Part 33: The Scars of Time

Because Id rather be playing Chrono Cross right now.

CUTSCENE: Sinca Village At Last
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Sinca Village (Disc 2, Track 14)
At long last, the party has made it to Sinca Village, the arbitrary destination Setti chose as the place where hed reveal everything he knew about the Knights, the Dogma Era, and the Final Awakening. Because he couldnt just tell us all this anywhere at any point along the road and maybe use Sinca as the proof of his story. Nope, we gotta risk constant death by trekking all the way here before the bastard will tell us anything else about whats going on.
Setti is dumb / a colossal dick.

God, this place looks absolutely wrecked. Maybe Sinca is a suburb of Detroit?

CUTSCENE: The History of the World (Part Two)

The party gathers around the campfire waiting for Setti to get done pissing on the charred ruins of some dead schmucks house or something.

Meanwhile, old Grumpypus is standing off to the side in your stereotypical aloof Im too cool/badass/interesting to be near this group pose, despite being neither cool, badass, interesting, or even aloof.
Goddammit White Knight Chronicles! Stop making me proxy-insult Charles Shaughnessy! It hurts me when I have to do that.

We see Setti, standing ominously in the bushes auditioning for the role of Killer in Every 80s Slasher Film Ever.

A big dramatic stab chord kicks in to let you know that Bad Things are happening to poor Setti.

Yeah, thats an Oh shit, Im dying face if Ive ever seen one.

Way to go, dickhead. You waited too long to explain anything and now fates come to collect its due from you not dying back in Balandor.

He starts coughing and wheezing for breath like hes Joffrey at the Purple Wedding about to die a whimpering pathetic death.

Whats more, this is in the direct line of sight of both Yulie and Orren. Hell, Yulie is LOOKING RIGHT AT HIM KEELING OVER in this shot.
Well, heres some more empirical evidence that Yulie just doesnt give a shit about anything anymore. Orrens probably watching it out of the corner of his eye so as not to alert Goofus or Gallant and just snickering all the while.

The camera shakes about and then suddenly pulls back stable and we get another ominous WOM WOM WOM sound effect.
Setti lets out a long, eerily calm breath.

He slowly, purposefully rears upright again, like nothing even happened.

Jesus, do I need to start playing the Sephiroth theme or something?

Yeah, I probably need to start playing the Sephiroth theme.

He opens his eyes again. Theyre looking a little paler blue than they were a minute ago, arent they?

Wow, and I thought Eldore was a shitty liar.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Sincas Children (Disc 2, Track 15)

Brace yourselves, the Big Reveal of the game is coming up in the next image.

Also, one curious thing to mention: the insignia in the lower right of the image, that seven-pronged fork that sort of resembles deer antlersthats the Farian insignia, or at least something incredibly close to it. I dont know why its there, I have a theory, but its more likely a case of me putting way to much thought into things again.
Its not said one way or the other if the Dogma Rift temple is Yshrenian or Athwani. My guess is its actually an Athwani temple because Yshrenian Dogma Era architecture doesnt look anything like this and its in the wrong place geographically. The Dogma Era political maps Ive seen from the PSP prequel have Yshrenia holding the eastern half of the world (ie: where Balandor, Nordia, Albana, Greede and Frass Chasm are today), while Athwan is up the north west corner of the map, which we see in game 2 is a vast stretch of uninhabited frozen wasteland now.
Whats more, Faria, or a nationstate that eventually became the Archduchy of Faria, was around during the Dogma Era and was allied with Athwan, most likely as a vassal state to Mureass Happy Fun Time Global Domination Partytown in Athwan proper. And this place is right on the Farian border, so maybe there actually is a reason for there to be Farian iconography all over the temple andIm sorry my brain is trying to escape my skull by crashing through my forehead.

Oh youre not even trying to be subtle anymore!

I love how you can see the shadow-outline of an Incorruptus in, hell, lets call it what it is, Kid Settis eyes.

Which means, we can now officially add The Entire Population of Sinca Village to the People Who Died Because Leonard Showed Up Somewhere kill count. Its a Late April Un-Miracle!

OH MY GOD! It was Cisna after all! That manipulative, evil bitch! SHE PLANNED THIS WHOLE THING AND HAS BEEN WORKING EVERYONE OVER FROM HER PRISON CELL! Shes not being held captive, its just a ruse pulled on the audience. Shes the puppet master pulling the strings. Shes the power behind Grazel!
Ive been screaming it from day one and its finally happening!

See, I told you it was Cisna.

LOL, no it was actually Eldore.

Caesars about to stomp a mudhole in the old mans ass and walk it dry.

Wait. WHAT?!

So the mystery of Dragias the First persists.

Leonards single brain cell has finally processed the revelation and hes stepped up to involve himself in the matter. Maybe hell finally do something this chapter other than thoughtlessly parrot back things Setti has said to him.

Oh, Im just floored by your badassery there kid. Then again, maybe Leonard has finally found a fair match for him: a sexagenarian with chronic stamina problems and possible early-onset Alzheimers, given how he constantly forgets to mention crucial details when he has inside knowledge of them to his fellow party members. Eldore is probably the only member of the cast outside of maybe Raus thats not capable of outwitting Leonard.

Eldore looks around for a way out, and then sighs in defeat.

Thats literally the sound effect the game uses. Check the video. Im not making it up.

Okay, I was wrong. We do see Eldore pull off a few actual spells between now and the end of the game.

Great, now weve lost TWO party members heading into the final dungeon. Granted, I never really used Kara or Eldore all that much, and they dont have (useable) Incorrupti to help out anyway, so its not THAT big of a loss. But its just the principle of the matter. Im OCD as fuck, and it bugs the hell out of me to have missing party members.
I spent the last four hours of Xenogears with my left eye randomly twitching because the game jacked Elly on me at the last minute

Nice rapist-smile there, Crispin. Even Albedo is going, dude, tone it the fuck down.

Everyone turns around, kind of weirded out that Setti would just keep expositing like the last two minutes just didnt even happen.


Why would you ask such a stupid and obvious question?

Setti stands up, probably to smack Leonard upside the head for being a moron.

Except for Redhorn Isle Fortress and The Act of God and The Garmatha, and Vellgander and Guidos Hollow. But, you know, youre close kind of.

Yeah, dont make me start another counter.

Once again some late-chapter gameplay. You can see the Dogma Rift Temple on the other side of the valley just outside of Sinca, which was a nice touch I didnt pick up on the first time I played through this game.

Theres nothing more to Sicna than just the town itself, which is barely half the size of Parma, and then the path up from the Van Haven Waste on one side and the path down to the Dogma Rift on the other.
For this part of the game only, theres a merchant here on the hillside, Johann. Hes essentially the last shop you will have available to you before you head down into the Rift for the end run of the game. Johann sells essentially the best equipment you can buy in game 1, or at the very least most of it.
Though by this point, if youve been doing any of the online quests and grinding your Guild Rank and Binding Ranks like the soulless slave to this game you are, you should be able to bind better weapons and armour than whats for sale here assuming youve farmed enough of the right materials and have met the 50 bajillion other interlocking requirements needed to create and then equip the game elusive online goodies.

Okay, lets get this over with.

Next stop: the beginning of the end.
Were approaching the light at the end of the tunnel that is White Knight Chronicles, wherein that light is a brief glimpse of a beautiful world beyond this game before it plunges right back into the tunnel for White Knight Chronicles II.

I should have been celebrating. The old fart was out of my hair at long last, and we had a vague idea about what this Final Awakening really was now. All we had to do was get to the ruins before Grazel did, and smash the crap out of the Sun King with Talion before he claimed it
All we had to do