, he eventually gained a high school education and dedicated his life to defending Tropico, first as a policeman, and now as a soldier. Even though he is 54, he still wishes to protect and guard our great nation with his own hands and guns!

Vincente also supports the island by representing the Communists, as he has done since the factions were formed after the 1950 Revolution.
Vincente is a patriarch of an extended family as well, being husband to Malkara and father to Jammy (Lammy) and Oderlan, as well as a grandfather four times over!

Here you can see him bravely watching out for any rebels who dare to approach the industrial sector of the island. I believe I speak for all Tropicans when I praise your endless service to the island.
Now it is the time for the vote. First, people of the world, there is something you should know:

Tropico is doing well.

Tropico is doing very well.
Because of this, there is honestly not very much to vote upon anymore. El Presidente would like your permission to limit the updates to every 5 years instead of every 2 in order to keep each update fresh and exciting! [This will also mean 4 more updates instead of 10. I’m fine either way.]
Which would you prefer, people of the world?