Part 25: The Crater
Update 24 - The Crater
MUSIC: Mohabumi
Here we are, back in the apartments. A keen eyed viewer may have noticed this previously, but there's a lot of block material covering the ceiling and walls! Well... we've now got the means to travel along that pathway!
Bard, thankfully, wrote down the second song in case we forgot what it was. As well, Amaris' location has been marked. Which seems like it will require us to head up several levels of the city. So, let's get started!
When the blocks are turned orange, they gain a small gravity well to them that lets you jump against them, and glue yourself to it. It makes some jumps/navigation a bit easier this way.
Yes, there are even more people hiding admist the walls, ceilings, and otherwise hidden places in the city to talk to. I believe Mohabumi has the most npcs in the game, though several of them we met before we got here.

You know, being a witch doesn't make life easy. I think about this all the time. People think magic solves all your problems, but I have lots of problems.

I wish it solved all my problems. When my girlfriend dumped me... where was magic to help me THEN? That's what I'm asking. I can fly and walk on walls... but women? I just can't understand them.
Not to say that getting dumped isn't a problem... but it would make me a lot less upset if I could at least go brood about it on the ceiling.

What's even the point of magic? I'd trade it in a heartbeat... if it gave me my girlfriend back.

Mm. Probably. I suppose I'd have to think about it.
Can't you use magic to give yourself a dopamine rush? All the benefits of drugs, without those nasty side effects!
Hermes was the only person on the ceiling in this area, so let's go explore some other ceilings!
This one, for instance.
Hmm, the magical block is covering that exit pathway. We can't seem to go that way for now. We'll have to head back down and find another way through.
Another denizen of the upside down world. How do you do, fellow skyrider?

...Productive conversation. Do you have more to say?

I love living upside-down! Wait, no... it's the rest of the world that's upside-down. I'm one of the few rightside-up ones! Eeee hee hee hee!
...The blood pooling in the back of your brain
may be causing a problem for you.

Some folks don't like being on the ceiling. You get used to it, suits me just fine! But then, I may just be a very...
upside-down kind of person... least that's what all my boyfriends say! Eeee hee hee hee!
... Oh look! The exit to a new place, is right here! Let's... leave them be.
Well gee, I wonder what we need to do here?
Here's where we are on the map, if you'd like to keep track. We've still got a ways to go to reach Amaris, but we're making it!
Fernando! Our accordion smashing friend, we found you again! There's also someone on the wall right next to us, we'll jump over there and say hello to them first.

All this stress is bad for my skin. This forever-war would be boring... if it wasn't also terrifying! I don't want to be eaten by a monster...
Lu, I doubt the monsters will reach here. They haven't really made it past the borders. Unlike Xiatian which does have monsters trying to reach the city...

I thought sideways living would be a fun change of pace. After me and my boyfriend split... it was time for something new.


Turns out it's not really that exciting. My life is still the same boring thing, but sideways now.
Is your boyfriend named Hermes? Because if so, you probably made a wise decision... even if life is more boring now.

Building in Mohabumi is a pretty unique challenge. That used to be my problem... I was studying to be an architect... until I wasn't. How does anyone know... what they want to do? I can't even decide which direction to live in.
An architect in Mohabumi sounds like an incredibly fun and horrible job. Having to learn physics, but then learn how to break the rules of physics can only go really well or really poorly.

Ola! My amigo from the boat! Are you enjoying Mohabumi? This just so happens... to be right near my favorite place in the city! The Crater theater! All the best musicians in the world come here! I would play here myself, but...

I smashed my accordion. Perhaps I did not think that through.
It certainly did liven the performance up, though how it caught on fire remains a mystery...

You must always follow the music. That's the spirit of a true musician! And, sometimes... the music tells you to smash your accordion. And light it on fire! No one can say why she asks us this. But when you become a musician, you pledge your allegiance to her whims.
Wait... YOU lit the accordion on fire? You could have burnt the boat down! Smashing it was enough, you didn't have to lit it on fire...! Though... it was pretty good.

