Part 26: The Last Request
Update 25 - The Last Request
MUSIC: Mohabumi
Last time, we got a really cool dance, though sadly missed the chance to use it on the dance floor. We've got just a little bit of city left to explore before we go check out the castle, so let's get to it.
Specifically, it's these next few rooms that are left.
Hey! We found the last shipmate in the city, Deva!

Oh heyyy! It's the

Shh! Hey... please don't say that so loud... I don't wanna get in trouble!

Aw, don't sweat it. A criminal record's like a badge of honor! Well, to me, anyway. (I won't tell anyone your cool secret). Is this your first time in Mohabumi? How do you like it?

It's pretty big!

Feeling overwhelmed? I guess, since we can fly... and walk on walls and stuff... it doesn't feel so big to us. But it must be shocking if you don't have magic. When you get a chance, you've
GOT to check out The Crater! It's the theater in the upper area of the city. All the coolest acts come through there... I hear there's a band from across the ocean.
We've already been Deva, and yes that band is amazing! Please go check them out.
Would you look at that, Miriam again! Jeez she's just popping up all over the place!

So... they make potions here...

That's your speciality, right?

Uh... more like my grandma's speciality... I just picked up some things from her. But we could never make potions like these. We just used what was around us in Delphi.

your speciality?

Hmm... I guess, I'm pretty good... at blowing stuff up, with my fingertips.

That's very violent, Miriam!!! Do you really like blowing thingsw up?!

Well... yeah! It's really fun!

I dunno, that's just what my magic... does. But magic is so different, here... Witches have all these different uses for it. They do lots of things with it. I feel so... simple, by comparison... I thought doing magic made me a witch, but we're barely even the same thing. I feel so different from everyone here... My grandma's the only one who feels like home, and we haven't talked in a
loooooong time. I keep wondering if she's okay...

I bet she's worried about you too!

Yeah. And, I mean... you know... what if we don't make it in the end? What if the world ends? Last time I saw her could have been the last.

I never thought about that.

Well, I did.

I think we'll make it back, Miriam. I guess I don't know for sure. Either way... you don't have to feel alone! Because... you have me!

That's nice.
I can't tell if Miriam is being sarcastic or not... and so I don't know if it's cute or a little sad. Either way, we've spoken to Miriam enough today. Let's go bug the lady behind the counter.

Hey!!! How can I help you? Wanna buy a potion?

...I don't have any money...

Aw! Too bad. My potions are the best!
She's the quickest to directly find out that we have no money so kudos to Kamala. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to take that kudos away because she will still talk to us after finding out that we are just window shoppers.

I like to really go with the flow, y'know? I make my potions fresh every day. I just kinda... listen to the universe... and see what ingredients it wants today... and then I use those! Sometimes it gets weird, but sometimes I make nifty discoveries! I think I'm really in tune with the NOW, y'know? Y'know, the whole universe... it's just all of us in one big mushy pile together, and we all mix together in different ways, but we're all really part of the same one thing. I like thinking about that! And about all the ways all the little pieces mix together. That's why making potions is the coolest!!!
I'm not sure how a discussion on metaphysical matter relates to potions, but sure Kamala. Whatever helps you get through the day.
This sleeping witch is our last npc before we head towards the Queen. So... whatcha got to say?

Oh... I'm so tired... I was up all the night before, partying... and then I had work today... I think I'm starting to see things...

You look like a happy green elf... Heh heh... Are you really here? You look so ridiculous...

I'm real!

Ha ha, oh my gooooooosh... I'm so embarrased... Wait... That's exactly what a hallucination
would say... Tell me a story, sweet little hallucination...

I'm real! But ok! Once there was... a happy unicorn!


Except, the happy unicorn WASN'T happy, because... Um... She lost her horn!

Mmm oh no...

Yeah, so she just looked like a normal horse. But in her heart she knew she was a unicorn! And her name was, hmm, Miriam!

So Miriam the unicorn, she went looking for her horn...



You should get some sleep!
Ok, with Ananya sleeping like a baby, we are done with the city of Mohabumi! It's time to make our climb up to the castle!
We've been here before, though we weren't able to get past this... but now we can!
Uhhh? Mask? What are you doing here?

Whoa... hey now, wanderer. Didn't expect to see you here.


There's really no place like Mohabumi, is there? It's full of secrets... I think that's important, wanderer. The world needs mysteries.

How did you get here??

