Part 40

The 86th Division clears two of the northern hexes, freeing up more Finnish troops.

I manoeuvre the rest of the forces for one major attack to clear out the last pocket of stiff resistance.

The Russian defenders are dug in deep, and the first attack breaks only one of three layers of fortifications.

The next takes down the second layer.

I begin to pull 4th Panzer Army off the front line I have no intention of pushing to far forward here, but the odd spoiler attack is still on the cards.

We're still on target for breaking Leningrad next week.

One of the two Calvary Corps is liquidated.

Waaaaiit. The 26th Cavalry Corps? Thats a mite worrying.
The Moscow section is clear, but we counter attack at Tula that breech has closed up, but we are able to make more trouble further south.

6th Army smashes back anyone they can, keeping the Russki's off guard.

The Rostov area sees some repositioning as well.

As you can see, my Panzer units are in position

I've also got a whole load of men moving into the area by train, ready to support the assault.

The attempt to break out of the Crimea continues.

The only Soviet attack is near Moscow.

There are another 70,000 Russian losses to add to the totals, we have now eliminated five million men, seventy thousand guns and nearly twenty one thousand tanks.

The air losses seem to be about even, as no one is spending much time in the air.

Things continue to look strong for us, ignoring the huge numbers of Russians.

The number of replacements has dropped again, but things are slowly getting back to normal.

Our fuel stores are not looking all that healthy however, once the mud hits, I'm hoping this will build up when combat operations end.

There is not much movement on the map, but its all good movement. The pieces are in place, waiting for the weather.

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