The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 65

Ok where was I?

Right, looking for stones.

Alright once we plug in the eclipse stone it's daytime again. I head back outside and come across something familiar.

Deja Vu. Only these statues rotate. I match them up the the position they were in the other room.

Open Sesame.

Taking a peek inside we find another painting,


I manage to find myself another stone by snoopin around a little.

With my new found bling in hand I drop back into the teleporter room.

Crescent moon stone activate!!!

The crescent moon stone takes us into an art gallery Each painting has a roman numeral with it.

At the far end of the gallery I find this puppy.

I put him down quick and check out the painting "The Chariot".

Woo, more rocks! I make a dash back to the teleporter and pop in my latest acquisition.

This next area reminds me of the art gallery, but no paintings. I take a look at a statue for some idea of what to do.

Ok, long story short, you have eight doorways in this room. You have to go through them in the order of the numbers in the paintings, with the fool painting last.

Alright, another painting.

And another stone.

You get the idea.

It's night time again. I run until I reach a room full of stars and a weird machine.

Luckily I'm well versed in the operation of strange machines.

Shit, I think I broke it.

Well, nowhere else to go, let's try this stone.

I work my way back to this room. Let's see, slimes, dim lights...

Oh hell, another weird machine.

Hey this one works on it's own. The lights come up and we have a new room.

Alright, a nice place for a break. I'm gonna stop here for a minute cause we're about to enter guardian row. More in a few.