Part 109: Tea Party IV

Battler yelled wildly into the receiver. When he said 'at this time of night', George and Jessica turned to look. According to the clock, it was just past midnight. It might be a normal time to be told to brush their teeth and go to bed, but they couldn't understand what this test was all about.

BGM: Witch in Gold (cembalo)

However, Kinzo was famous for doing radical things on a whim. Even this strange test seemed plausible once he heard that it was a sudden idea of Kinzo's. But even in that case, if he wanted to test them one by one, why wouldn't he call them out one by one? They should just have to wait in the reception room and go when they were called. Why would two people be called to different places at the same time? The plan didn't seem to make sense, which made George feel as though he was missing something.

Just what sort of test... what sort of private conversation could Kinzo want to have at this time of night? However, it was a well-known fact that Kinzo didn't have very long to live. It was conceivable that he wanted to give some sort of will to each of his descendants individually...
Inside George's mind, the faint feeling that something was wrong was replaced by curiosity... and a desire to meet Kinzo directly and hear the details. George set down the receiver and quickly explained to the others.

Maria, who was now fully awake, seemed to be very excited about this unexpected midnight test.

BGM: Ridicule

Next to Rudolf, Gohda was lying face-up.
His face was covered by a crossword puzzle book. However, its pages were stained with blood, and you didn't need to move the book to imagine how he had met his pitiful end...

Kyrie smiled coldly... It probably would have been safer to call them out one by one and finish them off together. However, Kyrie had chosen to have her husband work separately. She wanted to measure Rudolf's resolve. If she was the only one who got her hands dirty, and Rudolf just watched, his heart would not be as dedicated to this venture. By having him dirty his own hands, she could make him truly determined to see this thing through. Kyrie understood this sort of mind game better than anyone else.
Rudolf reflexively averted his gaze from the cold glint in her eyes, but then he just shrugged and answered her question.

Kyrie lifted up her gun again and pulled on the lever. To eject the casing from the bullet she had killed Gohda with.

BGM: Dead Angle
Eva was holding Hideyoshi's body and crying. She hadn't been shot at all. The bullet had scraped against the side of her head... and missed. She hadn't been playing dead. She really thought that she had been shot. When Kyrie's gun spat fire, Eva felt something swift and fierce scrape past her head... before feeling light-headed and fainting. Then, later on, she woke up in the now silent room of the gold. The remains of her beloved husband lay beside her. And Krauss, Natsuhi, and Rosa's corpses. It was a room of death and piled up bodies...
When she had cried all she could over Hideyoshi's body, she realized that she still had something she needed to do.

They're trying to use the bomb to blow up everything, to bury this whole island with an 'explosion accident'. Of course. As Eva had expected, the switch on the clock was set to the right, which meant that it was active. Eva moved to flip it to the left... and stopped.
That's right. As long as this switch points to the right, everything that happens will disappear in this night of illusions. Yes, this is an illusion. No matter what happens tonight, everything will become muddled and hidden away.

When she looked at the table with the box of bullets, she saw signs that they had roughly removed the bullets from the box. It clearly showed... that they planned to use that many bullets.

If only to protect just the life of my precious son...
The gun that I dropped when I was shot is stuck with the lever handle open. No matter how hard I pull, it won't open any further, and it won't close again. Apparently, a bullet has gotten jammed, breaking it. It's just as Kyrie said. Loading a bullet is tough if you aren't used to it.

In Hideyoshi's hand was Krauss's gun, which he had been trying to pick up. Eva took it, prayed to her husband one more time, and tugged on the lever handle. With a light metallic sound, the golden casing spun through the air... and bounced off the ground. When she timidly tried to push the lever back, this time it returned to its original place without any resistance. There was another metallic clang. It was the sound of a new bullet being loaded...

BGM: None
In the games so far, various people have been suspected of being the culprit or an accomplice. The only difference now was that Rudolf and Kyrie were those suspects... However, that was the most aggravating development possible for Ange.

Even Lion was full of painful thoughts. Though the solving of the epitaph, which was supposedly the only miracle that could lead to a game with no victims, had occurred, how ironic that the tragedy was not averted. Does this mean that we aren't allowed to have a future where we all happily return from this island alive, even if the epitaph is miraculously solved before the crime occurs...?
A miracle certainly will not occur. Those words, which I had heard in one of the Fragments Bernkastel had shown me, raced through my mind...

Of course, no one answered Lion's muttered question. The game created to mock Ange continued emotionlessly, with more terrible twists that didn't betray anyone's expectations anymore...

Jessica sat in that chair, looking nervous and agitated. Kyrie was by far the calmer of the two. Kyrie closed the door behind her, revealing the gun that rested behind it. Jessica was facing the other way, so she saw nothing...

As she complained, Jessica turned her head around, and the tip of her nose bumped into cold metal.

Rudolf reloaded rapidly and pulled the trigger again without any sign of hesitation. As the sound of gunfire thundered through the rain, George grabbed at his side and fell to his knees...

George started stumbling away, still clutching at his side. His voice as he called for help was weak and thin. In comparison, Rudolf, who stood behind him, looked perfectly calm as he fiddled with his gun.

