Part 35: The Reunion
Update 33 - The Reunion
We're outside of Langtree now. In fact, this is where we met Miriam way back in Update 2. It uh, doesn't look too good now.
The path to Bard's home is blocked by roots and dream trees. We'll have to head up and take the path to the Slumbering Tree.
Aww, the poor bird is still here. We need it to make the next jump, so thank goodness it stayed behind!
MUSIC: Starstorm
Though the dream world has combined with this world, we still need to climb back up to reach the Overseer again. So it's time for one last platforming section.
Remember these guys? The dream world brought them with it, so we get to have some fun down memory lane as we climb this mountain using the same gimmicks as before... though with a dying world in the background this time.
The flowers work in the same way as before, and there's no real obstacle or gimmick to using them this time. We use them in exactly the same way - to get to the next platform with a new flower.
The bird is back, and though it isn't necessary to reach the next flower, it does make your mistakes forgiveable.
Before we move on past this flower, let's grab the bird again, just to be safe.
And we were right to do so, as this plant can't go any higher than this. We'll need the bird's help to reach this flower spot.
We've arrived at the Dream Castle... which has seen better days, as it's barely recognizable. Let's head on inside and face down the Dream King.
I don't know why, but starting on the right side instead makes this feel... just wrong.
One last time, for good measure.
MUSIC: Silence
...The Wind Fairy? What are you doing here?
And the Heart Fairy!!! It looks like all the fairies have all gathered here. Are they here to defend the Dream King, or what?

Oh boy. You again, at a time like this? What is it with you humans... waiting until the
worst possible moment to show up? Stuff's about to go down.
BIG stuff. The Dream King's fading, and once he's gone...

The whole world's over. You sure you wanna be here for it? You should go hold someone you love, or something...
Sorry Wind Fairy, but we're here to save the world, or at least try. We can't go run away now.

We're the Hero's welcome party. You met her? She's pretty intense, can't really say I'm a fan. Having your Overseer killed ain't exactly fun. Hmm... wonder if there's an analogy you'd understand. It's probably kinda like... if your mom got killed, or something... but it's also kind of her job to die, and you're kinda supposed to help.

Hmm... I doubt you get it.
I can confidently say that I don't get it... at all.

Looking back...


I'm glad you made me go back to the Queen of Winds, even though it was hard. We really cared about each other, y'know? It was important for me to be there for the end.
Aww. You're welcome Wind Fairy. You may not be the best Fairy, but you were a funny one to talk to. But... speaking of best fairy...
Bark!!!... The King of Hearts didn't make it back after all...


I'm sorry... I really tried.

That's okay!!! Losing your Overseer... is part of being a fairy!!! Even though it's sad!!! I knew to expect it!!! Talking to everyone here... made me feel a lot better!!! I know it's gonna be ok!!!


I'm still sorry.

But, I'm glad you're ok!
Well, it's only gonna be okay for like ten more minutes until the Dream King fades away.

Are fairy parties normal? Like this? Where all the fairies hang out?

No!!! It's so cool meeting other fairies!!! I didn't know any of them!!! We never get to hang out!!!

Oh! You just hang out with your Overseer?

Yes!!! Until they die!!!

Whoa! So, where do fairies and Overseers come from?

Hmm!!! Well... fairies are made by Overseers!!! We aren't nearly as old as they are though!!! Overseers are like... part of the planet!!! They exist when the world exists!!! And it dies when they die!!! The idea that they are different entities... is... an illusion!!! They are all the same thing!!!


Actually!!! The separation of ALL things... is an illusion!!! We are all part of the same whole!!! Everything you think is internal to you... is influenced by external forces!!! And those forces are also influenced by you!!! Because they are all connected!!! And your sense, which tell you otherwise... are


I don't know if that really answered my question. But thank you!
We just discussed philosophy with a dog. Maybe this is all just a bad fever dream from some LSD Bard got from Mask. It'd explain the spirit world and the dream world combining together into one. Or maybe that's just my jealousy that Bard gets to discuss philosophy with a dog, and I'm limited to interpreting my dog barking at squirrels as if it's fine literature.
On the other side of the throne is the Order Fairy, who's likely putting together spreadsheets of schedules for how the new universe will form.

