Part 15: Bonus Update
Bonus Update
So remember how I was insistent on trying to get to Miriam on the first day? That's because you can totally wait a couple days and get different dialogue for her. For completion sake, I also already talked to the astronomer as well, which means Miriam has different dialogue for that as well.

Well lookie who it is!! Do you know how long I've been waiting here? Where were you??

Well, I met an astronomer... who wants to shut down the factory...
SFX: Miriam Angry

There's a Hero prancing around killing Overseers! We don't have time for your


Well, while you were busy prancing around... I
actually got a lot done for us. I found the Overseer song! So we can skip right to the Overseer of this place.

...There's an Overseer here...?

Uh. Yeah!


And get this, the Overseer song? It's the lullaby your mom used to sing to you.

I already know that song!

Yeah, total plot twist, I know.

So I just have to sing it...

That's what I'm saying. Ready when you are.
Singing the song plays out the same way.
Uuuuugh. Are you kidding me... the nexus point is blocked!

...Guess I wasn't useful after all.
Don't be like this right now!!


It's probably the disgusting smog in the sky... which means... we have to shut down the factory... So I guess... you were on the right track after all. Ugh. Y'know, just once I'd like to be ahead of the curve.

Sorry Miriam.

Whatever. Just keep doing what you're doing, I guess. I'll wander around as your hapless sidekick.
While a couple of lines were exact copies, most of this dialogue is brand new, and also gives much more explicit hints as to what Miriam is feeling. The game shows flashes of brilliance in the first three acts, but Act 4 is what starts to make the game something that I could stomach putting hundreds of hours of work into an LP for.