Part 5: Chapter #3: Tragic Farewell, Part 2
Chapter 3: Tragic Farewell: Continued
Did someone say, "Dynamo, I demand another endless, inhumanly boring conversation!" No? Too Bad!

: Bastion...listen what I...have to say...For my slipping away...
My God, you know it's serious when Kamorge drops that many ellipses

: Father! Save your strength! I won't let you perish! Just lie still and allow us to treat your wounds...

: I cannot...protect you...any longer...Bastion. You must...complete your...journey...without me. Draw upon the strength of...Puck...Milea...and the new...allies that...share your love of...justice. Ione...Reyna...I beg you to help...Bastion...and to watch over...Puck...and Milea.
You know what, Kamorge, just die already.

: Stop this, Kamorge! Stop speaking as if your death is assured!

: is. The wounds...which I...have suffered...are mortal.

: Please press down harder on that bandage, Bastion! You must stop the bleeding!

: Tell Galvas...that the supreme...spirit the feet...of the lion. Tell him the holy the light.
Kamorge is going to die as he lived, unhelpful and boring!

: You're delirious, Father! The words you speak make no sense!

: Bastion...I speak wisdom. And one shall...understand. I have one final...secret. Before you complete...your need to it began.
Two ATACs race down a road

: Please hurry, Your Majesty! The Imperial forces are closing fast!

: I appreciate your concern, Alugard, but I am not unaware of the forces that swarm towards us.[/img]
That's right, Kamorge's real name is Alugard, thus making him the half-vampire son of Dragula, the tranvestite lady of the night.
But suddenly, a man driving the ATAC we just saw Faulkner piloting shows up

: Wait!

: Savaro?! You are the one who led the Imperial forces here? You are the one who betrayed my trust? Why?!

: Because I learned the truth. I learned that my village was destroyed by the Kingdom, not the Empire! It is my wife's blood that stains your hands, and it is your blue blood that shall adorn my sword!
Looks like somebody broke out the thesaurus for this scene.

: Emperor Degalle has told you lies, Savaro! He is using your grief to manipulate you!

: Enough!! I don't care which of you is the liar, because both of you partake of the bitter cup of my revenge.

: Savaro! I grieve for your loss...but this is madness! No amount of bloodshed will bring her back!

: Your majesty, this is not the time to engage in debate! I will battle Savaro while you flee the capital!

: ...No, Alugard. I shall stay here to give Savaro the opportunity for his revenge.
That's...uh...very sporting of the king

: What?! Now it is you speaks madness, Majesty! I am sworn to lay down my life for yours!

: And as your Commander, I hereby absolve you of your duty! Now go! The Imperials are moments away!

: I shall never forget your honor and bravery, Majesty. Never!

: I sentence you to death for your crimes against humanity. Your execution shall be swift!
Savaro is apparently a one-man international criminal court

: Nay. It is you who shall perish this black day, Savaro. Your death shall be as senseless as your wife's. I only wish I could make you see the truth...
And they fight in a singularly unimpressive way.
And the both die...amazing how Kamorge is able remember events that he wasn't actually present for.
But wait, there's more! The Sarbelas and an Einlager show up!

: Father! What happened to you?!
It's li'l Faulkner

: (What a provocative development! Faulkner's father, slain by the King himself!)
And the Emperor! We will never see him again after the flashback. Also, apparently Kamorge is so awesome at flashbacks that he even remembers the internal monologues of people he never actually met.

: Why are you fools standing there?! Pursue Alugard and capture him!
A fleet of ATACs go off to get killed by Kamorge...

: Father...oh, Father!

: Faulkner, I am sorry for your loss. Savaro was a great man. You must bear his legacy with honor. And you must help me restore the Empire to its former glory. Then...we shall exact our revenge.
Revenge on who? I thought it was the King who supposedly killed Savaro's wife, and he's dead.

: I will do anything and everything I possibly can to assist you, Emperor Degalle. I will devote my life to the destruction of the Kingdom.

: Your devotion shall be richly rewarded in time, Faulkner, I promise you.

: Thank you, Your Majesty! (Father, I will drown the soldiers of the Kingdom in an ocean of their own blood! I swear it on your soul...)
Flashback over!

: You fought for the Kingdom, Father? You were a bodyguard of the King?! How can this be?!

: The days have...passed so quickly, Bastion. I always thought...of a boy...but you are now a man. You might not...have been my blood...but you have my heart.

: What are you saying?!

: Bastion, you must walk the road onto which your conscience...guides you. I ask you to live with honor...and to...walk...with...the light...
Thus, having used an entire life's worth of ellipses in one conversation, Kamorge passes from this Earth.

: Father? Father, wake up! What do you mean, I'm not your son? Answer me, Father! FATHER!! No...oh, no...
Only one man can lighten the mood now...

: I wish there was something we could say to ease Bastion's pain...but all we can do is watch him mourn.

: There IS something we can do, Reyna. We can take him to Galvas, and help him to discover the truth. It was Kamorge's dying wish that we do so, and I would never refuse the request of such an honorable man.

: Bastion needs you, Milea. Go to his side, and comfort him in his grief.

: Yes...of course.