The real truth is... we can never know the real truth. Some questions are just too big, and sometimes the question is more important than the answer. Don't you think? A real mystery can remind us of that, even a mundane one. Don't seek answers, wanderer. Answers aren't worth a thing. Answers change all the time. What's true today may not be true tomorrow. And sometimes, what you feel's more important than what you know. You gotta seek... questions.
Mask that was a bunch of BS, I just want to know how you got past the blocks. Are you a witch? That would make some sense to be honest...
He's not talking to us anymore, so we'll just move on I guess.
According to the map, this last room is one gigantic room that leads to the castle. So we simply need to scale it, and we'll be home free!
As this is the final area, the platforming challenge has been increased to include all three songs. So we have to be prepared to switch from jumping blocks, to climbing blocks, to phase-through blocks, at a moment's notice. It's mildly annoying, since you have to sing a song each time you do it. It's not quite as bad as say, the elegy of emptiness from Majora's Mask, but I didn't really enjoy it. Which kinda sucks, because you're running up the walls! How is that not the most fun way to platform!?
This final block is the only real tricky one, because you need to use a jump block to reach it, but you need it to be a climbing block to make it across. It's easier if you use the corner part to stick to the platform, but it can still be a little fidgety to nail it.
MUSIC: Silence
Voila! We've arrived at the Chaandeshi Capitol! It's time to meet this Queen and convince her to, at minimum, teach us the song but also try and end this war!
...Not before getting rid of one last block.
We're in! Let's hope this goes better than it did in Rulle.
Would it be a castle without an unnecessarily long entrance hallway?

Oh... Hala...?

Hi, Purnima...

How did you...? Who is...? Why... What...?

We're here to talk to mom.

Oh... she's still looking for you, Hala... Anyone that lends her an ear, she sends to find you. She won't believe that you're gone.
Soooo, we should talk to her.

Yes! I just... thought you should know. Please be gentle with her, alright?

It's startiling to see you again, Hala. Mother's been so difficult to deal with...


I know you said, back then... that you were going to run away, if mother didn't negotiate peace... I thought it was an empty threat. Maybe you can talk some reason into her. Eya be my witness, I've surely tried... but you know her. She's stubborn, and nobody else has time to deal with her.

You're a brave soul, Purnima.

As brave as I need to be.
Okay... well, we've stalled long enough. It's time to meet the Queen and... end this war.

Can it be... Hala? Hala, you've returned to us! I knew it! I knew you were alive all this time... Your sisters denied it... said the most awful things... but I knew it, Hala. I'm so glad you're alive...

I'm sorry, mom. But... I'm definitely dead...
VIDEO: Won't Bring Me Back

Hala... Her words... They're so...


Oh... My dear old Hala... I can't believe she's really gone... She died carrying this foolish idea in her heart... She never understood how things worked...

It's impossible...
But!!! Those were her last words!!! As a ghost!!! She came all this way to say that to you!!!

Yes... I dearly wish that made her words true... but it does not... any more than when she was with us...
GAH!!! Wait!!! That's not all! There's an invasion tomorrow, too!

Yes, I am well aware. Those animal loving barbarians... so long as they haunt us... there will never be a chance for peace.


Be gone, now. Whoever you are...
This has been a complete and total bust... but we can ask for the Overseer song at least... that request isn't difficult, right?

I'm a bard, by the way!


Um, and I'm trying to save the world...


So I need to learn the Overseer song...


Can you... teach me it?


Mrs. Queen, Hala's message was really important to her! I really think you should listen to what she said! About monsters and stuff! And the war!

Our Spell Squad is already dealing with the monsters...


My worry now is that hero we sent to rescue her in Rulle... Hala... My wonderful daughter... She was so intelligent... and yet, so foolish. She could have been a scholar like Amaris... if only she weren't so reckless...

This was... a complete and utter failure
We didn't end the war, we didn't get the song, and Hala has now truly left this world. It still somehow went better than Xiatian... but it sure doesn't feel that way...


I'm sorry... Now you see what Hala dealt with...
I don't know what we're going to do now, but it's time to go find Miriam and come up with another plan.

I'm really sorry... about my mother. I just want you to know... I really think Hala was right. And... you needed the Overseer song, right? I can teach that to you, at least. If it helps...


OK. Then... listen closely...
VIDEO: Chaandesh Song

Of course.


I'll keep talking to my mother. Maybe with time, sense will reach her. Good luck on your journey, ghost kid...

Can I ask you something?

Uh... yes...?

How do you make your hair look so crazy?

Oh. It's... a lot of hair spray... A lot.

