Part 20: The Gift of the Magi

Sadly, the Magi do not actually appear in this chapter. I just thought that given the eventual context of the item were going on the fetch quest today to obtain, it was a more fitting title than me just using the title card to obtusely bitch about fetch quests.

CUTSCENE: Landing in Greede
So we pick up immediately from where we left off in Chapter XI with the flying Panzer Dragoon beast gondola coming in on final approach to Greedes Central Station.

CUTSCENE / AREA MUSIC: The Free City of Greede (Disc 2, Track 1)
The gondola swoops in on its final approach.

And it comes to a gentle stop at the paddock.

This girl in the shawl and blue dress seems to be important, given how the camera flies past her as she stands there right at the edge of the dock But shes not.

The door swings open and Leonard comes swaggering out, full of thoughtless optimism and ignorant joy while everyone else around him wonders in mounting horror how many innocent people is he going to get killed in this city now.
I mean, Greede is probably twice the size of Balandor and has about 5x the total population living in one condensed space on the back of a wild beast of a scale that easily dwarfs even the Knights. Theres got to be some way that Leonard will manage to piss it off to the point where it shakes Greede right off its back in rage right?

Oh yeah, I guess I jumped the gun on naming the Demithor last chapter. Meh.

Says the girl living in a shitty fantasy novel world.

And of course, Leonard has no idea what the plan is, so he turns to Eldore for instructions on where to go next.

So we get our area title card overlaid atop a massive mansion. This is the palace of Count Drisdall, the ruler of Greede, by the way.

And this is Greede Central Station. No, literally, thats what its called.

The property value of this place just went through the floor by him stepping inside of it.

So now that weve got control over assface again, we need to head for the locomotive platform on the upper level of the station and catch a train into town.
What Im about to show you, however, another fine example of the games needless padding.

You go into the elevator and head up to the second floor.

Youre not given any guides or prompting that you should be doing anything other than this, mind you.

You go up to the turnstile and try to board the train

And you get this message. There was nothing between here and there that even hinted you needed to get a train pass from the terminal down on the first floor. The game just trolled you into doing another equidistant backtrack.
Fuck you, Level-5.

Just give me my ticket before I project Akihiro Hinos face onto your head and try to punch it.



Oh, great. Now I cant see out of my left eye

And theres suddenly all this blood on my keyboard

.uoy kcuF .5-leveL ,uoy kcuF

And now we can get around Greede unimpeded. At least this detour didnt involve giant frog sex.

So like I screamed earlier, these cutscenes of the train pulling into and out of the stationin a competent gamewould be used to disguise loading screens, like the elevators in the original Mass Effect or that goddamn warroom scanner thing from Mass Effect 3 did.
But because this is White Knight Chronicles and Level-5 could find a way to light a bowl of Corn Flakes on fire with nothing but milk and a spoon, we get a loading screen immediately after the cutscene.

Fuck, Final Fantasy XIII had an equally torturous development cycle and Im pretty sure I at least didnt see one loading screen that wasnt a result of cold-loading a save file. I might be wrong, but I dont care. Im willing to make stuff up if it helps make this game look even worse.

Por ejemplo: a loading screen.

CUTSCENE: Getting to the Caverns
Anyways, because every town in the game has a Thing, Greedes thing is Gears. Just like Balandors thing was Boring, and Parmas thing was Wine, and Albanas thing was Toads, and Farias thing is Horns.
Greede is a city run by comically oversized gears.
Its kind of like Xizors Palace, only slightly more practical given that its an actual steampunk setting and not goddamn Star Wars.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: The Bunker Lode Caverns

So again, why not just take a gondola there already. Youre not hauling heavy ore with you, youre going there to try and rescue Princess Kidnappable and kick the shit out of Belcitane.
This should be incredibly simple, yet I have a sneaking suspicion youre going to make this harder than it already is.

I share Leonards embarrassment over that incident.
So lets start by asking around town. Luckily, the game spares you having to do the time honoured ask every single person in Midgar where to go to find X routine and instead plops a guy down right in front of you with the answer when you come out of the cutscene.

No, but I imagine youre going to exposit about it to me.

Yeah, because now that youve repeated it to me in an equally context-free manner, I completely understand what youre talking about now.

Black market? Hot damn. Maybe we can sell Leonard to some creepy lord in exchange for a competent protagonist.

Youd think the way the game is building this place up its going to be some new gameplay mechanic, right?
Wheres that clip of Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor screaming WROOOOOOONG!!! Ah, there it is.

