Part 69

The last forty thousand Russians in the north surrender to my forces.

The 16th and 18th Armies continue to push forwards. As you can see, we're reaching the end of the Finnish move line.

South of the reserve, there is less movement, but the Red Army is still weak here.

9th Army traps an enemy Division, and cracks a few enemy Divisions in the south. If only I had a few more months of good weather!

4th Army makes good advances however.

6th Army attempts an encirclement, but even with some Panzer support they fail. By one Hex.

Even more enemy troops are forced to surrender to us.

I shift the 3rd Panzer Army west to threaten Tambov. I also move the 2nd westwards somewhat.

This time, Saratov is mine. I also move infantry forwards to form a solid line.

The other two Panzer Armies are also moved off the front, and I trap another Cavalry Corps.

The last of the Russians around Grozny are cleaned up.
11th Army then continue their advance south.

Look how close the zoom is now. Makhachkala has now fallen to my forces.

Finally, the enemy Cavalry Corps near Sochi is really causing me problems by refusing to surrender.
And for you trainspotters, here are the rail lines as they stand.

There is one attack near Saratov.

The heavens open, and the mud hits. But the Russians attack has opened up the city, but left it and Tatischevo open for me to take. This will hurt their fighter protection.

There is still the chance to bag another two Corps however.

They have pushed a Mechanized or Armoured unit deep into our lines to the south, but I should be able to trap this easily enough.

Anotehr 185,000 Russians are removed from the Red Army, but the big pockets for the year are over now I would think.

Their numbers have recovered somewhat, back up to 5.3 million.

The mud cuts the number of replacements going forwards.

The Fuel pool is nearly empty, at least we won't be moving much.

With the campaign season over, we are looking good score wise.

but my map is ugly again.

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