You have the spirit of a true musician. I did not know it when I met you... but now! I can feel it! Yours shines bright as mine! We are kindred spirits, amigo. Carry the music in your heart wherever you go.
I think we should carry it into the Crater, and check to see what kind of place Fernando thinks has the best musicians in the world! Let me tell you, it's not got the best musicians unless we are there!
HOLY SHIT!!! It's the Delphi Crew!!


Whatta sight for sore eyes! Always thought we might run into ya again... it's been a while!

We ain't got much time to chat... about to go up on stage here! And once we're up there, that's gonna be our whole night... These witches sure know how to party.

I'm mentally preparing myself.

We'll give them a night to remember!

Come watch us in a bit!
Holy crap, it's real awesome to see the band again! And while we definitely do need to go see them play, they've got a LOT more to say first.

Man!!! It's just great to see ya, ace! After you left, we took this show on the road! We been all over the

It's been quite an adventure!

Maybe a little too much...

Yeah, ain't always been easy.


We've had our instruments stolen... been kicked outta Rulle...

And that time we were on trial for sea crimes.
...I need a spinoff/dlc of their adventures now. Please make this happen.

We definitely been in some hot potatoes.

All worked out in the end though! We're still going!
(...The band definitely ain't the same without you though, ace.)

We miss you! We'd love if you travelled with us...

Aw! That does sound really fun! But... I have to save the world!

Sounds important.

You gotta follow your heart, ace!

It's so cool to see you all again though. I didn't think you'd ever leave Delphi!


Delphi ain't really a thing anymore, ace. Delphi really changed after you left...

There was a dark feeling in the air...

The sun didn't shine as bright. The wind stopped blowing...

And monsters started appearing!


They were horrible. Dark creatures... they'd tear homes apart... attack innocent people...

Nasty, nasty stuff.

I think I've seen those kinds of monsters... Is the town gone?


The town's still there, but it ain't what it used to be.

It isn't safe. The people left there are in constant fear.

We did everything we could. I loved my town, ace. Leavin' it wasn't an easy choice, but we had to.

Oh. I'm sorry... but I'm glad you're okay!

Our music made a difference, ace! I really believe that.

We keep people's spirits up! We carried that good vibe you gave us... and ever since we left, we've been spreadin' it all over the world!


Delphi may be in some trouble... but we left their spirits tough, ace. And there's still good folks there.

Yes! Like that witch...


Oh yeah. Sapphire!


She's a tiny, very kindly old lady.



Oh! You never met her... she's great though.

If she's related to Sapphire, she must be.

Sapphire's been keeping Delphi safe. She's the only one who can fight the monsters...

She's impressive for an old lady!

I see...

Well, enough about that! Ace... we got
a show to put on!

That's right!

Amazing to see ya again.

Don't forget about us.

We'd have ya back anytime!
That ended up being a much more bittersweet reunion than originally hoped for... We did get to hear about their fantastic adventures though, and we know that Miriam's grandma is okay now. Still... the Dream King mentioned this before, but when an Overseer gives up the Earthsong piece, they are giving up the pure part of themselves. Doing so, speeds up their fall from grace, so to speak. The Wind Queen was so reluctant to give us the piece because of this... and ended up being the only Overseer to trust in us, in all likelihood. And in doing so, we may have... doomed Delphi. Not intentionally, obviously, but... it should steel us to get the rest of the pieces and save the world.
Anyway... enough depression. Their new singer seems... like a poor fit, but maybe he's got a gooey center.

Ugh... Yeah... I'm with this band... It's just a temp thing. They're so...
I know, isn't it great!?

I'm working on launching my solo career. The music I do is pretty different... but, I need these gigs.
Jaime has not warmed himself to me... not liking the Delphi Crew is a quick way to being labeled as a garbage opinion haver.

