Part 15: Everywhere I Go, People Are Always Trying To Kill Me

Oh, I wonder whats going to happen in this chapter?

OVERWORLD MUSIC: The Continent of Nadias (Disc 1, Track 15)
We kick things off in this chapter by heading into the Lagnish Desert.

CUTSCENE: Entering the Desert
CUTSCENE / AREA MUSIC: Lagnish Desert (Disc 1, Track 24)

And of course, the party is not at all equipped to be travelling through the goddamn desert. Yulie is already about to pass out from heat exhaustion. Orren? Hah. The guys wearing a turtleneck sweater, a leather jacket and a fur muffler, but the heat dont bother him.
Because having the Avatar emote in any possible way is a big no-no in this game.

Ah, Leonard and Petulance, two things that go together like Piss and Off.

So this is the Lagnish Desert. Its a desert. It reminds me a lot of the Dalmasca Easterlands and the Ogir/Nan Yensa Sandseas from FFXII.

There are three new enemies here in the desert at this point. The first is a brand new enemy type: Scorpions. There are four versions of these guys, one per element. This one is the earth elemental one. Theyre weak against impact attacks like Lunging Strike.
At higher levels they have a nasty habit of casting Physical Barrier on themselves when they're near death which makes them temporarily immune to physical attacks for a certain amount of time.

Also present here are Killer Vespids, the first Vespid pallet swap we encounter. These guys are just stronger versions of the regular Vespids from Balastor Plain. Same weaknesses apply: stab the fuckers to get them to stop chasing you all over the map.

There are also two giant enemies we encounter in the Desert at this point. The first of which is the Fire Giant. These guys are really well disguised Troll pallet swaps. Theyre vulnerable to stabbing attacks and they run on the same animation rigging as the Trolls do.
Fire Giants, as you could very well assume, are strong against fire attacks and weak against ice attack.

The last new enemy for this section of the game is the Megalo Tigris. These are the giant hound enemies that will be popping up from place to place from here on out. You can see its got three heads like Cerberus (which is the name of the fire-type version of these guys).
These guys are weak against slashing attacks, and Megalo Tigris in particular is a wind elemental monster, so its weak against earth attacks.

And thats it for our bestiary for this chapter for now.

Sadly, moments of other characters verbally bitchslapping Leonard when hes being stupid/creepy like this decline over the course of the game, though his prominence in the game also declines over time too, so it's begrudgingly acceptable trade off.

Cutscene incoming.

CUTSCENE:The Gates of Albana
I feel like A Horse With No Name should be playing right now.

Oh, I was mistaken apparently, the Avatar is permitted to emote occasionally. Serves you right for wearing a heavy sweater and a bomber jacket into the goddamn desert.
Orren is dumb.

Leonard, meanwhile, is lagging behind a little

Oh thank god, were here.

CUTSCENE: The Desert Town of Albana
CUTSCENE / AERA MUSIC: Albana, the Desert Town (Disc 1, Track 25)

Albana, despite being in the middle of an inhospitable desert, is a bustling little metropolis and the largest trading hub on the continent of Nadias, doing routine business with both the Kingdom of Balandor to the northwest and the Free City of Greede to the south. Its not exactly Rabanastre or Mos Eisley, but for the amount of time were going to be here across both games, its better than a kick in the ass.

Can you tell I hate the Toads? Dont worry, youll see why soon enough.

Because Leonard never comes up with a plan of his own. Actually he does, occasionally, but they all backfire on him (and at times, the player).

Because Leonard needs to be handed the obvious answer.

Albana is an interesting town compared to Balandor and Parma, to say the very least. I really like how ramshackle and dusty it is.

It kind of reminds me of the Holy Land cities from the first Assassins Creed, by way of a clichéd kitschy fantasy JRPG.

CUTSCENE: The Dancer
So an idiot walks into a bar

Cue Star Wars Cantina theme.

Blind Sally has been waiting 2 months for that joke

So it looks like instead of slipping in quietly and finding a table in the corner somewhere, Leonards bursting in through the front door has attracted quite a bit of attention from the barflies.

