The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 27

Alright, time for a quick trip to town to visit an old friend.

I pay the cabby and head in.

I always find it interesting how purple hair girls never draw undue attention in video games.

You still love her. After all these years...

That's a totally different person.
The only thing that's the same is the color of her hair.
I mean, the girl he was talking about... She's dead---

Just to be on the safe side she throws a fucking rock at Valkyrie.

What am I doing? I'm not gonna get all jealous over some
total stranger. That's just pathetic!

Way to sell your kid out Granny!

Lucian's deals drugs to support this old lady.

No offense Claire, but purple haired girl would kick your ass in a fight, so knock that shit off. This little meeting knocks another 15 points off of my seal rating. Now all of the little stuff is out of the way, so it's time to move on.