Part 15: Soap Opera

content warning: car accidents, child injury/potential death

That said, there's one other Bad Outcome for Chang, so let's get that taken care of first.
[BGM: What You Saying]

I accidentally caught a glance of Lieutenant Kang when I was taking my clothes out of my locker.
Wow, his body was really top notch.
It was still wet, and drops of water were streaming down his skin.
For any woman in the world, I was sure that Lieutenant Kang's hotness must be off the chart.
I didn't know what had gotten into me, but I reached out and grabbed his arm.
Lieutenant Kang acted like he had been shocked. He punched back immediately without even looking back.
Then he saw that it was me. His face turned totally steely and green, and his eyes were filled with anger.
Never sneak up on me from behind, ever again.
My nose felt like it was on fire.
I could feel blood coming out of it, but I didn't dare to wipe it off.
I had to stand there with one hand pinching my nose, and watch as the lieutenant left the locker room.
[BGM: Getting Serious]

Whoops, we got his nose broken! And Kang left immediately, so any clearing the air that could've happened has no chance of happening now. It could've been worse, I guess.

It probably isn't that surprising to learn that Chang has a lot more possible outcomes than Spottie in this particular section, so we're going to see a few more of his before we see another outcome for Spottie.
[BGM: What You Saying]

Lieutenant Kang took out a hairband and tied his messy hair together.
I noticed two small dot-shaped scars on his left shoulder. It was almost like he had been bitten by a vampire.
I suddenly shuddered for no reason.
That was so strange. There was nothing extraordinary about the scars. Why did I have such a strong reaction?
Could it be...
I kept thinking about this on my way home.
I continued thinking about it in my bed.
I still couldn't figure out the reason until I fell asleep.
[BGM: Getting Serious]

Huh, weird. Well, I'm sure that won't come up later. Let's see another Chang ending!

[BGM: What You Saying]

Liuentenant Kang rolled his eyes at me and stood back up by himself.
He then got dressed and left the locker room.
I froze and stood there like a statue.
If only I had reached out to grab him sooner.
No, no, no... I should have gone and picked up that soap!
Oh boy, was my career over?!
No, Chang, your boss just thinks you're a bit of an idiot.

With those out of the way, we can start getting some of the better endings for both Chang and Spottie. (Cloacamazing!'s guess for both Spottie and Chang result in these endings.)
[BGM: Getting Serious]

Daddie jumped ahead just in time and the beast missed him. Lucky!
The beast kept running with smoke coming out from under it, and ran straight into the next crossing. It was another red light.
I saw the beast hit another, smaller beast.
The smaller beast was knocked off its path, and it hit a third beast.
Soon, the crossing was filled with all kinds of beasts, everyone of them barking loudly...
Daddie and I turned away and kept walking towards the street.

[BGM: What You Saying]

I pulled Lieutenant Kang up from the floor.
Well, should I say something?
Did that hurt, Lieutenant Kang?
That didn't sound appropriate.
I was still thinking when Lieutenant Kang swept away my hand.
He mumbled something then turned back to his locker and got dressed as if nothing had happened.
I went back to my locker in silence too.
What did the lieutenant just say?
I could see that his face was all red, maybe because of the heat. Perhaps he was just saying something like,
Shit. It's so fucking hot in here. That must be it.
[BGM: Getting Serious]

We still have an A ending to get for Spottie, so let's get to it.

The round feet of the beast happened to step on some soap.
The beast suddenly turned to its side like it was drunk.
Daddie jumped ahead just in time and the beast missed him. Lucky!
The beast continued to charge ahead like a snake.
Since the ground was so slippery, it tilted to one side and slid ahead very fast.
It finally stopped after it hit a lamp pole near the crossing.
I saw a human kid fly out from the front of the beast and smash into the ground. He was lying there, not moving at all.
The kid had yellow hair. It reminded me of a few foreign humans who lived nearby.
But he was too far away, I couldn't see his face.
I could only see the blood spreading out beneath him.
More and more people started to gather around.
Daddie shook off the rain on him and quietly said to me,
Spottie, if I had been hit, the humans wouldn't care at all.
I mumbled. I was still in shock.
Daddie led me away from the accident and continued to the street.

...before we see the solution that gets both sides their S outcomes, there's.... actually one more outcome we haven't seen yet, for Chang specifically. An outcome (and a ranking) that... is one of a kind, and only for this section. I am, of course, referring to a Z ending...
[BGM: Feast Away]

I accidentally caught a glance of Lieutenant Kang when I was taking my clothes out of my locker.
Wow, his body was really top notch.
It was still wet, and drops of water were streaming down his skin.
For any woman in the world, I was sure that Lieutenant Kang's hotness must be off the chart.
I didn't know what had gotten into me, but I reached out and grabbed his arm.
The lieutenant stopped wiping his body, looked back, and noticed me staring at him.
He seemed to be asking me with his look, 'What are you doing?
What was I doing?
Strangely enough, I had no idea what I was doing either.
An illustration is here now, but it's somewhat risque because, well, they're barely clothed, even if nothing is showing besides what could charitably be described as an ass cheek. Still, playing it safe, so it's behind a link only.
I couldn't believe the air between us could get even more awkward than earlier in the spa room.
This was a complete disaster!
I knew I must let go of him immediately before this went even further.
But before I could move, Lieutenant Kang reached out with his hand and grabbed my arm.
I didn't know you were, too... Let me take you to a great place!

After we left the station Lieutenant Kang took me to a bar.
I would never have guessed that after that day, the relationship between Lieutenant Kang and I would turn into something completely unexpected.

To be clear, this is not a fake ending, it's not meant to be taken as a 'haha its funny because gay!' joke or anything. This is a real ending... it's just listed as Z because of how out of left field it is compared to, uh, everything else.

In any case, let's just get to the S endings. (Regallion's guess for Spottie results in his S ending.)
[BGM: Broken Dream 1]

The beast slipped in the water and turned to its side suddenly, like it was drunk.
Daddie jumped ahead just in time and the beast missed him. Lucky!
But the beast had run into the rails not too far ahead and finally stopped on the grass.
Soon, a human walked out of the beast. He seemed to be okay, and just started yelling while checking his beast's round feet.
I looked at the beast. Its body had some words on it, but I couldn't read.
But I had seen the sign next to it.
I used to go hunting birdies with Daddie in a place far, far away.
It was deep inside the mountains.
But on top of the hill there was a building that smells like drugs.
Daddie told me that it was a hospital, and it had the same sign as the one on the beast.

I remembered thinking the hospital looked a little strange. The humans inside didn't look hurt at all to me, but none of them would smile.
Some of them would burst into laughter or tears all of a sudden. They all looked a little strange... not like the humans we met in the city.
Humans were so strange.

[BGM: Green Fog]

I grabbed Lieutenant Kang and tried to pull him up, but I slipped and fell too.
We had to go back to the hot tub and take another bath to clean ourselves.
The water was still very warm, but I was already used to the temperature after the first time.
Lieutenant Kang wrapped his towel around his neck again. He didn't close his eyes this time though, he just seemed to be staring blankly ahead.
It was only the two of us in the spa room.
It was so quiet, again.
Nothing else was in the air except the steam from the water, and the awkwardness.

Maybe it was my imagination, but Lieutenant Kang almost looked like a normal, accessible person for a while.
I was almost going to ask him something.
But eventually I decided to let it go.
It was already after work. Maybe I shouldn't talk about it.

[BGM: New Life]

NEW MESSAGE: Little Lamb Billy

NEW MESSAGE: The Cargo Shorts and the Beach Shirt

Profiles have updated.