It looks neat!

Thank you.
I'm glad Bard asked that question, because it was something I was wondering. But! We ended up getting the Overseer song anyway! We can meet up with Miriam and head to the Sky Temple and try and get the song pieces from the Overseers before they turn into monsters! Time to head to the castle entrance.

MUSIC: Miriam
Check it out!!! I mastered this stupid broom!!! Now I can get us anywhere in the city! So we can finally... Meet...The...

MUSIC: Silence

MUSIC: Miriam

So you got the Overseer song?


What's wrong? What's the problem?

The war didn't end, Miriam!

Even after we came all this way... we couldn't change anything...
*Sigh* How many times do I have to tell you...
THE WORLD IS ENDING!!! War or no war, it doesn't matter!! We got the song, so we have what we need. We can meet the Overseer! Hop on my broom and let's
GO! Before the invasion!


Or you can meet me later. If you still have stuff to do. I'll mark on your map where to find me. But keep it quick!!!
Sure enough, Miriam has marked all of her locations on the map and so you can explore the city to your heart's content then find her and fly away! Except... we did that already. So we're ready to head to the Spirit World... NOW.

Heeeeeere we go!!!
MUSIC: My Friend Miriam

Wow, Miriam! You fly this broom really well! It's like you never lost your old one!

Meh. I'm definitely not as good with this one... but... thanks.

I'm really sorry, Miriam. About your broom, and also... we promised to work together more... but I met the Queen without you. Are you upset with me?

Nah. I'm still upset my broom broke. But I'm not mad at you. I had a lot of stuff to think about, anyway. It was weird being in a city of other witches. I thought it'd be a place where I fit in, but I didn't.

That just means you're special!

Well. Maybe... I don't want to be special. I've been special my whole life. Around Delphi, me and Saphy were the only witches. I never knew someone else like me. And I guess I still don't. It doesn't feel good to be different like this. I feel like I'm just messed up. And I'll never fit in anywhere.

I don't fit in either, Miriam...

What? Yes you do. Everywhere you go, you make lots of friends. Everyone loves you. Nobody loves me.

I know.

And maybe I do make friends, but it's not because I fit in, or I'm like them. Everywhere we go, I'm an outsider too. Just being on this adventure is wrong for me... I'm not a hero... I'm not supposed to be here. But, you make me feel like I am! We're outsiders... together! I'm glad that we're friends!

You know... you're probably the only person I know...

I'm glad we're friends, too.

We're going to meet the Moon Overseer. The Moon's Queen. And, if I understand right, we're gonna have to play the song that I learned, and the song that you learned, at the same time. No idea why. But it means I'll enter with you... Pretty standard by now, right? We'll probably land far apart, like last time. But I'll meet up with you ASAP. That's the plan. Any questions?
We get a lot of choices here for what we want to ask Miriam, we are obviously going through all of them, starting with "Why do we land far apart?"

I don't know.


Well... the thing about the spirit world is, none of it is "real"... the way things are here. It's shaped by your mind, and by the Overseer. That's why it goes empty when an Overseer dies. And different people see different things in it.
(I bet it looks really different to the Hero...) So the space there is really chaotic and shifting, distorting around each person there. It's probably basically impossible for people to find each other. Except, the castle where the Overseer lives... it's a "center" that's the same for everyone. So that's probably why we find each other there. Guess I knew after all. I just never put the pieces together... Did that make sense? I can explain it again if you want.
There's the nice explanation of it, in case anybody was wondering. It makes sense to me, your mind and the Overseer somewhat combine and form a world for you to perceive as real. Pretty neat.
Let's ask Miriam how she's feeling.

Huh? I feel... fine, I guess... Pretty feelingsed out right now. And ready to go meet an Overseer.

Yeah!!! I couldn't do it without you, Miriam!

"The invasion" that's soon... right?

Yep. It's today. Looks like we beat it, though.

Do you think everyone will be okay?

Probably...not. But what else can we do? If these idiots wanna fight each other, I guess... we have to just let 'em.


Stop giving me that look! We''re gonna
save the world, remember? We don't have time to fix
every problem on the way...
Last, and most certainly least, the Hero.

Oh, her... I heard the Witch Queen sent her off... to go find a princess or something?

But that princess died!


I mean, not awesome, but... that'll keep the Hero occupied for a while... so that's good news for us.
That was the last of the questions! Let's get this started...

Let's get this over with.
VIDEO: Eclipse
See you... on the dark side of the moon.