Part 7: The Revitalization of Delphi by the Singer-Bard
Update 7 - The Revitalization of Delphi by the Singer-Bard
SFX: Bard Snore
As much as I hate to, we have to wake up the Bard to continue our adventures... so
MUSIC: The Crazy Raven
I guess we slept in later then everyone else. Bard isn't ready for the day if he hasn't had his 14 hours of sleep.
The place is empty except for Alice, who seemed to be quite busy last night!

Hey, nice job on that show! You probably saved my idiot boss from having to close the Raven. And that saved
my job, so... thanks. I always thought one day it'd be me on that stage... Well, I still do think that. Seeing your performance inspired me to work ten times harder!!!
Oh... that's probably not a good thing Alice. You already do all the work here, don't work yourself harder for someone else's benefit!

I was losing my mind serving tables, so I barely got to actually
see your show. But just being in the crowd was totally an experience.
At least we got to bring some joy to her, even if she was too busy to actually pay attention. Still, it seems everybody loved the show!

I have a feeling business is gonna be better for a while now. Just gotta keep up the momentum with more acts... Now that our audience is "warmed up," so to speak... Maybe it's time to break out my joke routine! Wanna hear one?
This is going to be awful, but... "Yeah!"
SFX: Slidewhistle

You already told me that one.

Oh... But it was even funnier the second time around, wasn't it?

Yeah, I probably should quit on this idea while I'm ahead.
Let's... get out of here.
MUSIC: Blown Away
Wow! The music for the town has picked up considerably! It no longer feels like this funk is just hanging over the area.
The first person we see after we leave the Raven is Ryan, who seemed to be... enjoying the show last night.
The singer from the Crazy Raven!!! Your show changed my
life. I used to think being cool was everything, but seeing you on that stage, just being...
so inspiringly uncool... I realized being uncool is really another way to be cool.

It's making me, like, extremely uncool?? It's a strange and exiting new world for me!!
Well we definitely made an impact on Ryan! We were so uncool that we hit the negative integer limit and went over to being the most cool person in existence! Now that's cool!
Ugh. Hi... Fredrick.

Yes, I saw your show. Everyone in the town may have loved it, but I, well I thought it was
pretty... good... It could have used some improvement though, here and there. If you need
me to tell you what the problems were... I just don't think you'll make it as a musician.
Any more passive aggressiveness from Fredrick and I'd think he was my mother.
Fredrick does have different responses to us singing in front of him again.

That was a nice effort. But I think it needed more allegrato on its fortissimo. If you don't know what means, you'll probably never make it as a musician.
Grumble Grumble Maybe you should get your fortissimo out of your allegrato.

Hey there! Thanks for the show last night. For a brief and shining moment, this town had life again.
Aww, thanks Penny! After that, she offers us more beans, but we have the perfect amount of beans, so we politely decline.
Just about everyone in town has something new to say, so we'll make our way through them.

Some days are really hard, but you never know when a really nice one is around the corner. Thanks for showing me that with your music. I don't want to be sad forever, but I guess only I have the power to change that. I'll make the best of every day.

That is genuinely touching. The words may seem empty, but it's good advice to anyone having a bad day.
Let's check on the cool duo on the other side.

That show last night was so cool!!! Do you have a girlfriend?

Just kidding! Just kidding!!
Looks like we've got ourselves our first groupie!

If the CrayRay keeps doing cool shows, that's at least one reason not to ditch this town...

Playing there looked like a lot of fun. What if we started a band, Mitzi?
Oh my gosh... That is a
RAD IDEA!!! I could totally learn drums!

I can already kind of play guitar??

And we can totally both sing!!

We'd definitely be the best band. Ever.

Do you think it's a good idea??

caaaaares. We don't need anyone's approval!!

I guess we better start practicing!

Yeah. Let's not be like every other dumb band that starts in Delphi. Let's actually get good and play shows.

I'm so down!!

We can spend, like, every waking moment practicing together.

Yeah...! (I dunno if I can practice
that much...)

But we'll still hang when we're not practicing, right?
Yeah!! If we start a band, you'll come to our shows, right?

You'd be like a celebrity guest.
Oh! Sure! We'll totally come! Y'know, when we're done saving the world and all.
Inside the coffee shop, the girl at the table, Gert, has nothing new to say. But Jeff does!

I used to feel like everything was pointless. But after that show you put on... I'm a changed man. I'm going to make a difference in my life. I'm going to smile more!

My face is stuck.

Welcome to the Eagle Cafe. I'm doing A OK here.
You uh... sure about that?

So my face is a little stuck from years of squishing it. Ha ha ha. I'm okay with this.
Well, if you're sure you're ok... Still, we should be more supportive! He's trying his best to be a better person!!
So who's next in town to talk to?
Oh no... no please!

Backstory is important, but I want to just take this moment to let you know - Your show was great! Someday I'll tell tales of it as backstory to some other story.
OK, that's great Nate! Tell other people about backstory! Yeah, not me though, I'm busy.
Checking in at the inn with Lena...
Ugh... Please don't talk to me about that Raven show. I keep hearing it was so awesome and blah blah blah. But
I missed it! Because I was working this crudhole.
Don't worry Lena, we're sure to release our first single by the next quarter.