Girls love a guy in a band. After I perform, they line up... well... except with this band... It's hard to look cool with these dweebs behind you. But I'm doing my best. Are you their old singer? That explains a lot... they always talk about you. And whenever I sing... they want me to sound more like you. Can you give me a sample? Sing for me.

Oh... that... Uh. I don't do that.
You don't do sounding good? I'm pretty sure that's why you can get any ladies...
Before we continue on, there's this older gentleman over here decked out in Jetsons' clothing.

I love the Crater! I love to just... get down!
Yeah! And freaky! These joints are old, but they still got life in 'em! I've been dancin' these halls... heck, since I was a baby! The kids just keep gettin' younger, but they ain't got moves like mine. Generations of dancers have come and gone... but the Crater's always been there! It's a special place. Am I gonna see you on the floor tonight?
Rahul is great. One of the few older people around that's super positive instead of doom and gloom. And hell yes, he will see us on the floor! Let's go in and dance our little Bard heart out!
MUSIC: The Crater
Welcome to the Crater! Bard will dance nonstop so long as he's out on the floor here. All we've got to do is pick the dance we want!
His tap dance is still my favorite. The spinning one loses its luster after a while. Still there's not much to do here, so maybe we should get go---

What, uh... What are
YOU doing here???

I dunnoooooooo!

It looked like you were
dancing, Miriam!

No!... I...


Okay. You know what? I was dancing.
Is that against the law???

I didn't know you liked dancing!

I don't! Usually... but...


I dunno... I've been figuring out... a bunch of stuff... about myself... and, it's been exhausting... And...

I don't care if you want to judge me.

No!!! I want... to dance with you!
I cannot express in words how much I love this. Miriam's dance is freakin amazing. Also, I'd go get a sandwich or something for the next part because these two have a LOT to talk about before we leave here.

Oh! Miriam! I heard about your grandma...

What? Really?

There's monsters in Delphi... just like here. She's fighting them!


Is she okay??

I think so...! She's keeping the whole town safe! Your grandma's really cool, Miriam.


I hope she's okay...

Um! So... what sort of stuff... have you been figuring out?

Everything. Like, who I am... and what I'm doing... and why I'm doing it.

Oh! That's a lot. You figured that out?

No. I guess... you don't really ever figure that out. I just was thinking about it.

You... always seem to know what you're doing.

I do?

Well... Okay no you don't, but... you know... who you ARE.

I do?

Oh shut up. Yes, you do. You're always so sure... of what you want. And you're always so happy! Like it's just easy.

It is!


Not for me. How do you do it?

Huh? You mean... be happy?

Yeah, how do you do it? I want to be happy.

I don't know!


Maybe... it's not really that easy. I have to try hard all the time. Lots of stuff makes me feel sad.

Sure. But then you just get over it! Like when we were in Chismest. You were so mopey about not being the hero. And then... you were fine again.

I dunno if I really got over it. I just... stopped thinking about it.

Do you still wish you were the hero?




I don't want to be mean... but, that girl... who's the hero... I think she's evil.

You think?

It's unfair. Why is she the hero? All I wanted was to make a difference, and save the world. But I'm nobody... nothing I do matters. She's still killing Overseers, Hala's message didn't stop the war... and I keep trying, but I'm scared... that no matter how hard I try, I'll never change anything.

See, that's what's good about you.


Heroes... monsters... Overseers... witches... You're in way over your head. You don't even have powers, like I do, but you keep trying. Even when it's hopeless. I really...


Admire... that... about you. You don't have the same gifts I do. But you keep racing ahead of me. Sometimes... it makes me feel useless... but... it's also inspiring. I want to be like that.

Thanks... Miriam.

Dancing feels really good.


I didn't know, but... I needed this.

Yeah!!! I'm glad you're having fun.

This band is from Delphi, isn't it? It's the one you played with...


I missed your show, but I dig this music right now.

Miriam!!! You like music??? Is it really you??

