Part 34: Indiana Orren And The Temple of Dumb

Fun fact: White Knight Chronicles is still a better Indy story than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

AREA MUSIC: Infiltration (Disc 1, Track 12)
The Dogma Rift is another blatant FFXIII-style hallway area. Its a series of straightaways that curve into open glades packed with giant enemies ultimately leading up to the Dogma Rift Temple itself.
The only redeeming features of this place are the that the sunset lighting makes everything look more interesting than it probably would look if it were daylight out, the area music is pretty kick ass, and its essentially the second-last area of the game we have to clear.

Its also a greatest hits of enemies from other areas of the game.
Youll find at least one of every enemy type that weve encountered up till now in the Dogma Rift. White Knight Chronicles II introduces a few new enemies into the mix, but this is the culmination of things right here.

Thank god for VLCs fast-forward controls, it was bad enough going through this area at normal speed when I was laying down the footage. I dont think I could have hacked it going through it a second time for the screenshots.

Like I said, this place just throws everything at you at once.

After about 20 minutes of just trying to get through the place, we finally make it to the a portion of the level where the next cutscene starts.

CUTSCENE: The Dogma Rift
Everyone stops on the cliffside overlooking the temple.

On the one hand, youre probably evil now. On the other hand, youre not demanding to stop and powernap every twenty minutes like Eldore, so what the hell, eh?

Everyone nods approvingly and heads along down the path.

Note to JRPG protagonists everywhere: never trust a man with hair this stupid looking, ESPECIALLY if hes voiced by Crispin Freeman.

Setti smugly smirks and carries on behind them.

Immediately after the cutscene, Magi soldiers start showing up. Luckily this is near the end of the area before we enter the temple proper, so we dont have to deal with too many of them.

And there it is, the Dogma Rift Temples back entrance.

CUTSCENE: All The Cards on the Table

Caesar smiles and nods.

Later that night

Magi soldiers suddenly come stalking through the campsite.

Wow, thats a freakin lot of soldiers.

However, it would seem theyre not taking the party as unawares as they think they are.

They both charge forward into the crowd of soldiers.

This is not as impressive as it looks when in motion because they both run up to the soldiers and just kind of stop in front of them before actually doing anything.
I think Leonards idiocy is finally starting to rub off on Caesar. Actually, Caesar stops to get a one-liner in.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Grazels Theme (Disc 2, Track 16)

*SCHWING!* Oh hey, Eldores back.

Well, how about that, a moment of rare intelligent planning on the part of the party. They actually laid a decent trap for the villains and sprung it somewhat adequately.
Im almost beginning to be impressed.

In terms of Crispin Freeman Evil Laughs, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a normal human laugh and 10 being goddamn motherfucking Albedo, this one only nets about a 4

God, I cant believe I once watched Advent Children. Whats wrong with me?

On the other hand, now the White Knight Chronicles is ripping off Doctor Who, as Setti regenerates into latest incarnation Peter Capaldi.

Nah, Im kidding. He regenerates into Sephiroth.

He snaps his fingers.

The ground below everyone starts to glow.

And then the whole place collapses under their feet.

This is what these idiots get for trying to be smart and taunting Grazel when they should have just whipped out their Knights and splattered his ass against the canyon wall in two seconds.
Even when theyre at their smartest, theyre still a collection of thoughtless morons.
I hope they all died. Orren too.

CUTSCENE: Rex Regnant
So now we end up at the bottom of a giant hole in the ground.

Well everyone looks surprisingly no worse for wear despite falling probably 200 feet straight down onto solid rock.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Attack (Disc 1, Track 11)
Out of the shadows comes stomping something vaguely familiar

So this here is Pyredaemos Rex, a beefed up pallet swap of the standard Pyredaemos from the beginning of the game and the Van Haven Waste.
These guys are often the end boss of certain high-level online Avatar quests. However, just like the original Pyredaemos, the same weaknesses are in play here.

BOSS FIGHT: Pyredaemos Rex (with commentary by nine-gear crow and Blind Sally)

So for this fight all you really need to do is whip out a Knight, either one will do in this situation, and just use stabbing attacks like Thrust on it until it keels over.


Pyredaemos Rex has a few attacks to watch out for. Unlike the original Pyredaemos, Rex is an earth-elemental monster, so it attacks by earthbending the ground around you and with some earth-based elemental magic.

It also does this BS multi-hit attack that knocks you backwards and stuns you for a few seconds.

It also has a charge attack similar to Pyredaemoss massive fire blast where it hits you with a big blast of energy from its back turret and knocks your Knight off its feet for a few seconds, but I kill it before it gets anywhere close to launching it on me.

CUTSCENE: A Means of Escape

Pyredaemos Rex goes down, now relegated to recurring enemy status for the rest of the duology.

Again, another unfortunate Yulie pantyshot to close out a scene with. Goddamn it, game

CUTSCENE: No Going Back Now
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Temple Bell (Unreleased Track)
I think this is the longest weve gone before getting an area title card too.

This is the same entrance Grazel led them to last night. But dont tell Leonard.

And so to the sound of an ominous temple gong, Team Caesar ventures into the Dogma Rift Temple after Grazel.
Will they be able to stop him in time?
Will they be able to destroy the Sun King before he gets his hands on it?
Will they save Princess Cisna?
Like for real this time?
Will they be able to convince Kara to return to the side of light?
Will they be able to avert the Final Awakening?

What the fuck do you think theyre going to do? Huh?

- 23.1 The Dogma Rift
- 23.2 All The Cards on the Table
- 23.3 Rex Regnant
- 23.i Pyredaemos Rex Boss Fight
- 23.4 A Means of Escape
- 23.5 No Going Back Now