The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 1: Intro

It's my first let's play thread and I wanted to make it a good one. Valkyrie Profile is one of two Playstation games I own, and it is also one of my personal favorite games.

One thing before we start: Valkyrie Profile can get extremely at some points, so I will be summarizing where I can. It beats the hell out of trying to post the 400+ screen captures of dialogue I had before the first dungeon.


So many options!

Do you want to watch the Prologue? / Backup
Or the anime opening video? / Backup

Well, if you want to you can, but I'll just go ahead with the game.

This is the part where you make sure you didn't accidentally load up Barbie Princess Adventures.

Yes, you're a goddess of fate/battle that dreams of being a beautiful bride. Don't run away, I promise it will get better.

Now we get to take a slow stroll through scenic Asgard. If you look to the left you can see where I defeated Colossus 15.

Arriving at the castle.



This is like when you meet that kid from highschool who was your best friend but you don't remember him at all. "Hey it' How are, um...things?"

Thank God she gave me an out. "Oh yeah Odin's waiting, see ya at the 180 year reunion, bye."

I love unnecessarily large doors.

Behold the limitless glory of the Aesir!

Holy shit Lisa Kudrow!

NOT AGAIN Seriously, is this Valhalla or happy fucking hug land?

Luckily Odin breaks up the Lilith Fair and we get down to business.

Hey Odin, when did you get your eye back guy?

Freya kindly imbues me with my sweet ass Valkyrie Armor.

Freya and I dip out to Midgard looking for a six pack of souls. Hopefully we can find some big strong people to save our Aesir bacon in the coming war.

-Next Episode: Arngrim kills everyone + stupid princess hijinks-