A lot of attention. Way to go, idiot.

But enough about that, heres an actual interesting character for you all: a hot dancing chick.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Kara the Dancer (Disc 1, Track 26)

This is another scene Level-5 actually hit the

I am now going to vomit about 500 screenshots of it on you because Im too lazy to make any gifs of it.

Though really, if you scroll down through this part fast enough, itll at least look like an animated gif.

They blew half their budget and spent half their development cycle just making her dress move realistically.

The crowd seems to be enjoying things. What about you folks?
I admit, this is really one that benefits from watching the video.

I swear like half the pictures in this update are shots of her dancing. I am so sorry for that. No, not really.

And as she dances away in the background, we transition back to the party, who have found a table in the corner.

Leonard is busy drooling over the exotic pretty lady, all thoughts of Cisna temporarily vacated from his head.

Dayum, gurl.

So now we get to run around the room and talk to everyone.

Thankfully, these are all captioned in-game, so I dont have to write anything for them.
For the sake of each one, just imagine Leonard repeatedly going:

White Knight Chronicles just referenced 2001: A Space Odyssey. That makes me angry. Because I could be watching 2001: A Space Odyssey right now instead of typing out this crap for the sake of this game.

Ew. Im leaving now.

People in this town have low standards.

CUTSCENE: Barroom Brawl

The music picks up again as our sultry dancer lady continues her routine.

Suddenly, she leaps from the stage. I have a feeling here shes not sticking to her regular act any more.

She comes down off the dias and starts weaving through the crowd.

As she dances around the room, the crowd gets more and more worked up.

She moves closer and closer to Leonards table.

Alarm bells should be going off like crazy right now, yet Leonard is absolutely captivated by her. Orren, meanwhile, is blissfully smiling because he knows that hes about to A) probably see Leonard get murdered, and B) by a smoking hot woman, no less.

My friends tell me I should run

They say they think shes got a gun

But that just only turns me on

Right on, right on, right oooooooon

Leonards internal monologue:

She reaches behind her back and


Also, if youre reading this on the LP Archive, thank you so much for clicking this games promo blurb.

I love how Orrens just in the background looking mildly shocked.

Leonard just bails right out of the way.

Leonard jumps and does a barrel roll in midair.

And now the crowd gets in on it, making it a free-for-all. This schmuck tries to plough a chair into Leonards back, WWE-style.

I dont know where the hell Leonard the Badass Action Hero has come from, but its a welcome change from Leonard the Personification of Failure.
Its not going to last.

This schmuck whips out a sword and tries to slice Leonard in two.

But again, because its a T-rated game, he misses every time and draws no blood.

And now we go into Zach Snyder territory as Leonard shoulder-checks this poor bastard so hard it sends him not just soaring through the air, but soaring through the air in SLOW MOTION!
Also note how his sword goes flying in the opposite direction.

Eldore too has developed time-warping powers, as he flings this guy into a table WWE-style in SLOW MOTION!

Winner by knockout: ELDORE!

God, lady, would it kill you to try a little harder?

Uh oh.

Also note Orren just standing there in the background in a fighting pose, yet doing nothing.

Uh oh.

Oh I guess he died then.

I just love these little Yulie moments. Shes the most human party member weve got so far.

Leonard, meanwhile, grabs the sword of the guy he shoulder-checked into the stratosphere.

The tables have turned!

Or not. Because Leonard suddenly cant fight for shit anymore again.

Up and over.

Once again this part is in SLOW MOTION! Just so you get the chance to see our dancer assassin gracefully flip over Leonards shoulder and to see all his little facial expressions.

Like this one.

And of course, he gets an eyeful of her cleavage before she cartwheels away.

Well shit

CUTSCENE: We Want You Dead.

This does not look good.

Translation: Leonard is dumb.
I should also point out for the benefit of those not bothering to watch to watch the accompanying cutscens (ie: everyone, apparently) that our mysterious dancer/assassin speaks with a thick Spanish accent.
This will be a plot point eventually, though you wouldnt know it at first.

There needs to be like an explosion or a lens flare behind her or something.

Never change, Yulie.

