The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 16

Yeah, it's that time again.

Sup mama?

The army is increasing nicely thanks to our new recruitment campaign:

God that took way to long to do. Moving on...

Lay it on me.

Belanus has been moving up in the world.

While has been spending her time getting shit on by the other Aesir. Classy.

Way to come off like a giant bitch there.

Oh Jesus Christ :wrongful:

on the other hand has been spending his time owning the shit out of the Vanir. I knew I could
count on ya Jun.

Beat that ass Jun!

:NinjaPirateGod:? Nope. Yar indeed.

See Jelanda, Jun handles his shit and doesn't give the Aesir any sass. Learn from him!

Woo, more awesome points!

And the hookup from Odin New skillbooks, some fun artifacts and armor, and a few new spells.

Looks like Llewelyn is gonna get his turn to go up this chapter .

So that's it for chapter 2. Next update: More happy stories from the sunny lands of Midgard!