Part 42: Fourth Playthrough - 5 AM
Camp is much nicer, now that we have made some changes. The right angles were boring and distracting, and it was much too small.
The captain has no stories left for us. Neptune would not be satisfied until every lie was gone.
There's a crack as Jupiter tears down a siren, so Venus can set up a new kind, tuned to a different station.
Group South helps. They don't feel like they're supposed to hate her anymore. So they don't. Love shines through, in the end.
Neptune lets herself flow into the lake. It's going to take a lot of time before anyone notices if anything is wrong with the water, longer still to figure out where it's coming from.
We're hoping we can have a quiet time until then. With all of us. It went very badly with all of them against us three. We can only hope it'll get even worse.
As it turns out, they were pretty unhappy in those bodies too.
We're not too worried about if more come after us; actually, we hope they send us lots and lots of kids much better behaved than we were.
Adults also hate perfect kids who love the world so much they can't stop themselves from saving it.
And oh, do the kids know it.
Otherwise, they'd never try so hard, would they?
So we think they'll like it here too.
A new world, with new bodies.
How lovely will that be?
We have a new apple.
For everyone in the world.
And that's tha- nope wait hold on
and THAT is all of We Know The Devil. I hope you can see why I liked it so much.
Nothing left to do but add some bonus stuff. There were nice bits of analysis and writings on how WKTD resonated with people within the thread, so I'll gather up some good ones of those from before and after the story was over. At this point I'll have some things to say about the game myself too. I'll post some links of interest as well.
THANK YOU to the posters who read along, some of your first-time reactions were d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s. THANK YOU to the posters who played the game already and helped keep things on track/gushed about the game in the thread. BIG THANK YOU to anyone who bought the game themselves because of this LP, the main reason I did this was to give WKTD more attention and to push for more downloads on Steam or Date Nighto so I'm happy ya did it. And of course REALLY BIG THANK YOU to Aevee and Mia and Alec and everybody else in the credits for helping to make WKTD possible. I'd love to see stories like this one happen way more in games.