Well, if the Raven's doing more shows, maybe I'll get more business... or something.
See? There's always a positive side to things!
Speaking of positive sides, let's talk to Sue and see how things are going after

I went to your show alone. But while I was there... I made contact with this guy. And... it kinda rocked my world.
Hey! We may get to play matchmaker for Sue! We're just bringing happiness to everyone today! So who's the guy Sue? Was it Ryan? Because we could convince him for ya.

Oh... you want more deets? I can't even put my feelings into words. But I wrote a little song about him. I'm too shy to sing it out loud, but I'll... whisper it...
I may be blue, but my heart beats red... I-I'll sing it to you if you get very very close to me.
Ugh... Of all the people... Alright Sue, fine. You'll see love isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Yeah that's my song. You don't have to sign it so loud...
I don't even know what I'd do if he heard it...
Let's go find out, shall we?
VIDEO: Fredrick Hears a Tune
Oh boy! This will surely go well! Let's go check in on the lovebirds, shall we?
Yuuuuup, that's about what I was expecting.

Blah blah blah
allegrissimo blah. Blah blah blah compilation of every good song ever done by anybody.
Well, he's enjoying himself at least.

Wow. He knows so much about music. He's like the perfect, cool boyfriend.
... Are you... are you sure?

I'm still freaking out about this boy. He really likes to talk... Yep. He's...still going.

... I...

All you ever talk about is music!! I mean, it's cool that you know so much... but I wrote that song because I liked you! And I thought you liked me too...

But! I...

If you like me...
Why couldn't you just say so??
Liking things is... scary! It's easier to talk about what you don't like...

That's stupid. This will never work if you're a critical jerk forever!

Not to be so critical from now on. For you!
...Aww. That's actually kind of sweet. Though also doomed to fail if after five minutes he's already at the "I CAN CHANGE I PROMISE" stage.

Well, maybe people can change. Fredrick is really cool after all. I'm glad I met him... I hated being single, but being in a relationship gets old too... Not that I'm tired of it, it's just not really as special as I thought. But that's okay. Fredrick is worth it. I guess I finally got what I wanted.
The moral of the story, is be careful what you wish for! Also that maybe you should have more faith in a relationship than 6 minutes.

I'm going to try to be less critical from now on. OK. Your show... It was actually very fun. I have no complaints about it.
Oh yeah? Well what if we sing in front of you? Will you be able to hold back your critiques!?
...Wow he did. Impressive Fredrick, maybe there is a chance for you two after all.
We're almost finished with the town, Tina did you like our show?

Your performance lit a fire in my teen heart. I felt so alive, I spray painted some property. I'm finally a proper teen, thank you. When I'm old, I'll say things like, "I really wasted away my teen years," thinking of all the mistakes I made at this age. As it should be... all thanks to you.
You're welcome Tina! More than happy to help the rebellious phase along!
All that's left of the town is our band and Miriam. Let's start with the band first.

I'm actually glad you got me to play with you. I haven't had so much fun in a long time. And... I like to think my mom was watching, too...

You're all so talented... It's intimidating, but you still keep me around. Thanks. I think I'll keep playing with Manny and Viola. If they want me... I hope you sing with us again, too.
Of course we will! You guys are great fun to be around!

Ace, that was
great! I can't say it enough times! I'm gonna make you a
star!! You ARE gonna keep performin with us, ain'tcha?

I can really feel the difference in town today! It's like their spirits are comin back,
It actually does! It's amazing how quickly people's moods changed. This ended up being a really good idea Manny!

That was quite a show! Did you see...? The audience loved me! You all did great too, of course. Some guy blew a kiss at me while I was playing... And I think he shouted "I love you!" or something. I was like a
goddess to him...
You've... already let this go to your head I see.

I guess Manny really did it this time... Maybe he's not as bad as I thought.
Yeah, the dude who looks and sounds like he's a mobster ended up being on the up and up. It's a bit shocking honestly.
Ok, time to talk to Miriam! Who we've been avoiding for like a day while we went on a sidequest that accidentally had payoff for our adventure.

there you are. I hear you've been busy.
SFX: Miriam Angry

When I specifically said not to!!! Or did you forget that the world is

I learned the Overseer song though!

Oh. You did?

Yeah! What do I do now?

You go find the Breathing Crystals and sing that song! They're inside the cave we came through yesterday. Just follow the crystals all the way down.

You aren't coming?

No. What do you need me for? Apparently you got it all figured out yourself. I'm fine here. Come back after you're done.

Well, okay...
Talking to Miriam any further just has her repeat where to go.
After a whole day of distractions, in a good way, it's time for our adventure to continue!
I think we've found the place.
SFX: Breathing Crystals
It's actually a bit spooky here. The gods seem to like putting their nexus points in places where people don't like to go.
We're here! Let's sing the Overseer's song and head over to the other side.
VIDEO: The Wind Sonata