The Let's Play Archive

Vanguard Bandits

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 61: Chapter #19: Continental Invasion

Chapter #19: Continental Invasion


: If he's under Faulkner's influence...promise me you'll try your best not to hurt him.
I make no such promises.
: Of course, Sadira. We'll use non-lethal strikes if we can.


: Bastion, I feel as're drifting away from me. Is there anything you want to talk about?
Oh, Sadira, you are neither ninja nor maid. There simply was no way that you could win the battle for Bastion's heart.
: I wish there was some way I could lessen Princess Sadira's burden, but she must carry it alone...
: Disappointed in you, I am. See the pain in Sadira's eyes, you did not...
: Soon, Bastion, I will have to make the most critical decision of my life. But I don't know if I'm ready...
: Bastion, like, can't you see how much Sadira needs you? Or are you really that clueless?


: ... ... ...
Well, there's nothing way can do for him now but send him to God...who will then send him to hell.
: Not you, Duyere! Not you, too!
: ... ... ...
: A waliant effort, Princess Sadira, but your brother is already under Fokkner's control!
I have to say, every time I read one of Simply Simon's posts, I read it in Zakov's accent.
: Thank you for confirming what I already knew, you traitorous filth!
: Actually, it vould be more accurate to say dhat he has been brainwashed.
: What?
: His Highness has been under dhe control of Zulwarn for so long...that its power has spread through his body. He is now a wessel for the vill of Fokkner!
: Never!
: Brutal.
: (Will Duyere ever be able to recover from such an infiltration of evil?)
: Come, Your Highness! Let us begin the invasion of the Continent. Ve vill take dhe Junaris Empire to new heights uff glory!
: Invasion?
: Uff course! Fokkner vill not rest until dhe Empire crushes all dhe feeble nations in its path!
: We will never let you and Faulkner plunge this world into darkness!
: The only invasion that shall take place today is when my foot invades your bulbous backside, Zakov!

Sharkings? Sharkings! Nothing we haven't seen before, although they'll come en masse this time. Duyere is, as he always is, the weakest unit on the field. It would be easy for me to get out of this battle with minimal casualties, but, I did swear bitter revenge...

Duyere dies first, Duyere always dies first. But, look, I've put Sadira and Claire in what I like to call 'the punishment zone,' and elected to let nature take its course...

Ah, if I only had a powerful ATAC that could take a few hits, then perhaps Claire and Sadira need not die...but, well, they did insist that Logan not join us. Let those who sow the wind...

...reap the whirlwind. That's right, I have such confidence in my skills that I'm willing to sacrifice a third of my team just to express mild dissatisfaction with a plot development. Oh, while we're at it, might as well get Claire killed too....

Neat. Although I kind of wish she had died a bit earlier, where I could have gone four-on-four against the Sharkings, but, well, my troops are just a bit too good at their jobs...

Oh, Zakov...there's just no hope for you, is there?

: How many times must you brats defeat me?! You vill never stop Fokkner! NEVER!

Goodbye, Zakov. Much like the Free Democrats of your native land, you were a memorable, if incompetent, lackey.

: There's nothing left in our path now. Either we defeat Faulkner at the Imperial capital...or he takes the Continent!

: (How long will it take until everyone else's ATACs are repaired? Don't they realize what's at stake?!

: Hello, Cecilia.
: I know what you're planning to do, Bastion. I can see it in your eyes.
: What do you mean?
: You intend to invade the Imperial capital on your own. You're going to leave the others.
I...can ditch all of these assholes? This may be the best day ever!
: I...How did you know?
: Because I understand you, Bastion. I know what it's like to shoulder a burden without any help.
: I'm afraid that Zulwarn will affect them as it affected Zeira and Duyere. If that happened, all would be lost.
: You're leaving soon, I can tell. You're leaving before you change your mind.
: Yes.
: I have to make a decision, as well.
: What decision is that, Cecilia? Whether or not to continue the life of an assassin?
: Not exactly, Bastion. You'll know about my decision soon enough.
Granted, it may be the last thing that Bastion ever knows.
: (I wish you had enough faith in me to tell me about it now, Cecilia...)
: Bastion.
: What?
: Look at me.
: Hmmmm?
: ... ... ...
: ... ... ...
Oh, God! A sneak attack by Faulkner! He's taken over their minds!
: When you see me, Bastion, you are the only person in this world who sees me as I really am.
: Cecilia...
: Believe in me, Bastion. And I will believe in you.
: (I do believe in you, Cecilia. I believe in us.)

