Part 23: The Journey to Mohabumi
Update 22 - The Journey to Mohabumi

Okay, get off here!

This ferry goes straight to the capital!

Seriously? You can't even take us all the way there? After you
wrecked my broom???

Hey boss! We got stuff to do! And it's still a while to go...

You'll be there tonight! Good luck!!!
Stupid witches.

helped us, Miriam!

After shooting us down! And only because they thought we were Chaandesh too.

Oh gosh, Miriam! We totally forgot to tell them! The invasion from Rulle... it's tomorrow!

Oh yeah. And Rulle thinks Chaandesh is behind the monsters... but they're a threat to these people, too.

We have to stop it, Miriam!


I get that it sucks, but... it really isn't our problem.
WHAT!!! How can you say that?! We can't let them keep fighting! They have to learn to settle their differences...
to fight their common enemyyyy!!!

If you don't learn the Earthsong... it won't matter!

We're fugitives, too. Remember? We need to keep our heads down. Get the Overseer song, and get out.
Before the invasion starts... and
without calling attention to ourselves!!! I think we've had
enough being attacked, and suspected,
and jail time!

I don't even remember the jail time...
Well I do!!! Can we please just play it cool here?

Yes! Cool... as a cucumber!
MUSIC: The Journey West
We're finally in Chaandesh proper now, though we're just on a boat ride, not in any actual towns. Still, it's a nice relaxing ride and we won't have to worry about being shot out of the sky again
Before we explore the boat, we'll keep chatting with Miriam a bit longer.
Sigh... I didn't realize the capital was still so far. We're gonna be on this boat all day.

It's just like when we were pirates! Remember that, Miriam?

No. I completely forgot. I must have hit my head. Many times.

Yeah! We hung out with pirates! And they really liked coffee, and...


Oh. You're joking.

Sometimes I wish you were too.
Another wholesome conversation between two close friends.

I've never been to Chaandesh. Is it where all witches are from? I wonder if my parents ever lived here.


It's a little weird... I've never really been around other witches before. Grandma Saphy told me there was a kingdom of witches... never crossed my mind to go, though. Back in Delphi, I was the only witch. It made me kinda special. This whole kingdom feels like... a big club, that I was never invited to. I'm just gonna stay here, and... avoid talking to anyone.
Ok! You have fun with that Miriam! We, meanwhile, will be talking to everybody because we don't learn lessons!
Over on the front side of the boat is this woman. She either seems to be a Carney or a 19th century capitalist. Let's find out which.
Hmmmm... Oh, hello... I do apologize if I seem distracted... I'm in a bit of a pickle, you see. I'm in charge of the musical entertainment this evening... but I forgot a most crucial element... music... The band has no score to play!


Yes, yes... They're all preparing in their quarters now... but they must be as bamboozled as I am!
Well Layla, maybe we can help with that. We are a singer... though not a songwriter.
Well, we could... no no, not that... But what if... hmmmm... The only solution that comes to mind... Would be if we improvised a new score to play...? But, oh... what a gamble... If only we had a composer on board...
Bards are basically composers right? Let's go compose a song!
Hello there, who are you?

What are you headed to Mohabumi for? I was out in the boonies visiting family, personally. Can't wait to get back home now. All the good stuff is in the city. This boat ride is so dull. Someone told me there's a performance later? But then she got all mumbly, and quiet... so I'm not really sure if there is one or not.
I think the performance existing currently depends on if we decide to write a song for them.

Apparently someone famous is on the boat. I don't know who, wasn't really paying attention. People just keep telling me things. Guess I have one of those faces that people... want to tell things to.
We also have people just tell us things. Though it's more like we go up and badger them until they stop talking, until we move on to another victim.
Before we check the rooms, there's someone out in the halls that we can talk to first by the name of Rudolph.

Hello... you know... I don't seem to recall seeing you on this vessel.

Well, uh... I've definitely been around! Just another witch from Chaandesh! That's me!

Most peculiar. Well, you don't need to answer this...

Are you a member of the
Spell Squad?


How rude of me to be so direct. I shan't ask more of it. Us civilians really don't know much, mind. Only theories... and rumors... They say that

And that she's no longer living.

Your silence says it all. I'm sorry if my questioning has bothered you. Your secrets are safe with me. Really, I'm thankful for all the great work the Squad does, all while hiding plainly among us...
Uh...sure thing? Buddy? Miriam is totally going to be mad at us.
Now to check the rooms of the boat. First up, is the room on the upper level.

Ahem. Hello. I'm the captain of this boat... and I'm also... the marimba player in the band. Of the 3 parts, I go first, because I'm the captain - and captains are the leader. It's easily the most important part of the performance. I have to capture the audience's interest, and set up the rest of the song.


But I don't have any music to play... Perhaps, you could compose it for me?
So for this part, you actually do compose some music for the band to play! This is also where I reveal myself to be an awful composer! Thanks to me having the proper foresight to so see this problem coming... I asked the thread to come up with something for me. Thanks to poster Glazius for the song composed for the band!
That song... will be heard in its entirety at the performance later!

Most excellent! My bandmates are likely in need as well. You should help them to follow up my performance.
Alright! One bandmember down, let's go check out the other cabins and see if they need help.
We'll start with this one first, since it's the closest to where we were.