: We can't leave Kamorge's ATAC here to be cut into scrap by bandits. Puck? Can you control the Barazaph?
Most other games would allow such a discussion to occur offscreen, but not Vanguard Bandits! No scene is too long that more useless conversation can't be fit in!

: Yeah, I can drive it, but I don't know how to fight in it.

: That's fine, I wouldn't expect your to have any combat training. Devlin, what about you and Barlow? Are you going to travel onward with us, or make your own path?

: We're coming with you. Not just because it's safer, but because we want to know what's going on!

: Alright, then. Program a course for Araba Castle, due east of here...
Well, at least we can get on with the plot, after all, we've now heard from every fucking member of the cast...except...oh, motherfucker...

: Whoa! Excuse me, gorgeous, but am I the only one who's noticed that we're headed straight for Araba Castle?

: Well, aren't YOU the observant one. Why do you ask?

: Oh, just because it was stormed by Imperial forces a short while ago. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see us...I mean, you can never have too many prisoners of war, right?

: What are you talking about? Araba Castle would never fall into the hands of the Empire!

: Never say never, my bodacious friend. Not only have they claimed the castle, they also captured some general...
'Bodacious?' Listen, game, you can go the whole ye olde English route, or you can use 'bodacious,' but you sure as hell can't do both.

: Galvas?

: Yeah, that's him. He must be a pretty important guy, 'cause Duke Zeira is headed for Araba to rescue him.

: Duke Zeira, the ruler of Avalon?! Why didn't you tell us about any of this sooner, you twit?!

: I would've, but I kept getting lost in a daydream about you, me, and a hot tub full of chocolate pudding.
The world of Vanguard Bandits! ATACs! Hot tubs! Very few sexual harassment or child soldiering laws!

: Spare me your sick little fantasies and explain how you came to know what happened at Araba Castle!

: Hey, don't knock the pudding thing 'til you've tried it...and as for how I know about Araba, it's obvious.

: All that's obvious to me is that no one has loved you as much as you love yourself. Now explain!

: I knew about Araba because....drum roll, please...I'm the coolest!

: What are we going to do now, Ione?

: Hey, aren't you gonna show a little appreciation for the info I just gave you?! Preferably with your lips?

: Well, we obviously can't continue on to Araba...if Andrew is telling the truth, of course. But I'd rather not take any chances. I suggest we meet with Duke Zeira and determine what's happening.

: As usual, I completely agree. Back to the west we go...
And the party heads to the Avalon Principality...which is ruled by a Duke. Shouldn't it be the Avalon Duchy? Also, Galvas is getting a fuck of a lot of build-up as some sort of awesome dude whose going to kick some serious ass, or at least answer some questions. Prepare to be disappointed.

: Well, ladies, I'm afraid you're going to have to live without me for just a little while.

: Could you make that forever?

: I like your sense of humor, my juicy little peach, but you're much prettier when you don't speak.
Man, I have the feeling that the next challenge is determining exactly when Andrew goes from funny to creepy in this conversation.

: Anyway, there's a town near here with a few female friends of mine...and we get along VERY well.[/img]

: How wonderful for you. Really. Let's keep moving, everyone! Zeira's castle isn't far now!

: Why must you play so hard to get?! I know that you want to ravage me like a rabid weasel!

: Ah, well, I'll be back soon, darling. Perhaps you'll have some sugar for me when I return.

: He disappears like that, sometimes for days. I don't know why, and I don't WANT to know.

: All I know is that I wouldn't especially mind if he were to wander off the nearest cliff.
But wait, it's time for even more talking!

: Reyna, that is truly one of the most tragic tales I've ever heard...And another good reason why we must hurry to Galvas' defense. By the way...I am Duke Zeira, leader of the Avalon Principality. Bastion, it is an honor to meet you.

: Bastion, please show some respect! The Duke is talking to you!

: It's quite understandable, Reyna. I've taken no offense. He's been through quite an ordeal. I know the pain you feel inside draws you away right now, Bastion, but just listen to what I have to say. Galvas Derid is being held against his will in Araba Castle. I intend to free him. I, I need your help. Just one ATAC could be the difference between victory and defeat.
You know Duke Zeira is a good guy because his strategy largely relies on having children soldiers handy to shed blood in his name.

: Reyna has informed me that Kamorge hinted of Galvas knowing a secret that would be of value to you. I feel that Galvas may hold the answers to many of your questions that yet remain. In fact, my intelligence officers have returned with a piece of information that may stir your interest. The Imperials guarding the Araba Castle are the ones your father fought on the Maqui Bridge.

: They are?

: The time before departure dwindles even now, Bastion. I'd be honored if you'd join me at Araba Castle. Reyna has spoken of your skill. It seems you would be a great asset to the cause.

: Sir, I shall accompany you. I attach but one condition. Promise that you will not interfere when I slay the pig who murdered my father.

: Upon my honor, Bastion.
Dude, you're an absolute monarch who just lured a teenager into battle with promises of violent revenge, I don't think you've got much honor to give out.
And that'll do it for Chapter 3. Next Time: The Dumbest NPCs Yet! German-Russian Fascist Officers! Constipation!