Part 13: The Interruption
Update 13 - The Interruption
MUSIC: Act 4

Last we left off, things weren't great for poor Bard bu


God, FINALLY, we're at the damn castle. Those stupid wind tunnels took forever to get through. Who in their right mind would think those are fun???
Whatever... let's just get through this place.

MUSIC: Thunderstorm

I don't even know why I'm showing it off at this point, you guys have already seen me attack like A BILLION times now. But yeah, we can still slash in any direction with the radial wheel.

And yeah you can charge up the sword by holding up. You guys know this already!

The pose Audrey makes when she flings the bolt is still really cool though, even if we've seen it a dozen times by now.

We'll start the next room by charging up a bolt attack for the flying enemies this game LOVES throwing at you.

Here they are now! Some weird bat-cacodemon hybrids. This charged bolt attack should be more than enough to take them down.

Nice! I got the reflection attack off! The chain attacks in this game are pretty cool, I didn't really show them off in the Chaos dungeon, so I'll try to show 'em off this time.

Can't go wrong with just a simple jab attack at their face!

Gah, these guys again! What kind of weird monsters are coming out of this place!? This... Batpigdog likes to hover above Audrey for a few seconds before trying to smash down quickly. I had a lot of trouble with them in the last dungeon, but I did far better against them this time!

Just move out of the way when they smash down and then give 'em a good couple of jabs! A bolt attack will kill em instantly as well, so it's always good to be using those every chance you get.

Just showing off the getting hurt screen, yup! Definitely... didn't get hurt on my own... Nope not at all!!

I got the bolt attack off this time and easily took down the stupid batpig before it even got to the ground. It's the best way to attack them, but you have to attack someone else and have the bolt reflect on to them. So it's kinda challenging.

We get to the next area and there's some minor platforming we have to do while fighting the bat creatures. It's not that difficult, and if you fall you just lose a crystal and start back at a safe spot. As well, since we entered a new area, our crystals fully healed. I think it's using some of the items I picked up out in the towns automatically, but I didn't think to check.

I can't believe the game is STILL giving us tutorials?! It's the second dungeon, it's ok developer, you can let go of our hand!

With the light bulb charged up we can now head across to the other side.

Those bird bulb things are new. I don't get to show off what this one does because...

I killed it instantly.
Anyway, there's another unlit bulb below us that needs to be lit so that the bridge will open and let us pass.

We easily make our way through these trash mobs as Audrey stops to do a cool pose for the camera before we head to the next area.

Miniboss time! It's the Owlnite! It likes to use the shadows to its advantages and strike from behind its sword. The chump way of fighting it is to stand back and cast lightning bolts at it till it dies. The awesome HERO way...

Is to strike it with a lunge right after the bolt hits it! It does a lot of damage and also, just look at Audrey having fun killing things.

Getting behind it is a great way to get a backstab in and deal double damage and a stun to the Owlnite. If we wanted to... I guess we could just light the bulb and move on without killing it... but why would we do that?!

With the Owlnite defeated, we can head to the next area of this castle.

We get to this platform and it seems like there's about to be a puzzle to solve...

Sure enough, there's a sneaky lightbulb hiding in this corner.

The momentum from the platform rising sends us all the way to the ceiling, easily letting us make it to the next part of this area and progressing.

We get attacked by three pigbats at once, the solution is, as before, wait for one to fall then strike it with a bolt!

The chain reaction should kill them all, if done right. If not, you'll have to just jab them to death which is a lot less fun and leads to less cool poses.

That "puzzle" was so easy to solve, I'm not even going to talk about it! But this next room is actually something to talk about! There are three birdbulbs in the room, and they charge up that needle attack you see at the top. The charge up time takes a while, so you can easily jolt them before it becomes a problem. But if you let them fire it off, it bounces off the walls for a bit until it finally dissappears after a couple of seconds. So their attacks are pretty dangerous for our hero Audrey!

While I do take damage during this part, it was to show off the really cool way you can kill the birdbulb! Their attacks reflect off the walls, but also reflect off of Audrey's sword! So if you time it right, you can swing their own attacks back at them and kill them! You could also just zap em with a bolt of lightning, but where's the fun in that?

Same as in the last room, we use the platform to launch us up to the next area. This time theres batdemons waiting for us, and in need of a good jolt!

We get down to this last birdbulb, and decide to take it out with a bang...

Nice! We're done with this area and finally advance...

... to the inner sanctum!

VIDEO: Queen of Winds Boss
(Note: Video goes till end of update Watch that if you're getting tired of the gimmick update)

God, WHY does everything in this game talk so much?? That dumb wind fairy wouldn't shut up and now the boss wants to scream at us in weird ass symbols.

MUSIC: Hurricane

Boss time! Welcome to the Queen of Winds boss fight. She's much more interesting than Queen Chaos who died in like one hit. There's easy first bosses and then there's Queen Chaos. The bard we zapped was harder than her!

As with every other enemy in the game, we can hurt the queen through simple jabs for weak damage. We will do much more damage if we charge up a lightning bolt and zap it at her.

After we hurt her, she flies up into the air and prepares to dive bomb us. To make sure this dive bomb is a dud, we just need to move out of the way at the last minute when she comes charging down.

...Which I didn't do.

I did make her pay with a couple of quick jabs afterwards though.

When the Queen charges to the sky from the sides, we need to quickly charge up a bolt and get ready.

Because she's going to come at us like a rocket. We fling a bolt at her before she hits us and she will be stunned and not hurt us.

After this, she causes a whirlwind attack. She will slowly push us off the platform and into the pit below. We just need to zap her before we fall off, this will stun her and let us get in close for stabbing damage.

That's really it for the Queen of Winds. Overall she's definitely MUCH better than Queen Chaos, by virtue of actually having a boss fight... But there's nothing really special about her. Especially compared to some later boss fights, which add in more elements to deal with.

I still don't even get the purpose of the bard character. Why even introduce him? Is he going to come back as the comic relief villain? Plus, it took a whole dungeon for Audrey to ask the Rainbow girl about the whole world ending thing.
Eh whatever, I'm sure it will be explained later.
Anyways, remember to like, subscribe, and comment!!! And stay tuned for more of my LP of WanderLegacy!!