You can run around and talk to everyone else here in the Merchant Quarter, but youve got just about all the info you need. At this point. Well, you need to know where the Black Cherry is thoughits in the citys Downtown section, but were getting there.
Im including this little bit because its actually going to become plot relevant in the next chapter.

So Count Driz is on his last legs and the general mood around town is one of abject baited-breath terror at the thought of his idiot playboy son Caesar taking over once the count croaks.

Oh yeah, one other thing to point out: Greede is pretty much a melting pot city. Its the only place on Nadias where you will find NPCs of all five races (Humans, Farians, Wargs, Papitaurs and Toads) in one place.
Im just using this guy as an example, but Greede is crawling with Farians.


Yeah, okay whatever.

AREA MUSIC: Downtown Greede (Disc 2, Track 2)
So one quick train ride and loading screen later and were now in downtown Greede.
This area has probably my favourite town track in the whole game.

The first thing you notice about downtown Greede is that everything is a little more grungy and rundown. While the Merchant Quarter was all bright and polished, Downtown looks like something out of a Dickens novel, only with less chance of being murdered, mugged, raped, or dying of tuberculosis.

So here begins in earnest the first of many fetch quests that compose the entirety of our time in Greede. This is merely the start of what everyone in the thread was bitching about in the run up to actually getting to Greede.

Now we need to find some way to acquire a pass to the Black Market other than having Leonard transform into the White Knight and rip the roof off the place like he should be doing right now.

Instead he tries opening the locked door anyway.

Because I need a goddamn drink already.

Well, now we know who our mark is

Lets try our hand with the lovely lass to see if we can eke out some leverage on this situation.

And theres our pressure point.

To the Merchant Quarter! Its exploitation time!

Through the miracle of editing, we suddenly arrive at the other pub on the opposite side of Greede after like five minutes of walking and two 20-second long train loading screens.

So we meet this lovely young cat girl in a bar and convince her to give us her sweet sweet honey.

You must be on your own little adventure there then, because that right there is Player Character-level stupid for this game.
Also, you must be bleeping amazing at hiding that thing if youre still alive, because the Vespids in this game are fucking on-point about hunting people down and murdering them for even just looking at them.

Lady, I have already forgotten your name.

Out the door, aaaand

Back to the other bar!

Okay, that line was kind of funny. Though now Im wondering what kind of weird shit the Papitaurs get up to with their bees in Baccea, and

Im making this look easy. This was twenty minutes of running around just to get to this point. And the real fetch quest hasnt even really started yet. Were fetching the fetch quest with this fetch quest.

What are you here to see him for, Scarecrow? A brain? Because I think Leonard has that one claimed when we go see him.

And now we have an angle on the count. Thanks socially inept rich white person with a Japanese name for no reason.

Youre just bitter because you dont even have the charisma to be a brown-nosing whiner.

Leonard has apparently developed psyching powers now because he can hear this guys thoughts apparently.

And thus Shu awkwardly gave the Baccean Honey to Zoey, who replied that this was the perfect ingredient to add to the cake she was baking for her boyfriends birthday today.
Shu then went and threw himself off the edge of city.

Well, he will be dead by the time he hits the ground

Okay, so before we go in there, a question: which one of you dingases has the coinage to afford a statute that even the wealthiest man on the planet cant seem to get his hands on?

Aw hell, maybe a plot contrivance will crop up and well get it for free under some bullshit condition.

CUTSCENE: The Goddess of Lépanne
Inside the Black Cherry, the auctions Impresario readies to unveil todays feature item.

Because god forbid we do all this running around for nothing again right?

I should also note, in addition to looking like a complete tool, this guy also speaks with a thick fake French accent, despite having a German name.
This guy is Von Dietrich, the owner, operator, and apparently sole auctioneer of the Black Cheery auction house. Hes not named at any point in the spoken dialogue of the game, but if you do the The Arena quest here in Greede, you will learn his name that way and discover that he also runs a quasi-illegal fight club in Greedes Underbelly, in addition to running a quasi-illegal black market in its downtown core.
Basically, this guys a walking heatscore.

So sexy catgirl Vana White lifts the cover off the pedestal, revealing

The audience begins clapping and hooting wildly.

Some people even start swooning over it.

The crowd starts muttering among themselves.
Why would you trot out a priceless artifact everyone up to the Count of Greede himself is desperate to get their hands on, only to tell people its not for sale because its broken? Dude, youre like the biggest goddamn troll ever.

