Part 11: What Do You Mean 'Plot Contrivance?' (Part 2)

And were back on the road. Notice Leonards MP bar is at 0 after a round of combat as the White Knight.

Okay, I lied, the kid has one moment of introspection. But that's it.

CUTSCENE: Contacting the Princess
Oh thank god, a creepy old tunnel.

Leonard: Master of the Obvious.

Yulie nods in agreement.

Oh, you ass, its barely midday yet and youre already tired? This is what you idiots get for acquiescing to be led around by a sexagenarian.

You know who Leonard really reminds me of as a character? Eragon from the Inheritance

Eldore is even shaping up to be a perfect Brom analog, being a mentor who doesnt teach his student anything, keeps mission-critical details a secret from everyone, and is generally mysterious for the sake of being mysterious. And also being old, but not too old. Theyre even both portrayed by two spectacularly capable British actors who should be doing better things with their time: Charles Shaughnessy and Jeremy Irons, respectively.
And while were at it, Cisna is Arya: a distant and detached princess whom Leonard/Eragon falls in love with at first glance but never gets anywhere closer to halfway to first base with.
Shit, weve even got a Murtaugh analog coming up soon: a darkhorse fan-favourite badass who just gets shit on by fate non-stop.

Um, are we talking in-game magic, or Plot magic, Maxwell? Because in-game, you have the access to the same spells as the rest of the party does at this point: a piddly few first-tier elemental spells. If were talking Plot magic, then what spells? The only magic weve seen you preform is mind raping an undeserving guard so you didnt have to be bothered by a random security sweep. Now, as someone whos been pulled aside by border security and gone through a full baggage search for a bullshit reason just trying to get back into his home country, I agree thats a handy power to have. But were not clearing customs, mate, were on a fate-of-the-world adventure. So if youve got anything stronger than that in your bag of tricks, by all means, start whipping them out because the hapless twit youre babysitting on this quest needs them.
Eldore does not perform any more feats of magic barring maybe one or two minor things for the rest of the duology. Hes just making up excuses because hes old and tried.
Also, one last point about Eldore and spells. Guess who has the weakest base magic attack and defense stats of the party thus far? If you said any other name than Eldore, punch yourself in the face. Leonard has a stronger magical potential than Obi-Wrong Kenobi here.
At times the game is practically begging me to point out its incongruities.

Look at that shocked expression. This is probably the first time in his life that hes given a thought to anyone outside of himself. Again, not because hes arrogant or self-absorbed, but because hes so dumb that the possibility of other consciousnesses existing outside his own is inconceivable.
Its said that philosopher Georg W.F. Hagels last words were he didnt understand me. As it turns out, he was talking about Leonard.

He then went and pouted about it behind the Logic Stone for four hours while Yulie and Orren set up camp.

Also, I love how the Avatar doesnt even get a rock to sit on. Theyre get to sit in the dirt like theyre a second-class citizen.

Youre barely in this scene.

Eldore rises to his feet, aaaaand .


The way things are going, this thing is going to take a dump on Orrens head before it lands.

The Plot Bird flutters over to a nearby rock.



Oh god, as if I had hard enough time taking this thing seriously already, now its projecting frickin holograms out of its eyes. How does this even work? And more importantly, why am I suddenly reminded ofoh god noooooooALLGLORYTOTHEHYPNOBIRD!

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Melody of Light (Disc 1, Track 20)
So the Plot Bird spits out an image of Princess Cisna by way of a shitty knock off of Star Wars hologram technology. Which means, hey, Ive found another use for the hologram Photoshop style I threw together for the Shadows of the Empire LP.

Take a shot. Oh yeah, Ive officially instituted an intra-LP drinking game. Basically, anytime Leonard says a sentence consisting solely of the words Princess and/or Cinsa, take a shot of your preferred brand of liquor. The same rules apply whenever Cisna uses a sentence comprised solely of the word Leonard.
To paraphrase Tracy Morgan as Uncle Jemima, youll get bent just as fast as possible!

Apparently Bigelows have latency issues just like any other form of communications technology.

She has forgotten what Leonard looks like apparently. Lucky her.

Lets be honest with ourselves here, Belcitane is the kind of character who would be a straight-up rapist if this game had any balls. Luckily for everyone though, it doesnt so instead hes just a comically evil creep instead of a midget version of Jabba the Hutt.

