Part 8: Desecration
Episode 8: Desecration

This is going to be a short but really fun mission! We start off with nothing but four necromancers. No dungeon core, no workers, nothing. So since don't have to do any admin work this episode

there's no reason not to get up close and personal! This mission can be played almost entirely in first person by possessing one of the necromancers, should you want to. Later on, it's a good idea to jump out on occasion to cast a few spells, but for now, this'll work perfectly.

Of course, being necromancers, we'll be able to create a few friends to help us out in this crypt. As you would expect, the ghouls are individually not very strong, but they become overwhelming if you are able to raise a whole bunch of them. SPOILERS: we will raise a whole bunch of them.

Surprisingly, this crypt is really heavily guarded. That's no problem, thoughit just means more ghouls for us to raise from the dead.

In addition to being able to resurrect the guards and a bunch of regular coffins, there are also special crypts belonging to renowned heroes of Kairos scattered around the map. Seizing these crypts will allow us to resurrect those heroes, which are more powerful than our regular ghouls. It's a good idea to pick up at least a few of these heroes before we head for our ultimate objective.
These dwarven guards are guarding one of these special crypts. Dealing with them would be a lot easier if Necromancer Greg here would get out of the way and stop photobombing my screenshots.

Somehow, the dwarves got permission to install a lava lake around this crypt. That seems unnecessarily hazardous, but on the other hand, if you have to build something that's very dangerous and likely to kill you, I guess it's efficient to build it inside a crypt.

We reach our first special crypt. The owner's a little cranky.

He will serve us regardless. They all will!

I barely manage to turn a corner before I stumble across another of the special crypts. This one is a lot more modest than the previous one, just a regular tomb with a statue on top.

Down the hall from Bloodfeet'sI'm sorry, "Bloodfeet", really? That's the name?Down the hall from Bloodfeet's tomb, we find another tomb.

I briefly cancel the possession to help reorient myself. The layout is not very complex here, but it feels more confusing when you're navigating in first person. It's also a good idea to drop out of the possession if you're fighting a more difficult battle so you can heal your minions, and I've also been occasionally cancelling the possession to set rally flags for the minions when I'm having difficulties trying to corral them in first person.

I definitely recommend spending most of your time in first person, though, as it's just more fun!

Some of Mendechaus' lines just plain mystify me.

We picked up a wizard.

With these heroes, we should easily be able to take control of our final objective: the Emperor's crypt.

I mean, I probably wouldn't have been quite so harsh. But "Bloodfeet"?

We attack the elite priestess champions defending the Emperor's not-so-final resting place.

They put up a fight, but they're totally outmatched.

In the end, only their level 10 champion remains, cowering in the corner in disgusting sewer water.

I get what Mendechaus is implying, but I have never actually been able to resurrect their champion as one of my undead. It's possible that there is a cap on the number of undead servants that you can have at one time, and that I'm always full when I defeat her. Regardless, it doesn't matter too much, as we've defeated the last serious guard force of this crypt. The Emperor's tomb lies ahead.