The Let's Play Archive

WWE 2K18

by IGgy IGsen, The LPFWA Universe

Part 14: Ladies' Plan Foiled; Witch Again!

Episode #13 - Ladies' Plan Foiled; Witch Again! - (Twitch VOD)

IGgy IGsen posted:

I forgot to post this yesterday, oops.

Next show will be on Saturday
You can vote for who goes against Kurt Angle here. So far Palpatine and IGgy failed to beat him.

#1 Buscus Brawl - There's no coming back from being elbow'd on the ass.
Thundercat Chris Pine (c) vs. Majestic Goat-Man

#2 Singles Match
El Catire Arrecho vs. Bone Pimp

#3 Singles Match
Konami Kouda vs. DivineCoffeeBinge

#4 Bunny Championship :3
Star Pilot Flamander vs. Palpatine (c)

#5 Elimination
Samus vs. Jumpy-Chan vs. Valerie Easton

#6 LP Superstar Title
Fruitsniffer vs. a tree (c)

#0 LPFWA vs. The Universe
Whoever you vote for vs. Kurt Angle

Vanderlyle, post:77, topic:2484, full:true posted:

“Well, señor Bone Pimp, look’s like we’re fighting again, but this time, sera mano a mano, and I’ll…uh…beat you, for sure, asi sera”

Results posted:

#1 Buscus Brawl
Thundercat Chris Pine (c) vs. Majestic Goat-Man
Great match, lots of back and forth, but in the end the man-cat defeats the goat-man

#2 Singles Match
El Catire Arrecho vs. Bone Pimp
Catire Arrecho could not take the win in his debut, unfortunately. Instead Bone Pimp picks up his first win

Scene: The Hugrule Warriors lament Catire Arrecho's debut loss but hype up Fruity for his title match later this night

#3 Singles Match
Konami Kouda vs. DivineCoffeeBinge
DCB beats up Konami so hard she can't make it back to the ring in time for the ref's count to hit ten. DCB WINS!

Scene: Jeff Lyfe is with DCB for a post-match interview. DCB states that she feels empty after this win, making some kind of coffee metaphor. The only way to truly win is to pin or submit, and that is DCB's new quest. Baby steps.

#4 Bunny Championship :3
Star Pilot Flamander vs. Palpatine (c)
Somehow no one expected it but Palpy did indeed finally lose. After 6 successful defenses his reign of terror finally ends (probably). Flamander is the new Bunny Champion :3

Scene: Jumpy demands a title shot next week. IGgy demands she earn the shot first, revealing that the upcoming match is a match to establish the order of contendership for the Kawaii Title

#5 Elimination
Samus vs. Jumpy-Chan vs. Valerie Easton
First Samus is eliminated after being hit with a DEVASTATING seven rotations of the Giant Swing from Junpei (though, Val snatched the pin). Finally Val takes the win, earning a title rematch, but only after three Kisses of Death against Jumpy

#6 LP Superstar Title
Fruitsniffer vs. a tree (c)
Fruity attempted to become a tree-hugger but failed. The tree fought back and fell onto Fruity for the 1-2-3

#0 LPFWA vs. The Universe
Toad vs. Kurt Angle
[spoiler]Toad and Kurt Angle fight to determine who's the most american. You'd think the guy who won an olympic gold medal for the US with a broken neck would win by default, but no. Toad, a mascot character from a japanese video game series is the one to take the win after two F-U-2s

nine-gear crow posted:

Eh, can't say I'm sad to be rid of that godawful belt... especially after it tried to kill me once itself.
Lord Sidious, my master, your loss will be avenged, I swear it!
Just do me a favour and don't actually win that pastel foamy piece of shit. It's been so long since I've been allowed to come out to my own entrance that I don't know if I remember how it even goes anymore.
You sure that just ain't the Alzheimer's kickin' in there, boss?
You know, I'd fire you, but I don't want to go looking for someone else to distract the refs for me. Oh! Galen! You're back already. How was your trip to the garbage smasher? Sorry if it might have turned on on you... intentionally.
I found your trombone, sir.
...The fuck do I own a trombone for?

Hitlers Gay Secret posted:

Livestream from Toad's locker:


DivineCoffeeBinge posted:

Wait, what happened again?

Are we sure this isn't like that time I used the non-dairy creamer that went bad and ended up hallucinating for a few days?, seriously, is this real life?