Part 15: Morning of Tragedy

October 5th, 1986, 7:00 AM

An electronic tone repeatedly rang out through the room...
Battler, who had gone to bed late and not managed to get enough sleep, covered his head in his blanket and waited for someone to turn off the alarm. But no matter how much time passed, the electronic tone didn't stop. I see. The point of an alarm clock isn't just to be loud enough to wake you, but to be annoying enough to keep you from wanting to fall back asleep. Heeey, the alarm's going off. Make it stop please...
Why do waking-up voices always get this annoyed? Well, it does makes sense. After all, people are still sleepy and in a bad mood. However, there was absolutely no sign that my annoyed voice had caused anyone to turn over in their sleep or crawl out of bed to stop the alarm.
Letting out a deep sigh, I stumbled to my feet. With the shutters down on the windows, there was almost no light getting in, and the room was as dim as it had been earlier. Though even if the shutters weren't down, there's no way that this dull weather would let in enough sun to make this a pleasant morning. The cousins were still wrapped up in their beds, sound asleep and taking no notice whatsoever of that beeping. Normally, once any one person gets up, the others tend to automatically follow...
Annoyed that this 'law of serial summer camp awakenings' that I'd just made up had been broken, I searched for the source of the sound. I could hear it coming from a wristwatch set on a table. Judging by the style of the watch, it was probably George-aniki's. Anyway, when I randomly pushed a small button on the side of it, the sound stopped. Apparently, it had been set for 7:00 in the morning. Is it already 7:00? Sorry, but I really don't feel like I slept at all...
Playing cards were left on the table as though they had stopped mid-game. The game had probably been sevens.

Dammit, I've got this piercing headache. What the hell happened last night? That mountain of gold and the subsequent argument between the relatives... it all feels like a bad dream...

Breakfast normally came at 8:00. Now wasn't a bad time to start getting up and getting dressed. Even those adults probably won't argue in front of the cousins. In that case, I'll stay with my cousins all day long. I'm sure they'll be able to separate me from all this annoying talk about the gold and being the successor and all... In fact, I should have done this from the beginning...
I felt disgusting, having slept with my clothes on last night, which caused me to get all sweaty. I guess I'll take a shower. I'm sure the others want to too. At this age, it's embarrassing to wake them by shaking their shoulders. If I turn the TV on, everyone will probably wake up. Well, let's at least turn the lights on for now. In this dim light, with the quiet sound of the continuing wind and rain, it really doesn't feel like morning has come yet.
I flipped the light switch. And then, that dimly lit morning ended.

BGM: String Trio #600 Million in F Sharp Minor

As they clung to Aniki's corpse, which would never wake up again, Aunt Eva and Uncle Hideyoshi cried.

When Aunt Eva tried even harder to cling to that corpse, Dad and Uncle Hideyoshi dragged her away and had a heated debate with her beside the wall...

Doctor Nanjo shook his head slightly, then nodded across to where I stood, giving me a signal. I softly pulled the blanket up... covering George-aniki's corpse.

Of course not... The large amount of blood which had poured out stained the bed a horrible red and black, and even covering him with the blanket couldn't hide the traces left by the blood which had leaked out. After all, there were even large, red-black stains on the blanket, and covering him with it made his corpse look even more gruesome... So I stripped the blanket off of my bed and placed it on top of the first one. But there were only two extra blankets. So if we covered one more of the corpses, we wouldn't be able to cover any more.
I feel bad about the ones we can't cover, but for some reason, times like these make me feel like muttering 'don't complain about it being unfair' inside my head...

Kyrie-san and I covered the other corpses up to their heads with their blankets, just like George-aniki's... So that they wouldn't have to undergo any more shame... with their terrible wounds exposed like this...

Jessica was exactly the same as George-aniki. Though she appeared to be resting quietly in the bed... her neck had been sliced deep and the wound lay open in a brutal way... And Maria was the same.
...Not only Maria. There was one more victim. Lying on the same bed as though they had been sleeping alongside each other... was Aunt Rosa. George-aniki, Jessica, Maria, and Aunt Rosa.

They had probably been like that since last night. I'd returned without noticing anything, gotten in bed, and fallen asleep... All of them had a horizontal cut across their throats. I had been... forced to see all the way... into the depths of those gashes in everyone's throats... At worst, the wound might have been deep enough to stretch halfway through their necks. If you tried to open it up, you'd probably be able to see that the gash reached all the way to the bone.
The only wounds were the single gashes on each neck. So if you just covered their necks with your hand, you might be able to persuade yourself that they were merely sleeping. But even so, this frighteningly deep wound... was incredibly... gruesome... There's no such thing as 'clean' or 'dirty' ways of killing. All methods of killing are equally brutal. But even so, this was horribly... brutal...
And... there was one more thing which adorned these brutal murders to make them even more unsettling.

It was drawn in a bright red paint which looked like blood and made it look as though some creepy ceremony had taken place in this room, with the four of them offered as human sacrifices...
However, that wasn't what we were concerned about. No one has a heart so cold that they could witness the deaths of those close to them... and still worry about some scribbles on the wall...

BGM: Deep Blue Jeer
The girl who bragged that she drew more pleasure from the process of exposing the truth rather than the truth itself... and who went so far as to call herself an intellectual rapist, appeared in the hall. When she saw the extraordinarily creepy magic circle in this gruesome room, I heard what was unmistakably a sigh of admiration escape her lips...

