Part 18: Spear of Justice

The exit to this area is just ahead.
However, someone is atop the archway.

I save my game.

My soul has turned green. Time for a new game mechanic!

While my soul is green, I can't move at all. However, I have a shield that blocks incoming bullets!

My ACT options are Plead and Challenge. First, I Plead.

It's not going to be that easy.

I can use the arrow keys to change the direction of the shield. I'm having flashbacks to Gitaroo Man.
That didn't work, so I Challenge her instead!

Neither of those options will do me any good here. For now, I'll stick to the tried-and-true strategy of picking Spare over and over.

It's a boss fight, so obviously the attacks get harder and harder the longer I stall.

That last spear is a tricky one, since you have to switch between green and red controls in mid-attack.

Undyne has totally different attacks for when my soul is red.

At the end of the avalanche of spears, Undyne slashes me back to green.

I slip up for the first time since the fight started.

Red again.
I Plead.

Her attacks became a little less extreme.

Undyne only has two attacks in red mode, and they don't get much harder or easier.

Orange arrows are tricky, coming from the opposite direction and reversing at the last second.

I swear I know how to work this thing. I eat a Nice Cream bar.

Just a little longer...

From here, Undyne stops talking.

Neither Challenge nor Plead does anything.

Just the same two red attacks over and over.
If I can't spare, and I don't want to fight... what else can I do?

I can run!

I actually could have run away at any point when my soul wasn't green.

Hey, there's that ice again.
More importantly, Undyne is chasing me!

Normally, Undyne would turn me green again right now.

But she's too exhausted to do that. Away again!

Ever-persistently, the heroic Undyne chases me down for a third battle.

I run away again.


Undyne chases me down again.

It ends in the usual way.

Hey, Sans.

Undyne is none too pleased to see him slacking on the job.

BGM: Silence

Undyne collapses.

She must be overheated.

I splash the water on Undyne's face.

Revitalized, she leaves without another word.
I continue on.

Welcome to Hotland.
Ahead, some kind of laboratory.

I save my game.