Later, Bastion rallies the troops...
: Sadira, like, how is your brother?
: Not good, Claire. Not good at all. His breathing is somewhat shallow, and he hasn't regained consciousness. In fact, he hasn't moved.
Well, it's nice to see that I was finally able to beat Duyere into a coma, at least.
: I'm sorry.
: It's alright. We have to focus our attention on Faulkner, or we will all suffer Duyere's fate.
: You're right.
: Here's the situation. After having a chat with Zakov, I was able to find out what Faulkner is planning. He has one army marching through the Kingdom, where it's set to attack Marquis Dionne. But there's a second army heading for Nordilain, and a third group going to Hibernia. Once those countries have been taken over, the armies are gonna surround Avalon, and that shall be the end. Each of these armies has more than enough Sharkings to wipe out any resistance, or so Zakov says.
: Three armies of Sharkings! We've had a hard enough time defeating a single group of them!
: This is, like, really bad. If we go to the capital, Faulkner's armies will destroy the Continent!
: There's nothing we can do.
: Actually, Sadira, there IS something we can do.
: Let's hear it, Bastion.
: Sadira, Claire, Franco, and Halak will return to Nordilain and join up with Duke Logan. Duke Zeira will go to Hibernia and explain the situation to Lord Alden. Nordilain and Hibernia will send their armies to attack the first two armies of Sharkings. Zeira will keep his army in reserve, and attack the third Sharking group if they try to join the fight. Commander Galvas and Marquis Dionne will strike randomly, to keep the Imperial forces off guard. I realize this isn't much of a plan, but the alternative is to let Faulkner reduce the Continent to ashes. Does anyone object to my proposal?
: It seems logical enough. Unfortunately, there really seem to be no sane alternatives...
: I totally agree. I don't want to be put on the defensive, but I don't want to let my home be destroyed!

Just wanted to include an image to break things up a bit. I have almost one hundred images in a row where all of the sprites are in the exact same positions.

: Yes, Sadira?
: You mentioned what all of us will do, but you never mentioned what YOU were going to do.
: That's right, because I'm not going with you.
: Where ARE you going, Bastion?
: To the Imperial capital. To destroy Zulwarn, and kill Faulkner.
: What?!
: Huh?!
: Hmmmm...
: He's obviously sent the vast majority of his forces to invade the Continent. The capital is thus unguarded. Besides, Faulkner is too egotistical to believe that he needs guards at all. I'll just march into the capital and show him just how wrong he is.
: No, Bastion! What you're talking about is a suicide mission, not a plan of attack! Have you considered that this might be a trap?!
: Of course, Sadira. I'm sure he'll have one or two traps waiting for me. But they can't, and won't stop me.
A real man knows that the only way to disarm a trap is by triggering it!
: Why don't you wait until we have defeated the Sharking armies?
: No. If we do that, we lose the element of surprise. A simultaneous attack is the best choice. If he heads for the front lines, I'll follow and attack him from behind. Dishonorable, but effective.
: But what if he's able to hypnotize you with the Zulwarn?!
Nah, we already did that ending...
: He can't, Sadira, not as long as I remain within the Ultragunner.
: But--
: Calm down, Sadira! Think it over. If we go with Bastion, we'll just be hypnotized and forced to attack him, you know?
: But--
: Like, no buts, Sadira! Bastion's plan is the only one that makes sense.
: (Not to me, it doesn't...)
: Duke Zeira? Do YOU think it's a bad idea for me to attack the capital?
Keeping in mind that Bastion has already beaten you severely once...
: If anyone has a chance for success, it's you, Bastion. We defend the Continent, and you kill Faulkner. If it works, it will be the ending we've all worked for!
Well, half of us, anyway.
: Thank you, Zeira.
: You're certainly welcome.
: I'd better leave now, before we lose any more time.
: Bastion! I don't know why I'm thinking this, or saying this, but...
: What is it?
: I have this horrible feeling that I'm never going to see you again. I couldn't bear that, Bastion.
: You worry too much, Sadira. I'll see you soon. I promise.
: Oh, Bastion...

: (This is the Imperial capital...But there's absolutely no one here. Did Faulkner evacuate the city? Or did he sacrifice his own people in order to feed the Zulwarn?! You have committed your final atrocity, Faulkner! This time, it is YOUR blood which will flow!)

Next Time: The Humiliation of Faulkner, Part 1...