Part 16: Horny Toads... I'm F#%king Serious

This is where the game just gets really stupid.

So you would think all we need to do now is head for the ruins in the Sand Maze and use the White Knight-shaped fuck you, I win button to rescue Cisna and Lena from the Magi. Right?

CUTSCENE: The Latest Dilemma

So weve not got to backtrack and head towards Don Phibs palace. And what a palace it is. I gotta say, the Don likes his swag, apparently.
Awwww, Christ. I know whats coming next. I dont want to do it. I reeeeealy dont want to do it.
But I have to
Lets go meet the Toads.

CUTSCENE: An Errand for the Don
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Don Phibianacci (Disc 1, Track 27)

These guys have the thickest fake Cockney accents ever.

They start whispering to one another.

They start muttering to one another.

Thank god, Leonards flash of critical thought is going to get us out of this stupid fetch quest.

Despite the fact that they live and work in the middle of the goddamn desert.

Woo. So this is the first of the games there and back again fetch quests. Its priming you early for all the bullshit fetch quests youre gonna get slammed with in Greede, when you do errands and quests, and what you put up with for the majority of game two.

CUTSCENE: Courting a Powerful Ally
We head back out into the goddamn desert

And Leonard is still acting like a pussy about the heat, while everyone else has gotten used to it by now.

Why am I suddenly imagining Dead Rising-esque sword-spears with teddy bear pommels when Mr. Sheffield starts talking about fusing weaponry together?
Though like everything else in this game, my imagination outpaces the games

But well cover that soon enough.

So what you immediately notice once you get out in the field and get control over the party back is that we now have four characters in our party. This is because Kara is actually a guest character for the time being.
The difference between Kara and our previous guest characters, Raus and Cisna, is that Kara is actually useful. She comes equipped with a rapier-like weapon called an Estoc, and has comparable stats and pre-coded abilities to that of the party at this point in the game.
Shes essentially a 4th player character in all but name and character customizability. Sadly, this also means shes controlled full time by the games remedial AI.

One thing to point out: if you check the map from the previous update, youll see that the Oasis, seen here, is actually close by the north gate of Albana, yet to get to it, instead of hopping down this cliff side (maybe using the Knight to cushion the landing in a burst of innovative gameplay), we have to take the long way around on a path swarming with enemies.
Because in Japan, Shirokishi Monogitari roughly translates out to: tedious padding happy funtime big game.

Damn, Eldore, you are just harshing everyone lately. Keep it up, please.

Also, here's a nice little piece of in-game continuity: the Lagnish Desert stretched out on to Nadias's eastern coast and you can actually see bits of the coastline on the world map screen. So Level-5 actually included a couple of views of the ocean out in the distance here and there.
Level-5 dont go pushing that

But fuck that noise. Heres the Oasis!

CUTSCENE: The Lovely Verruca
The party gathers on the shore of the oasis, wondering where they might find the lovely Verruca.

Suddenly, the pond begins to bubble with activity.

Ah great, another boss fight

Youd almost think he was some kind of actual hero with that determined stare.
Youre fucking wrong, but its nice that youre still holding out some home for him.

A massive form begins to emerge from behind the torrent.

Of course, while Leonard is still busy considering what he might possibly do next, Yulie springs into action, leaping towards the massive beast, ready to kill it with her bare hands.
Because Yulie is fucking awesome.

Eldore doesnt seem to think this is such a good idea, however.
I wonder

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Verruca (Disc 1, Track 28)
Fun fact: in the Japanese version, Verruca is named Yvonne. Why D3 changed it when they localized the game, I have no idea.


Yulie suddenly gets the shittiest of shit-eating grins.

She toddles up behind Leonard

And shoves him towards the giant pink Naruto toad knock off.

I love that she actually winks at him. In five seconds, Verruca has shown more interesting characterization than Leonard has in five hours.

Leonard tepidly approaches with the letter.

And she takes it off his hands.

Great, instead of non-stop badass Knight action his game has been five hours of fuck ups, wine deliveries, pointless running around, and now, frog orgasms.
White Knight Chronicles! Youre not gonna see this shit anywhere else, trust me.

