The Let's Play Archive

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

by Azzur

Part 21: Who's ass are we kicking? (Part 1)

Who's ass are we kicking? (Part 1)

And to kick things off, let's here that lovely narrator once more!, Viddler, or Youtube

Before going fully into lore, I want to take just a moment to talk about our rather interesting pathway into Azeroth so far. Let's take a look at the map.

Perhaps we didn't make a cut that deep into the mountains, but you can still see that we've dodged back closer to "orc territory." This is going to be more important for Warcraft conspiracy theorists in the next few Lore updates.

That said, let's talk about badasses. Warcraft is full of them, and at the moment we've only talked about those on the side of "Let's destroy the world" sort of evil. However, there are a number of serious badasses at this point in history that aren't demons or demon-possessed wizards. The one we're talking about today is Sir Anduin Lothar.

This is a drawing from a man who spent the last three days stuck in the snow with no sleep.

Anduin Lothar lead Azeroth's armies for much of the First War, including the initial charge against the Horde that first pressed Stormwind Keep. From there he continued the assault against the orcs until he eventually pressed them back into the Swamp of Sorrows. This is all before Blackhand has been chosen as War Chief, so all takes place behind the scenes of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.

All was going well with the humans and the war, but it was then that a number of ogres who slipped through the Dark Portal attacked Northshire Abbey (Don't ask me how they got there unnoticed.) and made off with the precious Tome of Divinity. Lothar, being a pious and just knight, rounded up his troops and went off into the Deadmines to get confront these ogres and get the tome back.

They got their asses kicked.

The ogres in question were lead by Turok. The very same Turok that Griselda ran away with, and the very same who was beheaded by Vilefeast. Turok, being the oh-so clever ogre, captured the surviving knights and tortured them for years. As a matter of fact, Lothar was kept alive for 20 months before Azeroth sent forces to rescue him, after the priests of Northshire Abbey saw a vision of Lothar still alive in the Deadmines.

The next part of Lothar's history is going to be covered in the next Lore update. For those of you who know what's going to happen, "Shhhh... it's a secret." Until then I will leave you with this lovely image. Lothar and Medivh used to be childhood friends. We can only imagine...

: So, Medivh, whatcha wanna be when you grow up? I think I wanna be a knight. Maybe grow a sweet mullet. Yeah, that'd be bitchin'.

: I would like to rain fire down upon my enemies and laugh from atop the cinders.

: Yeah, I- Hey are you flying?

: Oh, sorry. Sometimes I blackout and stuff happens. Did I say anything weird?

: Not much, no. So anyway, this sweet mullet...