Part 21: Chapter 3 Sacred Phase
Chapter 3 Sacred Phase

A quick glance at Llewelyn and Belenus. They don't do anything too notable this time, though it's a little funny that Llewelyn's 'special mission' is clearing the storehouse.

Here's Janus. Let's start with a conversation with Loki.

Here's what Freya wanted someone skilled at traps for.

Well done, Janus.

Janus' conversation is with Thor, which plays out similarly to that of Belenus, though Janus has a slightly more... interesting response.

The second half of that list is more interesting than the first. We get lucky enough to get a new bow for Lenneth, too.

Spiritual Concentration time!

Listen: Spiritual Concentration 9
"Grey? You? It can't be true!"
"Lelia, hang on! Lelia!"
"Everyone wait! It wasn't you Grey, was it? It can't be! You're-!"
"It was I who did it."
"When we find out where he is, we'll meet up again."
"The signal to meet will be as we planned."

Listen: Spiritual Concentration 10
"Minayo, please grant me strength."
"I thought my anger and sadness were greater than anyone else's."
"Minayo? Minayo!?"
"What can one do when one loses what matters most?"
"This is all I can do!"

We've got two choices once again. Where are we heading first?