The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 50

Holy shit is this the internet? It's been so long.

Where were we... oh yes.

Yeah I'm gonna take the easy way and get my new people a couple free levels.

The power of Christ compels you!

Aaaaannnnnnnddddd goodnight.

I gave these three each some rings of learning and Badrach got a coin of fortune too.

Woo! I really dig the armor so Valkyrie gets that. The sword is kinda "meh" but i'm greedy so I'll take it anyway. I can't remember whta the hell the Tear of the Cosmos does for the life of me but it looks shiney so Odin can kiss my ass.

I was gonna put an update in here about my visit to the Cave of Oblivion but doesn't it figure that I got stiffed on treasure for like the 4th time so that place can go to hell. Instead here are some clinchers for your enjoyment.

Grey / Backup
Jayle / Backup
Badrach / Backup

I honestly can't decide who's voice cracks me up more, Grey or Badrach.

Dipan tomorrow.