Sigh. At least someone is enjoying themselves right now.
Overjoyed at Don Phibs declaration of love for her, Verruca does a backflip cannonball back into her oasis.

The kid just loves tempting fate

It seems the lovely Verruca isnt quite done with us yet.

This is close enough on a species level to count as a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment, right?

You go girl.

I want to travel back in time to 2006 when I first saw the Tokyo Game Show bullshot trailer for this game and punch myself in the dick for getting excited over it.
I was sold on this awesome fantasy adventure starring a 20 foot-tall magic suit of armour. I bought a game where Im playing a delivery boy and a 20 foot-tall magic suit of armour gets a brief cameo every three hours.
Fuck you, Level-5.

Oh look at that, were back at Don Phibs palace. Okay, lets get this over with.

CUTSCENE: Loves Labour Lost

So the doors to the palace open up, and the party wanders inside.

This should be good

CUTSCENE: Domestic Disturbance
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Don Phibianacci (Disc 1, Track 27)
Say what you want about the Don

They guy knows how to pimp out his digs

The toads look on in awe and horror at the scene playing out before them.

Oh for gods sake

Love this games idea of portraying women in Toad culture. Of the two female toads weve met, neither of them have been given any actual speaking lines, and one of them is a stereotypical nagging wife.

I love how the Dons trying to rationalize his affair by implying his wife makes him want to commit suicide. Smoooth.
Also, Don Phibs is so bloody camp Im legitimately surprised he has two women to run around on. Its like how Pegasus on Yu-Gi-Oh! is the gayest-acting man on the planet, yet the only person in the shows universe to apparently have a wife.

You know, on the other hand, suicide is looking like a very appealing option right now, eh Don?

You know, I gotta commend the Toads on some level. Theyre slimy, schecming fucks who screw the party over (across both games!), yet theyre also some of the smartest ah people(?) in the game, proving once again that in White Knight Chronicles, virtue and intelligence are mutually exclusive character traits.

Click the thumbnail for a table-breakingly huge image of the Pan Shot of Ball-Numbing Stupidity, immortalized on canvas at the end of this update. Because Eldores epic winge just has to be seen to be believed.

The Dons madly nodding along just over his wifes shoulder as this is going on. Its actually kinda funny.

Oh god, shes even got frog cleavage.

Goddamnit, Level-5.

Once again another lovely little Yulie moment.

So Anura stomps off back to her chambers.

But not before screaming at her hustband one last time.

Well, now we know what the answer to the question What would Kermit and Ms. Piggys kid be like? This thing.

He checks one last time to make sure shes gone.
Also, I just want to point out the Dons hat here. Either the man built his palace to match his hat, or he had a hat fashioned to match the roof of his palace. Either way, thats a ridiculous level of coordination. But then again, when you got more money than god, why not, huh?
Eventually, you can forge your own version of Don Phibs hat for the characters to wear.


CUTSCENE: The Dons Favour
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Don Phibianacci (Disc 1, Track 27)

Yulie nods in agreement. Leonard, of course, has more simpler and immediate matters on his mind than Orren does.

Also, Yulie: that is the face of someone whos drugs just kicked in big time.

The Don ponders things for a moment.

One of his underlings tries to get his attention.

Oh please dont say that

And he flashes a thumbs up, because the Dons a salesman at heart.

The shittiest kind ever, as far as this game and grinding go.

Luckily, though, Yulie once again is the only one with her head on her shoulders and tells Leonard to shut the fuck up and stop complaining in front of a man with enough money to have them all killed and then have their corpses dipped in gold for his own amusement.

CUTSCENE: Setting Out For The Ruins

I caught Yulie in mid-stretch in this picture. It looks like shes doing the Robot, which makes her even cooler in my books.

See, hes learning! (At a pace that would make a 4 year-old frustrated).

And with that, were done this chapter.

Hallelujah. Now lets go save the Princess and Blondies sister and call this quest a day.
I cannot believe I was actually looking forward to returning to Balandor at that point.
Well, I was about to be brutally disabused of that notion in short order. But it was nice while it lasted.
I think.