They're from where I grew up. It reminds me of home. I thought in a city of witches, I'd find something familiar... and learn about myself. But, so far, the thing that's connected to me the most... is this music. It makes me think about my grandma, and red trees, and all the stuff that makes me happy.

See, Miriam! That's the power of music!


I'm gonna dance here a while. No more talking. Just dancing. Me time. Okay?

Miriam has earned some me-time after that fantastic discussion. I am absolutely ashamed to say that I completely missed the Crater my first playthrough and this was all new to me. Which may be one of the most criminal things in the world. As I mentioned before, Miriam has a lot of dialogue here in the city, and we're going to encounter her a couple more times. She's been getting a lot of development, and you can check in to hear her thoughts on how things are going for her. It's all miss able, and it's such a shame that there may be more people like me who missed all of this.
Since Miriam has nothing more to say, we're done with the Crater, and it's time to make our way toward Amaris yet again.
MUSIC: Mohabumi
Back out in the rest of the city, it's time to use spells and platforming to get where we need to go.
Looks like we're in the last location before we can meet with Amaris! We just need to scale this room to its highest point to advance.
Which is why we're going to instead fall down because there's someone on the bottom floor... painting?

Wah! You caught me! That's right... The mysterious graffiti artist of the Witch Academy, who's left her mark all over, but has never been seen... is me!!!

Oh. You haven't heard of me? Just don't tell anyone you saw me, okay?
I'm not sure who'd we tell, Ima. Well, we are about to go see the headmaster...

The Witch Academy is so stuck up! People think studying magic means they know everything. I hate it! Someone has to shake things up. That's me! I'm a student here too. If the administration finds me out... I'll be expelled for sure! Not that I love this place... but I need to graduate! It's my ticket out of this drab city, and into the real world! I want to be one of the few witches who leaves Chaandesh. I've got big ideas, bub!
First off, you're making graffiti at a spot where there's nobody around. Maybe it's because it's nighttime, but uh... no one's ever gonna notice. Second of all, imagine living in the most magical and colorful city and calling it drab. I just... can't even imagine. You can literally walk on walls here!!!
...Anyway. We need to climb back up and to the top to meet Amaris. Which is made easier by the fact that we can climb walls
It's worth mentioning again, but there is a slight gravity well when the blocks are orange. So jumping to them like this is actually easier than dealing with the bounce blocks... which we'll have to use now to get to the next one.
And we've reached the top! This is the first area that requires us to mix jumping blocks with climbing blocks. That... may come into play soon.
Well she looks... fun. Also it's a good thing that all the sisters just so happened to be standing next to a mirror, or this would have been a lot harder. Bard swearing up and down that he's possessed by the spirt of their dead sister is likely to end with another kingdom wanting our head.


What brings you here?

Well. I died...

Oh I know
that, believe me! And other things, too...


You really hurt this family, you know that? What you did was incredibly selfish...

Hey! That's not very nice... your sister was kidnapped! Why is that selfish???

She wasn't kidnapped.


She ran away. Abandoned us, got herself killed... Why don't you tell us yourself, sister?

Well, I mean... yeah.

You ran away from home?


And mom has the power to stop it! But... she wouldn't hear me. I got frustrated. And then I thought, maybe the King of Rulle would have more reason... It was desperate and stupid. I realize that. So I ran away, and then I died. I'm
sorry, Amaris. OK? But now everyone thinks Rulle killed me... and it's just another thing instigating the war. I can't let that be my legacy!

Then how did you die?

The forest monsters! Or demons... or whatever they are... Something terrible is happening out there. And it's not Rulle, and it's not us. Someone needs to make mom understand that! We just need a song, Amaris. A spell song we can use to reach the palace. You're the only one who might know it...

I do know it. I shouldn't even have to teach it to you, Hala... all the royal family should know it.

Candra and Badriyah didn't.

Really? So much old knowledge going forgotten... Here. This is it.

Thank you, Amaris.

Of course.