Oh. It's locked!
Jeez. Can't believe people lock their doors. Don't they know this is an important adventure? What if they have dialogue?! How will we ever get that dialogue now!?
For a reason that will become apparent soon, we are going to skip the door by Randolph and head inside this one first.

Oh! You spooked me! Why would you just run into someone's cabin?
Um, I dunno to be quite honest. Why did you leave your cabin unlocked? Someone else kept their's locked, so clearly you were fine with us barging right in!

Then leave me alone!
Hmm. She seems angry. Now's the best time to tell her that we're actually here to write her music.

Are you just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna write my part?
MUSIC! Obviously. (Stand doesn't have her say anything).

Is that so! Well, I'll have you know... my part is the absolute most important! I'm dead middle! Part 2 of 3! I have to keep the audience interested, all while filling in the real MEAT of the song. If you can write for that... then let's see what you got!
Matilda's part will also come later on during the performance.

Well well well! Not bad! Don't forget the rest of the band now, too!
The rest of the band, being only one dude left to compose for.

Ola! Here for the show this evening? I'm in the band, you know. And my part is the most important! I'm the last to play. The big finale! I'm the part everyone remembers long after the show! It must be exciting to meet me, oi?
It sure is exciting to meet you Fernando. Tell us more about yourself.

Well, I was born just a normal witch in Mohabumi... but I always knew I was destined for greatness! Anyway, enough of that. Our conducter lost the score for tonight. But it's no big deal! I'll be winging it! Wish me luck in the show tonight!
Err, maybe we shouldn't let him wing it. We've already written two parts, it would be bad if he decides to wing the last bit.

Ola! Just waiting for the show tonight.
What would you say to us writing the part for you?

YOU? Think you can make something worthy of the big finale? Well, let's see what you got!
The cadence didn't end up working for this one, so I repeated it a time or two. Hopefully it should still sound good...

No sweat! Looks like we got ourselves a finale, now we just gotta perform it!
Alright! The whole band now has something to play! Let's go let Layla know that the performance can go off without a hitch.

Well goodness me! Miraculously, the band all has music to play! Won't you join us for the show, then?
VIDEO: Making our Way to Mohabumi

Ahem. Thank you for coming. On this empty boat, with nothing else to do. May we now present to you, our song, which somebody just made up today.
MUSIC: Performance, with thanks to Glazius

*sound of slow clap*

Bravo! Bravo!
Uggh... you're the famous person aboard the ship? Why couldn't we have gotten the most famous hot dog eater, or the world's best nanny.
Miss Hero!!! We're so honored by your attendence!

What I'm NOT honored by... is the attendence...

Yes, I'm afraid so! These rogues broke through Rulle's border... cheated their way into the King's Court... and made a getaway from prison to here! They're fugitives from Rulle!
Oh... Audrey... how could you be so...
...STUPID!? Rulle's their sworn enemy! Of course they aren't going to rat us out!

They broke every rule in the book... all to subterfuge Rulle? The scoundrels who took our beloved princess!
Guess that would explain some things. Like how we found her...

But why would they do that??

Don't you know? The people of Rulle
hate Chaandesh... They'd do anything to get at us...

Oh! Miss hero!

It certainly is getting late. As captain, I advise that all guests on the boat... take it easy, and enjoy themselves tonight.
Heh, that went a lot better than Miss Hero planned for it to go. Thank goodness for that multi-generational war thing, it really bailed us out of trouble there!

Huh? What was that?

(This is your one warning that you should be clicking every single music link from here on. There's not a single track I wouldn't recommend, starting from here until the game's end. If I still put sirens by a link, then that's me yelling into your ear to listen to it with the ear I'm not yelling in.)



It's me! The princess! The ghost you met... you delivered my message to the King...

Oh. You scared me!

Yes, well, it's very hard not to do that when you're dead... Please, listen to me... I'm trapped in your body, and I still need your help... But, I can help you, too.

The Queen, you need to speak with her, right? That's my mom. I need to talk to her too. Before the invasion tomorrow. But it won't be easy to get to her, Mohabumi is a place for magical people. And you... can't use magic, can you?


Right...but if we work together, I think we can figure something out.

I like teamwork.

It's a bit new to me, but so is being dead... and I guess that hasn't stopped me yet. Sorry, for, um... invading your body... and then being trapped inside it... that was pretty rude. And you've already done so much for me. I realize I'm asking a lot...

It's cool! It sounds like we need your help, too!

Guess so. My name's Hala, by the way. The city is just ahead...
So the ghost has been possessing us the whole time, huh? She could have helped us during our prison escape scene that we don't remember

Welcome to Mohabumi! Please take this complimentary guide map.

Hey! This map doesn't have anything on it...

It will fill itself in as you visit different areas. Nonmagical persons will have trouble accessing much of the city. So we do not clutter the map with places you cannot see... As you may have noticed, the city is entirely underground... we keep it lit by magical crystals. Visitors often find this unusual, but a vertically designed city is more space efficient, and convenient to navigate... if you can fly, that is. There's much to enjoy here in Mohabumi, even if you are not magical. The main marketplace is just ahead, and if you are interested in the study of magic - The Academy is also on the ground floor.
We've finally arrived at the great capital city of the Witch Kingdom! Next time, we'll get to exploring it... which is much more fun than exploring Xiatian was.