On Erika's face... no, that's not it. It was in her eyes. In Erika's eyes, I could see... an indiscreet smile, that was hard to describe. She... found this interesting. She found the outbreak of a crime... interesting... It was like the smile of a kid off to the side of the stage just before her turn to appear in a school play...

BGM: Smile-less Soiree
Those words, which seemed to be utterly ridiculous at first, were words of power which had come from a world on a much higher plane than the one they were in. Battler was thrown back by an unseen power and landed on his butt. Struck silent by this quiet intensity, nobody was able to prevent Erika from entering the room, suffocated by this bizarre atmosphere...

Battler couldn't argue against this incomprehensible nonsense. No, he wasn't permitted to argue. It was a restriction... placed on pieces.
Erika summoned Doctor Nanjo and heard the details of his preliminary examination of the corpses. Normally, he wouldn't have spoken of that to an outsider so casually. However, for some reason, the atmosphere about the place had begun to make it feel as though nothing should be hidden from Erika...

On the wall was a magic circle representing the first twilight, similar to the ones in Beato's games. *giggle*, that girl talks tough, but I wonder just how closely she'll be able to imitate Beato. *giggle*giggle*, ahhahahahahaha...!
That Hebrew sure is crappy. It isn't written exactly right.

The main dish would be herb omelets. Even simple foods could become an invigorating feast under Gohda's skillful hands. He would precook everything beforehand and prepare the food in the dining hall right before everyone's eyes.

Gohda hummed as he continued his preparations in high spirits. When Shannon, who was helping out, saw Gohda like this, her mood also brightened. She arranged the salad in a neat little pattern and showed it to Gohda.

The two happy people gave each other a high five. Shannon didn't like Gohda when he was sneaky, but she had no problems at all with him when he was cooking happily. She sometimes even thought it'd be nice if his contract hadn't included any jobs besides cooking. If that had been the case, he wouldn't have had to get in a bad mood doing unnecessary jobs.

Without thinking, even Kumasawa caught Gohda's high spirits. The kitchen had a very nice smell and atmosphere about it, truly refreshing for so early in the morning.

BGM: None
Kanon and Genji were in charge of getting many things ready for the morning, such as opening the curtains. However, Kanon was alone today, so it had taken much longer than usual.

Even though Gohda had asked her to get the serving cart ready, Kumasawa plodded off after Kanon, skillfully skipping work. As Kanon muttered about how Gohda was the one who slept in all the time, he headed for the servant waiting room.

Last night, Kanon had dozed off while in the middle of his late night shift, falling asleep in the servant room. Shannon had been kind enough to put a blanket on him, but that had just made it so warm that he fell into an even deeper sleep... So he hadn't returned to his bed in the servant waiting room the previous night. Because of that, he hadn't met Genji even once this morning.
There was a knock on the door.

When he tried to open the door, Kanon noticed something strange on the upper part of the door.

A small strip of duct tape was stuck along the frame of the door, almost as though it was sealing the door shut. Furthermore, there were notches made with scissors along the center of the duct tape, so that if you opened the door only a slight amount, it would be torn apart. Also, written sloppily across the duct tape with a thin pen was what appeared to be someone's signature. It was written in a very intricate and decorative manner, so even if it was a signature, there was no way of telling whose it was.

The duct tape tore apart, and he opened the door. It wasn't as though anything happened when it split, so the two quickly forgot about that strange duct tape.

Apparently, Genji was still sleeping...

There was a large, red-black stain on the blanket. Though this was one of the servants' blankets, those were always kept clean. There's no way a stain like this could be there.

BGM: Black Lilliana

...Then, this new pair let out screams identical to the first two.

BGM: None
Even Natsuhi was surprised that she had to wake up. She had thought she'd spent the whole night unable to sleep out of fear that the mysterious man might come in at any moment, but before she knew it, she had fallen asleep...
Of course, Natsuhi still didn't feel rested at all. Though she groaned from the dull pain in her head, which hadn't gone away once since last night, she managed to get out of bed...

Even so, that didn't mean she had been able to sleep peacefully. The continued ringing of the phone made her headache throb even more strongly...

Natsuhi shook her head to wake herself and picked up the receiver. Then, she regretted not listening to Lucifer's bad news first. Because she wanted the first thing she heard about on this horrible morning to be something better than this...

That voice... told her that this horrible morning... this nightmare... would not stop...

BGM: Fishy Aroma

Natsuhi gripped the receiver so hard it creaked...

There was the sound of the receiver being jolted around. The phone was apparently being passed to someone else, but there was a clunking, clattering noise, as though it was taking a lot of effort to hand the receiver over... Who in the world could he be giving the phone to?
...No matter who... this man gives the phone to... that can't be good news for me...

BGM: Stupefaction

It was, without a doubt, the voice of her husband. However, he didn't respond to Natsuhi's voice. Perhaps he was bound somewhere in the darkness. Krauss, not realizing that Natsuhi was on the other end of the phone, repeatedly demanded that he be untied...

The voices coming from across the door were Kanon's and Gohda's. The knock had been wild, and the voices a little shrill. It seemed that something strange had happened... and that they were agitated.

BGM: Organ Short #600 Million in C Minor

*clank*! Lambdadelta slammed the receiver down on the antique phone. Then the phone exploded into bits and changed into a golden splash, became a group of gold butterflies, and disappeared.