Losing you was very hard, Hala. For all of us. I couldn't help but be angry... maybe you don't deserve it. I'm helping you so that... you can go talk to mother yourself. You hurt her the most. I hope you're ready to answer for that.
While a very cold conversation between the two sisters, you can see why Amaris is also the most upset. Especially since Hala ran away with a very poor plan on how to stop this war. Still, we got a new spell that is much more simple to explain than the others. Casting this one allows us to walk through blocks. So those areas that had a block in the way? Now we can get through it!
Before we leave, Amaris has more to say to Hala... hopefully it's nothing too harsh.

I thought you were smarter than this, Hala. You
WERE smarter than this. You could have been a great student, like Candra... or raised a family, like Badriyah... but you threw it all away... stupid. Such a waste of your precious mind. As soon as you vanished, we knew... that you'd run away yourself. But I didn't know why. You never even said anything, Hala. It seemed like you just wanted to be rid of us. How could I not be angry? Perhaps I was too quick to judge... I should be happy to see my little sister again. But seeing you like this, right now... It's just bringing out my anger... I'm sorry to be like this, Hala. Forgive your fool of a sister.
Surprisingly, Hala has nothing to say in response. Amaris is the most interesting of the three sisters we've met, if only because she's exhibited flaws. She does clearly care for Hala, but can't help but be angry at her running away... even if it was because she truly believed that it would help people.
Regardless, we now have all three spells needed to fully explore the city! We'll go ahead and do that before we head to the Queen.
Long fall, but more importantly, the spell clearly works. It's not as useful as the wall climbing spell, but we need this to get past a few barriers.
Now that we're out of Amaris' office, we have the city to explore! Heading all the way to the top right is our story objective, so we'll stay away for now. Instead, we're going to explore the bottom levels we missed and work our way up.
Remember here? We skipped past this area last time, but now we'll stay on the ground and not use the blocks.
We're back in the shopping district! And look who's here! It's our favorite witch friend!

I can finally explore the rest of this market! There's a lot here.
(Mostly crap...) i guess this is what witches like though? I was checking out this candy, it's really weird. Saphy never made stuff like this. All this candy is made from stuff around here. You'd never see this back in Delphi. There's this one familiar flavor, though... it's kind of like this wild mushroom we used to pick. It grew under the trees in Delphi, she would cook in into everything. I don't think it's exactly the same, but the taste really reminds me of those mushrooms... I wonder if she was trying to mimic this.
Candy that tastes like wild mushrooms? How... why?? We'll need to investigate that...

I wonder if Saphy ever lived here? She never told me about it if she did. I never even asked her where she came from... I wish I had. I like to think she was here once, or maybe she grew up here! I don't know why, but I like to think that.
Ok, Miriam has intrigued me with this candy, what are your secrets candy-lady?

Interested in some candy, sweetie? They're all homemade from family recipes... passed down through generations of witches!

I like candy!

Of course you do! Try some of my dried wormguts!

Uh... could I have candy?

What? That IS candy! My wormguts are the best in Mohabumi! Try, try!

That's okay!

If not the wormguts, how about my pickled bughorns?

Do witches really eat these things???

LOVE these things. Try, try!


It's such a waste to come to Mohabumi, and not even taste our candy. Try just one thing! I insist!


That's really tasty actually!

Didn't I tell you? That's a very popular one! Sweet crunchy batflakes! Would you like to take some?

Nah I'm okay!
What kind of horrible place did we come to!? I was enjoying Mohabumi this entire time without realizing they eat candy wormguts and batflakes!! I seriously hope they didn't actually candy guano, and that it's actual bat... even though that already sounds really bad!!
Ugh! Let's leave this place.
Ah, this must be where Miriam got her broom. As well, there's a teen on the other side looking... rebellious?

Witches are the most fake, boring, annoying people on the planet... if you ask me. I am not really proud to be one of them. And we're born with such strange hair colors... pink, green, cyan...? Blech. I like normal human hair colors. I guess that's obvious from my hair now.
I do like the idea of Sophie here, a rebellious teenage witch. There's something about a teenager rebelling by trying to be normal that makes me laugh.