It felt to George as though something was tearing into his side. It was so painful that he could barely stand and walk... He leaned against the trunk of a tree. After he crouched down, trying to cover his wound, he was no longer able to stand back up. George didn't have a clue what was going on. However, he had thought it strange the whole time. Of course it was strange that he should be called out to a place like this at a time like this.
...And yet, how could he have guessed that something was wrong...? After all, his own uncle... had told him that his grandfather was calling for him from the family conference. How could he have gotten suspicious...?

With a quick use of the lever handle, he loaded another bullet. The casing of the bullet that had pierced George's side fell heartlessly in front of him...

Of course, George didn't have a clue what Rudolf was talking about. All he knew was that Rudolf wanted to kill him, and that he showed no trace of hesitation... The image George had of Rudolf as the ideal cool, joke-loving adult... didn't match up with the Rudolf standing in front of him, holding a gun. No, maybe it doesn't fit because it fits too well. Even though he has that same smile, as though he's about to tell some hilarious joke, he's pointing a gun at me. Why would that kind, funny Uncle Rudolf... do this...? It made him feel unimaginably sad, and tears flowed from his eyes.

At the same time, fire spat from Rudolf's gun. The bullet pierced George's chest. George spun around as he fell amidst an outpouring of blood. He moaned wordlessly, clenching blood-stained teeth. A frigid gun was pressed harshly against his temple.

The ruthless trigger forestalled any further questions. George's hands, which had been covering his wound, dropped lifelessly... When Rudolf saw the last glimmer of life leave him, he sighed deeply and looked tired.

Rudolf looked up into the dark, rainy sky, the rain drops hitting him full in the face, and laughed with an indescribable expression, his tongue hanging out.

*giggle*giggle*, gahahahahahaha.
Rudolf laughed. This was probably just the thing Kyrie had hoped for. It had taken some effort to kill George. Though he had been merciless, the last traces of conscience in Rudolf's heart had probably slowed him down. However, now that he had killed someone with his own hands, a turning point that few people ever reach, Rudolf had finally awakened. No, he finally understood.

Haven't I driven dozens of poor fools into debt with my earlier swindles? Several of those probably ended up bankrupt, and some of those might've hanged themselves. And I always laughed, saying that was none of my business. And that's all there is to it. The only difference now is that, for the first time, I've dealt the final blow with my own hands.

Rudolf's evil laugh rang out. The laugh was so purely evil it was almost reassuring. The fake evil that covers up pangs of conscience is far more repulsive to behold. If a man commits himself to an evil act, how much more pleasant and graceful it is when the man is wholly devoted to his goal. In that sense, Rudolf's evil smile and laugh truly were pleasant and graceful...
...And so. Surely the brutal, bloody stage of the dining hall... was also reassuring.

BGM: Ridicule
Each time, a red splash landed on the nearby dangling tablecloth.

Kyrie asked this with the sort of smile any aunt might make to her niece. However, Jessica didn't answer. There was nothing particularly surprising about this. After all, by now, her nose was broken, her eyes had been smashed, her teeth had been knocked out, and not only her nose, but her entire face was now hardly recognizable as a face, just a lump of bloody flesh...
Kyrie finally stopped her task of repeatedly smashing Jessica's face with the stock of her gun. Still sitting on top of Jessica, Kyrie tossed her gun to the side, pulled a compact out of her pocket, and looked at her own face in the mirror. Then, finally, she realized that her face was covered by speckles of fresh blood.

With a muffled laugh, Kyrie shakily rose to her feet. Jessica wasn't moving anymore. She had been convulsing a bit until a second ago, but now, she was as still as stone.

Kyrie pulled the tablecloth off and used it like a towel to wipe the blood from all over her body. However, instead of taking the blood off, it just smeared it around, and did nothing to remove the stench of blood and death that covered her. When she got tired of rubbing the tablecloth against the blood, Kyrie walked over to the extension line telephone in the corner of the room. Then, she dialed the number for the cousins' room in the guesthouse...

With the same smile as usual and the partly-wiped splashes of blood still covering her face, Kyrie finished her call to Battler. When she set down the receiver, there was a small knock, and Rudolf came back into the room.

When Kyrie heard Rudolf's instant response, she favored him with an evil smile. Yes, the man she loved was the sort who could do it if he tried, without letting cheap emotions get in the way...

Kyrie shrugged and answered as she loaded bullets.

BGM: None
He had been called to the area in front of the chapel, just like George had been. Not even 30 minutes had passed since the time George and Jessica had been called out. Apparently, this test didn't last too long.

Complaining all the way, Battler strolled off into the rain. Almost immediately, he was swallowed up by the darkness of the rose garden and passed out of sight... And then...
Kyrie could be seen coming out from the darkness of the rose garden. Her right hand held a gun. Her left an umbrella. Her inner pocket contained the master key ring she had stolen from Gohda. Her right pocket had a handful of bullets. Her left held a knife she had taken from the kitchen. She was a carefully and perfectly outfitted murderer.
Another bolt of lightning struck down from the swirling skies. It lit up only half of Kyrie's face. Her cheek... was still covered with Jessica's blood...
Under the eaves, Kyrie folded up her umbrella, smiled, and spoke to no one.