Part 7: Heart Attack
Episode 7: Heart Attack

All right! We have a defensive mission this time. We have twenty minutes to prepare before the dwarves send a huge force against us from the north.
As you can see, we start with a huge amount of treasure to spend on rooms and static defences. We also have two gateways and plenty of room to build.

Let's start with a new room: the garrison. What does the garrison do?

Thanks, Mendechaus. In truth, what the garrison does doesn't matter at all, because it attracts augres. Augres are awesome. They're big and they're tough and they hit really hard. Supposedly the garrison boosts the strength of your walls and your defences, but as far as I'm concerned, it could do literally nothing at all, and I would still build it just to get those augres.

I also unlock another useful new room: the arena. The arena is a combat pit that you can drop your monsters into to have them fight each other. Although monsters can train and level up by training in the barracks, they can only get a few levels doing this. In order to get high-level monsters, they need real combat experience, either from fighting heroes or from fighting each other in the arena.

I start excavating to the north to make room for our new arena and garrison.

It cannot be healthy to hear this many voices inside your head. I believe this is the first time we're hearing from Kira, the goddess protecting Kairos from, well, us. Her confidence is severely misplaced!

This is the new garrison. I believe it's designed for you to build small 3x3 rooms with one of those pylon things in the centre. It looks a bit goofy as a 5x5 with four pylons. I want more augres, though! This room will only attract two augres, but that's fine. I can build more garrisons.
In the top left, you can also see a traditional big block of cannons. This is the main entrance to the base, so it pays off to fortify it.

Oh yeah, I didn't mention this earlier, but augres are cyborg bigfoots.

I was starting to worry about running out of gold, which would have created tension and forced me to make tough choices about how to best spend my remaining gold to defend my dungeon from the heroes' assault.
But then the game gave me a gold shrine, so whatever.

Flush with cash, I build a large prison and a torture chamber. We will need this.

And a big arena. In addition to letting you train your units by making them fight each other, it also attracts beastmaster units. Beastmasters aren't all that great, but they can train your beasts, which is useful, as beasts can't train normally in the barracks. Since we start with two gateways and tons of money, I haven't bothered with a beast den this mission, but it'll come in handy later.

I've built most of what I need, but there are still five minutes left until the heroes' assault. To pass the time, I throw our augres into the arena along with our gnarlings. The augres are absolutely wrecking the gnarlings, which used to be our best combat units. I love augres.

One downside to our gold shrine is that it is extremely exposed, being situated far outside our dungeon along one of the paths that the heroes will use for their attack. I build a ton of cannons around it, but it will be difficult to defend.

The first wave of heroes reaches our gold shrine. For some reason, they start their assault with a wave of regular miner dwarves, which are equivalent to our workers. They, uh, don't do very well.

Thanks, Mendechaus, but I think we've got this so far.

The heroes are attacking with real units now, and have managed to smash the first row of cannons. We're doing all right for now, but I don't plan to hold them here at the gold shrine. I'd rather fight them by the main entrance to our dungeon, which is more defensible.

Although we may lose the gold shrine, all this fighting is doing wonders for our prison economy! I should probably have made an even bigger prison, our workers can only drag a fraction of the heroes attacking us back to our overcrowded jail.

From Solitary to Statuary: one weird trick to control your prison population and your balance sheet at the same time!

Some of the heroes have started going around our gold shrine and attacking our main entrance directly. Since I'm paying their salaries anyway, I drop our army of monsters on them to support the wall of cannons.

But I end up having to pull them back very quickly: some of those devious dwarves have tunnelled through the eastern wall of our dungeon, going around all of our defenses!
Also, please note the garrison in this picture, which was supposed to reinforce the walls of our dungeon against this specific danger. Bloody useless.

Luckily, very few of the heroes were smart enough to go around, so our monsters manage to take them out.

The heroes have exhausted all of their reserves, and now all we have to do is break into their fortress and take out the Aum.

There are a few high-level defenders in the fortress, but nothing our army can't handle.

In the end, they only have one defender left: their immensely powerful level 10 champion.

Who, um

Who manages to take out our entire army single-handed.

This calls for dirty tricks! I drop some defeated dwarven warriors into our torture chamber and bring in our succubi. If an army of monsters can't take out their champion, how about an army of dwarves?

We quickly build up a nice force of dwarven elites. We lost all of our augres and most of the gnarlings in the first assault, but a war of attrition is my favourite kind of war! We have reinforcements, and they don't.

We then return to the hero fortress, our fresh army bolstered with dwarven traitors. Their champion puts the hurt on us, but there are just too many of us.

Our workers drag their defeated champion back to our torture chamber. Their greatest warrior will kneel before us yet.

With their defenders gone, we can now break into the chamber of the Aum. Victory is ours.