I have no explanation for Leonards Suspicious Fry look there other than bad screenshot timing. Personally Id like to imagine hes trying to figure out who this We person Eldore mentioned is and HOW DARE HE TRY TO RESCUE CISNA BEFORE HIM

Oh hey, look at that, some actual forethought from Leonard. Thats new.

Cisna suddenly gasps and looks over her shoulder.

So she puts them on hold.

Ah, heres something that gonna become a recurring event in this game: Leonard getting strung along by Cisna and then left hanging like the desperate rube he is.

Take a shot.

And of course hes crushed now that Cisna has vanished again from his life. This makes a total of 20 minutes he has known and spoken to her now over the course of his entire life.

CUTSCENE: The Power of the Athwani
So Cisnas apparently got some visitors. I wonder who it could be.

Oh who the fuck the else did you think it was gonna be. Its Belcy and Dragias.
What, were thinking it was gonna be Shapur? Please, the game is not that creative.

Of course, Cisnas got her own Plot Bird following the monoship.

And of course, its pink. Because Cisnas a girl.

She shoots Dragias a look of utter hatred.

Completely warranted, of course, since he, you know, murdered her father and helped kidnap her.

More mustache-twirling awesomeness.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Recollection

Dragias may be a regicidal murderer and a water carrier for a crazy cult, but hes not a liar.

Well, at least these guys have a proper name now, so we can stop calling them the Ancients. Glad that trope lasted all of a chapter. If youre wondering how to pronounce that word, either listen to the good general pronounce it in the video, or just add an I between the Y and S at the start. Yish-ren-ee-ah.
Yeah, I know its dumb, but youre gonna hear that name a bajillion times between then and the end of game 2, so youd best get used to it.

I love it when the game does my job for me.

Youre saying that to a guy who looks like Darth Vader. Youre not even trying to beat back the Star Wars comparisons any more, are you White Knight Chronicles?

We return to camp Durr immediately thereafter.

Wow, Orrens ass has had a more prominent role in this chapter than Orren himself has. Hes like this games Zelas Metallium.
Thats a Slayers joke, you uncultured rubes.

Eldore gathers the group around a barrel that is suddenly there, for reasons. Maybe hes like Mary Poppins or something and just pulled it out a travel bag. I dunno. I just have this image that Eldore actually packed all the provisions in this barrel and then forced Orren to carry it for them on his shoulders. Because the Avatar is this games bitch.

Of course we already know this, but once again shes repeating the obvious because Leonard has forgotten about it.
Because Leonard is of inadequate intelligence.

Everyone nods and heads off to bed.

Everyone except for Leonard.

Take a shot.

Not much she can really do about that one, buddy.

And so we close this chapter on a shot of the starry sky above.
So lets recap Leonards acts of heroism so far, shall we? In 6 LP chapters and 4 gameplay hours he has:
● Failed to make an otherwise routine wine delivery on time.
● Failed to corral one drunk wagoneer into the drivers seat of said wagon in under 4 hours.
● Had to kill a troll unnecessarily because he took too long delivering the wine and inadvertently lured said troll right to the wine wagon.
● Snuck into the royal birthday party for no reason and then spent the rest of the event stalking Cisna.
● Failed to intervene in time to save King Valtos from assassination.
● Led Cisna into a dead-end vault as a rescue, instead of to safety outside the castle.
● Assumed control over the White Knight and did more damage to Balandor Castle trying to save it than Pyredaemos itself did trying to destroy it.
● Failed to protect Princess Cisna from kidnapping when she was like ten meters behind him.
● Failed to rescue Princess Cisna from the Magi immediately by forgetting how to transform into the White Knight and just watching them fly off with her instead.
● Drove an otherwise innocent creature insane with rage simply by being in its presence and then murdered it in a flash of misguided bravado.
And we havent even hit the point in the game where I honestly started to hate Leonard as a character the first time I played through it.
It gets worse.

So the kid was a walking deathtrap, what else was new? I honestly felt kind of sorry for him after that whole Ahwahnee thing, but when I asked him about the next morning he honestly did not know what I was talking about.
So I hit him and headed down into the tunnels after Eldore and Yulie, thinking how appropriate a metaphor for my life this was: a descent into a dark, frigid hole filled with spiders.

- 6.1 - Setting Out After the Princess
- 6.2 - Puppets in the Hands of an Idle God
- 6.3 - Greydall Plain
- 6.4 - The Lord of Greydall Plain
- 6.i - Ahwahnee Boss Fight
- 6.5 - Contacting the Princess
- 6.6 - The Power of the Athwani