Part 53: Romantic Regrets II

Telling a hasty lie to Kyrie would only put her on her guard. If Jessica hadn't told that lie, her surprise attack would have succeeded.

BGM: Prison Strip

Kyrie dodged the punch, placed her hand against that fist, and slammed it against the wall. Normally, Jessica would have hurt her hand on the wall and rolled around clutching at it in pain... However, Jessica's fist had left what looked like a meter-wide crater in the wall.

Impossible... Jessica is barehanded. She isn't holding any sort of weapon at all...!

Kyrie tried to look confident, but she couldn't hide her confusion at this unreal destructive force. If that punch had hit, her head probably would have split open like Jessica had said, killing her without any pain.

If Kyrie's kick off the ground and leap backward had been an instant slower, her gut would probably have been pulverized. Though she had avoided it by a hair, Jessica's left body blow was followed by a terrible tornado-like gust of wind, which blew Kyrie back.

This Jessica looked like the normal Jessica, but something was different...! It wasn't human, and common sense didn't apply to it! This is probably... some kind of nightmare...!! Kyrie slowly stood up. Then, she looked at Jessica, noticed the several meters between them... and realized just how far that blast of wind had sent her flying.

The scene around Jessica seemed to bend like a heat wave. It seemed to be enshrouding her fists. And, it seemed as though something like a red magic circle had appeared beneath her feet. It looked just like a western demon standing amidst the flames of hell.

Each time Jessica muttered, her fists were surrounded by a pulsating, sinister, red light. Those fists, which were even smoking, surely represented... the iron hammers of hell wielded by demons...

Kyrie dashed away with lightning speed. Yes. Right now, that was her best option. Fortunately, she was smart enough to realize that pinching her cheek wasn't the best way to wake up from this nightmare.

When Jessica muttered once more, a blood-red magical barrier cut across the corridor. Kyrie slammed into it hard and realized that her path of escape had been cut off.

Wielding her flames, Jessica slowly stepped forward towards her... Each time her foot lifted off the floor... a boiling steam hung around her footprint... This was... a true nightmare... Kyrie clutched her head in her hands, shaking it over and over again...

BGM: Miragecoordinator

Jessica's neck was twisted at an odd angle, and she staggered backwards, her eyes white, as though she didn't have a clue what had just happened. In her forehead... a demon stake was buried at an angle. It pulled itself out of her, spun around, then became Leviathan and landed. The hole left behind in Jessica's head spewed blood.

Even though she had taken a deep gouge to the top of the head, Jessica just stood there, convulsing and white-eyed, and didn't fall over. The blood stopped pouring out of her forehead, and her blank, doll-like eyes returned. Then, she slowly pressed her own hand against the wound in her forehead. There was a *sizzle*, as though she had pressed a hot iron against it. It was easy to imagine that she was doing this to seal up the wound. If Kyrie didn't escape now, there would never be another chance...!

In response to these words, this time her entire body pulsated with a red light. She had upgraded herself with a defensive power that would prevent Leviathan's attacks from working again...

Jessica slowly lifted the hand that had been covering her forehead... and there was no longer any hole there. The hall was cut off by barriers on both sides, and even the windows were sealed. There was no way out.

Leviathan's stake flew about at high speeds, ramming itself into the keyhole to that room. The tip of the stake had become a key. As soon as it was unlocked, the door flew open. Both of them fell into the room and quickly locked it.

With dim eyes, Jessica tilted her head upon hearing Kyrie's words.

Jessica wearily looked between her own burning fists and the door with a confused expression on her face. Then, slowly, she sent that pulsating, red light to her fists... She repeatedly enchanted her fists to give them the destructive power for the killing blow.

After sealing the door and calmly saying those words, Kyrie placed a single index finger on the door. Jessica slowly... raised her fire-wreathed demon's fists...

Jessica's fists slammed into the door in slow motion. It was like the decisive scene in a movie was being acted out. However, this was no act. Jessica's fists really were... slowing down as though they were being sucked in... like a spoon sinks through a jar of honey. That punch... was no longer a punch. It was no more than a knock.

She could barely knock, much less smash the door...!

With full speed upgrades, Jessica's fist moved at the speed of sound, 1225 kilometers per hour. However, how long had Jessica been in envy to gain that speed? She had started to envy George and Shannon's relationship about two years ago?
2x365=730 days, 730x24=17520 hours. However, she wasn't envious all the time. It only happened when Shannon started going on about George. With Shannon's shift on about 3 days of the week, ÷7x3. And it wasn't as though she would go on about George all day long. Her fond words for him would only leave a mark on Jessica for about an hour, right? So only one 24th of each day. 17520÷7x3÷24=312 (Removing the fractional part)
The number of hours that Kyrie had been jealous was 157680. In other words, this wasn't even 0.2% of the time that Kyrie had been jealous. Even 1225 kilometers per hour, the speed of sound, becomes only 2.45 kilometers per hour in the 1/500 world.

Even if she increased the speed of her fist, in Kyrie's world, Jessica couldn't make it any faster than a walking child. Jessica ground her teeth, her fist still pressed against the door. If someone could have seen this from both sides of the door, it would have looked as though Kyrie was holding it shut with a single finger...

BGM: None

Jessica's fist, which was pressed against the door, glowed red... and then white-hot...

BGM: Kuina
However, Jessica's 'murder' extended within the 'closed room'... Through the crack in the door, through the keyhole... burst the flames of hell.
Jessica couldn't see what was happening inside the room. However, even here, on the other side of the door, she could tell that the flames of hell had swallowed the entire room.

Kyrie's smoldering death throes could be heard from across the door. Jessica clearly heard as Kyrie danced a dance of death amidst the hellfire, fell to her knees... and slumped over to the floor. Slowly, Jessica tore her burning fist away from the door.

BGM: None

Ronove transformed into a gold butterfly and entered Krauss's study through the keyhole. Then, he had to cross his arms and think... about how he should even start cleaning up Kyrie's unrecognizable corpse and this room that had ended up as a burning hell...

Jessica finally let out the breath that she had been holding down in her chest... Her normal human glint finally returned to her eyes... And then, she couldn't help but shudder at what she had done, even if it had been just a trial on the game board for the sake of her love...

BGM: Waltz Op. 34

George welcomed Jessica with a crisp applause. Beato timidly tried to join him, but Jessica yelled at her and she stopped.

As Jessica started to sob, Kanon held her quietly. And, he realized that he would have to carry on the determination she had shown him...

Jessica had used 'magic' to kill Kyrie, who had holed up inside a closed room. In that instant, Jessica had 'constructed' a closed room murder, had it acknowledged by the demons, and raised it to the level of magic...

The three who remained looked at each other. If none of the others raised their hands in the next few seconds, they would raise their own hand. All three thought this at the same time. So, they all raised their hands at the same time.