So this is one of the only battles in the duology where we actually fight human enemies with faces instead of helmet-headed mooks or Named Characters.

Theres about eight of them, one for each weapon type. They all attack at once and they have some first tier spells, but theyre all rather weak, even in a standard new game.

The point of the fight is to rough you up before you face the assassin.


The Good, The Bad, and the Stupid.

This will not end well somehow, I know it.

Leonard suddenly feels something strange.
I cant really convey this in this medium, as its done in one of those clichéd sudden zoom in, zoom out with heartbeat sound effect shots.
Dumbass doesnt even have the decency make a strange face or anything.

She reaches behind her again.

Oh shit, shes gonna challenge us to a game of Yu-Gi-Oh!. Okay then. Bring it bitch.
Its time to dudu du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du

Language gloss: As weve pointed out already, Verto is the Latin first person singular present declarative verb meaning "I turn". "Adveni" is the declarative from of 'venio', meaning come here (or specifically 'come(venio) at(ad)'.
h/t: ultrafilter

Cocaines a hell of a drug.

And suddenly a pillar of light comes shooting out of her cleavage.

Suddenly the dancer is gone, and this thing is there in her place.

I dont know whats going on any more.

What, just Gigas? No witty subtitle?
For shame, game. For shame.

NOTE: Eldore actually pronounces it phonetically correctly as Yeegas. Interesting. Im not going to do that.

You and the whole audience, kid.

As usual, Yulie is the only one with her head in the game.


BOSS FIGHT: Angry Mob & Alphamiden Gigas (with text commentary again due to audio issues).

So this is the last new enemy type we find in this chapter, the Gigas. Gigaii (Gigases?) are just elaborate Troll/Giant pallet swaps. Common Gigaii weak against stabbing attacks.
Gigas enemies are miniboss characters. You will never encounter a random Gigas out in a field. They will be sprinkled throughout some of the later dungeons in strategic locations, but by and large you wont find them outside of plot areas and online quests.
Certain human enemies will whip out a Gigas after theyre defeated. Theyre essentially the cheap version of Knights.
Theres also many different types of Gigaii with completely different styles. This Gigas, the Alphamiden Gigas, is based off a wolf.

So what do we do now? Thats right, whip out the White Knight!

And down she goes

CUTSCENE: The Gigas Falls

The Gigas begins to disintegrate into purple energy

Leaving only our dancer/assassin behind.

Take a dirt nap, babe.

The party rushes up to her lifeless body to finish the job with a good curbstomping.

You came to the wrong neighbourhood

CUTSCENE: Kara & The Magi
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Kara's Theme (Unreleased Track)

Well thats nice. They took the person who just tried to kill them to a nice hotel room to rest and recover.
Did you guys do any of that for the rest of the angry mob who tried to murder you?
You just left then out there in the dirt?

If that isnt a look that says fuck my life, I dont know what is.

She has a perfectly nature reaction to waking up and finding yourself in a room with Leonard: shock and anger.

Behind him, the maid whips around when she hears monoship.

Fun fact: the maids name is actually Mermin, and you can find her (or at the very least her character model) behind the counter at Albanas Adventurers Guild. Though funnily enough, she doesnt actually run the Guild outlet.

On the one hand, your hair is stupid. On the other, youre voiced by Laura Bailey and youre being a dick to Leonard, so all told, youre alright in my books lady.

She rises to her feet.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: New Allies (Unreleased Track)

And thats it for this chapter.

Well, look at it this way: he was already traveling with someone who harboured thoughts of maybe killing him at their leisure, so why not take on another one.
Something about her told me I was going to like this Kara an awful lot.
I think it was her pulling a knife on Leonard.
That was just sweet.

- 8.1 - Entering the Desert
- 8.2 - The Gates of Albana
- 8.3 - The Desert Town of Albana
- 8.4 - The Dancer
- 8.5 - Barroom Brawl
- 8.6 - We Want You Dead.
- 8.7 - Adveni!
- 8.i - Angry Mob & Alphamiden Gigas Boss Fight
- 8.8 - The Gigas Falls
- 8.9 - Kara & The Magi