You've come for The End too, hmm? It's a bit like a party here! So fun! I love parties!
You... you do? Or do you just love organizing them?

I wish I could make tea for everyone... but the Dream King doesn't have any. Shucks. You like yours black, don't you?
Sweet tea! SWEET! Not black!

I knew he'd be trouble right from the start! The Dream King was such a mess of an Overseer...


How did he get to be the last one alive? It's not fair...
Life's not fair and orderly, Order Fairy. Dream King wanted to stay alive by any means, and it looks like he's been succeeding so far. Which is good for the rest of us!
The Dream Fairy sits on the throne, but we'll leave her for last. As you may guess, there's a couple more fairies in the room.
The two fairies made it out safely! Audrey was acting like they were gonna turn into monsters. Let's see what they have to say.

Hoy. What's up? Thanks for busting me and Moony out of the spirit world. We had a bunch of cool adventures together here. Moony's still sad about losing his Overseer. I'm not really though. The Sun's King was pretty messed up. I guess for me it was more obvious, since he put me in a cage and all that. Though I guess the Dream King is pretty messed up too. It's too bad. S'only a matter of time until he goes full monster. Hmm... ain't that just the way.
It would probably make it easier for us all to accept the deaths of loved ones if they turned into horrific monsters before passing on. At least then you'd know, "Yup it was definitely their time!"
*Gasp!* Oh, it's you!!! Talking to everyone here is so scary... everyone's Overseers are gone...


I miss the Moon's Queen... but at least I have Sunny. Thanks to Sunny, I've been practicing my bravery skills! I've been living in this strange new world, and not seeing my Overseer... and basically doing whatever I want! All with my best friend... it has been baby steps the whole way, but if you keep on walking, no matter what, even a baby like me can step very far! That's what Sunny told me. I feel less scared of everything now.

Well, a little bit.
Awww, poor moon fairy. You're still cute as heck, even if the Heart Fairy is the best fairy...

The physical world is so intriguing... It's very... solid and consistent. I really like it here...
You don't have to mince words Moonie, it's shit. That's the only other thing I'd describe as solid and consistent
On the other side, is the last fairy to speak with - the Chaos Fairy.

Ah. Hello. You've come just in time... for The End. We've all gathered here to bear witness. It's a very special time for us fairies, and the universe. It's sad... but perhaps not too sad... Everything must come to an end at some point.
And... that's it for the Chaos Fairy. They never really got a personality, and we never did get to meet Queen Chaos outside of her Shadow form for a couple seconds. It's a shame, but the pirate section more than made up for the Chaosscape being so mundane in comparison.
Alright... we saved the Dream Fairy for last. Let's speak to her, and then prepare ourselves for whatever lies beyond.

Meow had a feeling you'd be here again...

Because of my

... Something like that. Mr. Dream King has only gotten worse. He spent a lot of time away, avoiding the Hero... but he can't do that anymore. He's really sick. Meow is worried he doesn't... have much longer.

Good thing we made it just in time! I'll sing to him!!! I've been all over the world now. I have every piece of the Earthsong! (Except his...) So it's totally different from last time. This time... he
HAS to listen!

Meow isn't so sure about that... but... you don't care what meow thinks, do you?


Jeez Bard, you could stand to be a little more diplomatic.

Mr. Dream King really isn't a bad guy. Really really! But he's been through so much. It's hard even for meow to understand sometimes. Being alive for an eternity... it would make anyone go crazy. Meow just wishes she could help somehow. And meow really wishes, deep down in her little heart, that you, or anyone, could talk some sense into him... But...
Bard has to be right though. We've got every piece of the song except for the Dream King's. He's at the clear end of his life, so he'd only be giving up a life that's going to last for a couple more minutes at best. Logically, this makes sense... right?

The Hero will probably be coming soon, too... Meow hasn't seen her yet. But when she does... that's gonna be The End. Meow isn't ready for that...
We did somehow manage to beat Audrey here, at least. No telling how far behind us she is. She could be hours or minutes, so we best not delay... any more than we already have.
It's time to finish this.