- 9.1 The Latest Dilemma
- 9.2 An Errand for the Don
- 9.3 Courting a Powerful Ally
- 9.4 The Lovely Verruca
- 9.5 Loves Labour Lost
- 9.6 Domestic Disturbance
- 9.7 The Dons Favour
- 9.8 Setting Out For The Ruins

And now we come to our last major gameplay development until the unveiling of the Arc Knight at the end of the second game: the Binding Post.

So after clearing the Dons little hurdle, we get a pair of infographics explaining binding in the most general way possible.
Item binding in this game nearly drove me to drink. So lets explore it in detail, shall we?

So Item Binding is handled in this game exclusively by the Toads. Every town from here on out (including Balandor and Parma) will have a binding post in it denoted by the hammer and scroll icon there above Poltrains head.
You remember when I tried to access the Binding Post in Balandor I was told to get lost? Well, now that were in good with the Don, we have permission to use them now.

Theres five options to the Binding Posts menu: Bind Item, Bind Weapon, Bind Armour, Bind Accessory, and Donate.
You can also see down there at the bottom Members Rank along with 2.5 million points there. That is your Binding Rank. Your Binding Rank is one of the many specific factors that determines what items you can and cannot bind.
You start out at level 1, and it goes up to level 20. Every time you bind an item, you earn points that go towards raising your binding rank. When you clear a certain cumulative point threshold, your rank goes up and your binding catalog expands.
The catch is, as you can see by the stupidly high number there, the Binding Rank point thresholds are stupidly high and you only get a comparably minute number of points for each bind you make.
This is where Donations come in.

You can donate any non-equipped weapon, armour, or item to the Toads for points to raise your Binding Rank. The idea being, the rarer the item you donate (and the larger the quantity), the larger your point haul will be.
The trade-off, however, is that the items worth the most points are also the ones you will often use in binding the rarer and most powerful weapons and upgrades. So the game forces you to triage your wants and needs around its shitty item economy.

Anyway, in the Bind Items screen, you can bind powerful consumable items (depending on your Binding Rank, of course), as well as, on the other tab, materials to bind additional items and weapons with.

So you can see at the top of the screen here the binding recipe for this particular item. Each item across the entire binding catalogue had a unique combination of items (and quantities of items) required in order to be bound.
Ill go over the games insane item economy later on, but lets just say that 99% of the items on this list are thing that you will never ever get to manufacture unless you piss 1000 hours of your life away into this game or you just break down and buy a PS3 Game Genie, which, in my opinion is absolutely necessary to play this game now that Sony killed the online half of the game.
Anyway, down the center and side of the main panel on the screen you can also see how much it will cost you in money to bind the item, and how many of the item you have in stock.
Once an item has been bound, a red checkmark will appear beside it.

On the Bind Weapon screen you can bind weaponry you normally cant find in stores, particularly in the upper extremes.
Some weapon recipes have a (B) next to their name, which simply means that you can get the same weapon using a different recipe. Standard recipies are either a) two (or more) weapons, or b) two items.

Weapons go from practical weaponry at low levels to insane World of WarCraft-looking kooky things like this. And of course, as you can see on the tabs, each weapon type has a binding line.

Same thing applies with armour binding. You can see theres a tab for each piece of armour as well as for shields. Just like in stores, armours come in complete sets, sold separately. This, for instance, is where Orrens jacket and turtleneck come from.

And again more of the same with the Bind Accessory screen. Here you can bind capes, helmets, hats, glasses, and non-visible accessories. The blank model here, for instance, is modeling General Dragiass cape right now.
And no, you dont get the chance of bind Dragiass armor or helmet, sadly. There was a way that you could get a special accessory that overrode your characters whole appearance and made them look like General Dragias (among other unique characters), but it was part of the games weirdass online guild economy, and has since been lost to history now that Sony shut down the serves.
Unless you have a Game Genie or something.

So thats it for Item Binding and for Chapter 9 in general.


Oh, one last thing:

Because why the hell not?