Part 53: Chapter 2 [Aullewyn Keep] (1)

Thanks to the magic of reloaded saves, we're back after having recruited Cheripha and Lockswell. We have one last choice to make here.

It is unknown if this guy has any connection with Market Marleigh.


Man, Wylfred's touchy in this chapter.

Somebody from ages ago wanted the track for Aullewyn Keep, so... enjoy?
Not much to shop for once again, except finally Dash, and we actually get to pick up Frigid Damsel before any battles. The optional battle is doable right now before the plot battle, and we've got our new Guest.

Heugoe is, obviously enough, a Lancer. He starts with two attacks and a Soul Crush, so he's perfectly usable right off the bat.

Attack wise, Heugoe is practically Earnest, but slightly better. They have the exact same multipliers, with the exception being Windburn does five hits compared to Soul Impaler's four. Impulse is an unblockable kick that's decently fast, but has poor range. Since Windburn knocks the enemy back, Heugoe doesn't flow quite as smoothly after getting gems, but overall he's a good enough character and he's adaptable to any effort you want him to do (damage dealing, crystals, gems).

We'll do the optional battle first. Reasonably though, you should do the first plot battle before this one since the optional battle is harder.

Some tough enemies in this one - a Ghoul, an Aelio, a Ghost, and two Skullfishes. The Ghoul and Ghost can take a lot of punishment and the Skullfishes have good range and hit hard, making this fight a pain if you haven't stocked on Union Plumes.

One thing I like about the game is that with the exception of Sorcerers, all the characters have their own characteristic fighting styles. Among the Lancers, for instance, Duwain fights with a partisan, favouring revolving, slashing attacks with the blade to make up for lack of power. Earnest deploys a jousting lance, and appropriately utilizes jabs and pokes with power behind them, while Heugoe mixes halberd stabs and thrusts with close-range kicks that hint at a mercenary style of fighting.

Heugoe Soul Crush
Heugoe's Soul Crush has power, hits, and Attack Gauge. While it doesn't have the high multiplier of characters like Earnest or Reinhilde, the sheer number of hits along with a solid multiplier means he'll actually stay ahead til the hit count is very high, and all in all it is possibly the best all-purpose Soul Crush in the main game.

This map is not friendly. Even a Guard Reinforced Wylfred dies when facing attacks like this.

I even got in a freeze with Frigid Damsel before Heugoe puts the Aelio out of its misery.


Line em' up!

Okay let's just move on and assume I use more Union Plumes than I'd like to.

An easy first battle for the mayhem that is the rest of it. Enemies are well spaced out and there's a reasonable leeway in getting Sin. Since the battle ends when you kill the leader (a Swordsman) though, just make sure not to end it too early.

It can be quite easy to miss this Archer at first by moving forward, so you might as well take him out at the start.

Enemies have low enough health that even with only two Soul Crushes (Wylfred and Heugoe's), there should be no trouble getting max Sin on them. Since they're Mercenary units, they're resistant to Fire and weak to Ice - even more reason to use Frigid Damsel.

The next two go down without too much trouble.

Lockswell targets the two Rogues up top to try to lure them down.

The AI proceeds to be dumb and just has them wandering around the top of the plateau constantly.

The first of the two Swordsman is out, so it's just the Sorceress left before the two Rogues and the leader.

...And then she does this.
Did you know that Sorceresses this early knew Suspend Motion? I didn't til doing this fight for the LP.

Annoying woman.

Can't believe I'm using an Elixir this early, too.

We work our way around and we'll just have to take out the two Rogues.

The Rogues are incredibly harmless and deal less than 40 damage total. Free Sin really.

Well let's hope it was, because he's not finding much else.

Great rewards here. Two Elixirs to help make up for that friggin Suspend Motion, Wylfred will like the Rune Helm, but the best reward here is the Crescent Bow. Cheripha is going to love that ATK boost.

Age: 40
Gender: Male
Homeland: Villnore
Height: 183cm
Weight: 78kg
Once a commanding officer in Villnore´s military, Heugoe suffered near-fatal wounds during a battle when the host he led was sabotaged from within. Miraculously, his body recovered, but his spirit was later broken when it was revealed the traitor was none other than his very own son.
Despair and depression drove Heugoe from the military to search for an early grave, and he soon took up work as a mercenary. Haunted by his past, he sees the face of his son in a boy of the same age.

Heugoe official... render?
For some reason, Heugoe is the only character besides endgame ones like Langrey and Roienburg not to have a full-scale image. There's a theory that perhaps he was meant to be a tutorial character only, then got included in later in development. Whether or not it's true, it's a bit of a shame.