I don't really get why there's a war going on. Like, what's wrong with Rulle? Did they do something? They seem cool to me, what do I know. I want to move out of here when I get older. Definitely not go to the Academy. I'd go across the ocean, or I'd go to Rulle, even. Starting a new life in a strange new place... that sounds almost kind of exciting...
Well, good luck with that Sophie! May want to wait till the war ends before moving to Rulle though. Otherwise... things may be difficult.
Past Sophie was a block that we used to jump up and head to right here! It seems like there's a hidden spot for us to investigate...
Oh... hello! Do you know any secrets?

My great great grandma started the whole war with Rulle. It's true! Really. A long long time ago, she was in Xiatian, and she saw one of those animals... what do they call them? Kwin? It was a beautiful bird, I think. And she decided to keep it! But later she found out it was the prince's Kwin! When it went missing, he panicked. They thought it was kidnapped by spies... Yep. So they started the war over it. You know, it was crazy, because the Qwin liked my great great grandma way better. The prince was, like... really mean to it. It was embarrasing for Rulle, so they kept the real reason for the war a secret. But it was my great great grandma. Yup. Rest in peace...
Uhhh holy shit?? If what this random girl told us is true, that means the war has been going on for at least a hundred years, and was also started over a weird diplomatic incident? But why would they declare war on Chaandesh unless her grandma was super high ranking. Though I absolutely can believe that dumb reason is why they've been fighting for so long.

My whole family is crazy. We used to live in the Mohabumi castle. Yup. When I was a kid, it was my job to brush the Queen's hair. I had to do it every day! Even though I was so young. My dad was like, a political advisor to her. So he knew, like, all her secrets. But he knew too much... Yup. One day he found ot something he wasan't supposed to, so the Queen killed him! Yeah... it was so sad. We had to leave the castle forever. I never found out the secret that got him killed, I think it was about one of the princesses... Yup. They're always doing illegal stuff. They can get away with anything, because they're royalty.
So uh... Hala... any comment on literally any part of that? Because if this girl is telling the truth, why is she still alive? She seems to know every dirty little secret about this place. Except for the one I guess.

When I was young, everyone said I was a prodigy, like with magic. I studied in the castle with the princesses. They were all jealous of me though, because I was so talented. I tried for the Academy when I was still a kid, took the entrance exam and everything. The proctor told me my exam was flawless too, when I handed it in. But then later, when I got the official results, my score was terrible. But then I looked at the answers on my exam... and it wasn't even my handwriting! They switched my exam... on purpose. Yup. It was totally corrupt. The Queen bought my score for one of the princesses. I guess she wasn't too smart either, based on her exam. So I never got into the Academy. Crazy, huh?
I legit can't tell if this woman is just a pathological liar, or is just super lucky to have fallen beneath the cracks. Her great great grandma caused the war. Her father was an advisor who knew too much, and she herself is some prodigy that the Queen stole test scores from?? Her story has like pangs of truth to it (royalty corrupt, and can do whatever they want) but if she is telling the truth, it really hurts the character of the princesses we've met, including Hala. Which seems like that wouldn't be the goal?? I don't know, Jasmine's stories are just... weird.
Let's just move on and forget she existed... like the Queen did apparently. We can't get past here because there's a block in the way, so...
Hey! It's Mask! We ended up finding him on accident! Let's talk to him about another dance!

Hey now, wanderer. You did good, finding me here... I'm here... feeling all the DANCE around me... Channeling it... and letting it wake up the DANCE that's inside me. I know you feel it too, wanderer. The power of the DANCE. Let's reach inside ourselves, and see what gifts we find...
VIDEO: Sixth Dance

Beautiful dance, wanderer. When you dig deep... the gifts you find are really something special.
It's another great dance that I just wish we had for the Crater. Oh well! We've still got a tiny bit more of the city to cover before we go see the Queen, but that will have to wait for another day...