The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 47

Alright I know all you jerks are busy playing VP2 but we got more stuff to do here.

Badrach's all paranoid and shit. Calm down buddy.

Man I'm telling you it's all in your head guy.

GAAHH!! Blurry Ninja-Assassin attack!!

As the blood pours from the gaping wound in Badrach's head, he remembers happier times...

It's like he's living in a George Thorogood song.

Landlady say you got the rent money yet? I say no.

Badrach tries to go out for a walk but instead is accosted for a quick botany lesson.

Nothing like a flower that blooms 12 times a year.

Oh it's a wishing flower? Yeah I call bullshit lady. I'm selling my cow elsewhere.

Ok well that's some fun bullshit. Time to go looking for some work.

Hey great.

Yeah, you stick it to the thieves guild Badrach!

Oh we're back to reality now.

Quit whining, everyone else dies in this game, you're no different.

Badrach has by far the best reaction to meeting Valkyrie out of anyone in this game.

He's so damn happy.


You're a high quality guy Badrach.

Oh no, Badrach needs WISHING PLANT POWER!

Hadta have been... Lessee... Three, Four years ago. I don't remember too well, but I think so.

I was workin' in Vilnore.
Hold on. Don't rush me here...

What was I doin? Ah, it wasn't nuthin' that bad. I was workin'... Uh...Security. Like an escort, ya know? For who you say? They were, um... Slave traders. Oh come on, don't gimmie that look! It get's better ok? Hear me out. Yeah, it's all comin' back to me now. Kinda an embarrassing story, really.

I wonder who her brother was? Hmm...

Maybe I shoulda told ya I saved her and took her all the way to the orphanage 'cause I felt sorry for her-

So even a man who lives in darkness can bloom for one fleeting moment...

Aww Valkyrie, you big softie.

Yay, we got captain juggles to join our group. He counts as an archer but he uses a freaking GUN. I don't usually have Badrach in my party, but he's definitely fun to play with.

We need to pick up one more soul and then we can go kick some heads in.