The crowd starts running for the exit.


So heres our feature fetch quest for this chapter: go to the ass end of the Flandars, kill a Fire Lizard, then come back to Greede and give Owzer here his firestone so we get the Goddess, then turn around and take it to Count Drisdall so he can send us on another fetch quest to retrieve Princess Im Pretty Sure Elise From Sonic '06 Gets Kidnapped Fewer Times Than Her from the Magi. But thats yet to come

CUTSCENE: The Quest for the Goddess

Leonards last experience with art of any kind was the fingerpainting he did last week.

If this statue could talk, shed be laughing her ass off right now.

So now weve got to run to the Merchant Quarter and talk to everyone in town again.

Luckily, because Ive played this game three fucking times now I know where we need to go.

So up on the third level of Greedes Merchant Quarter, theres only one house we can enter, and its the home of

This rich asshole.

I'm surprised you're not more taken aback by the fact that a group of ragtag strangers just wandered into your house.
But whatever.

Okay, so now that we know what to do and weve got the latest Plot Coupon, its time to head for the Flandars, and rather than run to the exit of the city like a rube, were just going to take a short cut and teleport onto the map through the local Logic Stone.

OVERWORLD MUSIC: The Continent of Nadias (Disc 1, Track 15)
Yay backtracking!

So the long and short of thing is we have to head for a part of the trail that was previously blocked off when we made the climb up to the gondola terminal.

We come to a dead end at the path and theres a marker here and a giant hole in the ground.

Jump, ya bastard.

We come to a wide open area (read: boss fight arena), and find the giant red crystal Pierre mentioned.

Hes just waiting for the right chance to off the kid

CUTSCENE: The Incredible Fire Lizard
As soon as the bait touches the crystal, we get a cutscene.

I am fire. I am death.

It comes tearing down the path.

So it lands on the ground, slamming into the camera.

And bellows in rage.

What? No boss subtitle for this thing? Forshame, game.
Give me a second here

Ah, thats better.

(MINI-)BOSS FIGHT: The Fire Lizard (Sans commentary or text because it's stupidly straightforward).
So yeah, after all that build up, the Fire Lizard is actually just a pallet swap of the Ice Lizard, which we also get to fight in this battle. Two of them, anyway.
All three lizards have jacked up stats for this battle. From now on were going to be encountering Fire Lizards in the Flandars and elsewhere and theyll be just like their Ice Lizard counterparts, only with swapped elemental strengths and weaknesses.
All you really need to do for this battle is kill the Fire Lizard and the battle ends. I guess the two Ice Lizards just give up or something after their leader goes down.

Alright, lets get out of here.

Of course the path is loaded with poison shitlords, so I just run past them and let them chase me.

And because of the counterintuitive nature of this game, its actually quicker based on where we end up to run down the mountainside to the Lagnish desert exit to get back to the world map than to run back up to the gondola terminal and head right back to Greede.

Oh hey, theres the campsite from the last chapter. Nice to see you idiots know how to clean up after yourselves.

I couldnt use the Logic Stone you saw earlier because I was still being chased by the Vespids and you cant access Logic Stones if the game decides youre in battle mode, even if youre running away and not actually in combat mode.

OVERWORLD MUSIC: The Continent of Nadias (Disc 1, Track 15)
There and back again

CUTSCENE: Triumphant(?) Return

He starts coughing and wheezing at their feet.

Kara, meanwhile, has no sympathy for this hucksters pain.
Everyones postures really let you know how well their characters are developed at this point. Eldores doing an exasperated I cant believe this shit back turn, Yulies pretty much going

CUTSCENE MUSIC: "The Black Market"

We are never coming back here again.

CUTSCENE: We're Off to See the Count

Okay, so that was a lot of running around, but at least we got a cool statue out of it. If Count Driz didnt take well to us blatantly trying to bribe him, we could always turn around, sell it and just BUY Greede or something.
Unless Leonard threw it away for being useless because he was an idiot.
Here, kid. Let me hang onto that statue. Youre too important to carry it. Yeah. Thats it.

- 12.1 - Landing in Greede
- 12.2 - Getting to the Caverns
- 12.3 - The Goddess of Lépanne
- 12.4 - The Quest for the Goddess
- 12.5 - The Incredible Fire Lizard
- 12.i - Fire Lizard Miniboss Fight
- 12.6 - Triumphant(?) Return
- 12.7 - We're Off to See the Count