Part 35: Your Dogma Crapped In My Karma

Arent I just so witty?

And now we enter the Dogma Rift Temple itself. This is the final dungeon of game 1. Its a lot more impressive than game 2s final dungeon, where Level-5 just threw up their hands and said fuck it, lets just get this over with.

To Level-5s credit this time around, the temple is more than just a standard hallway. Its divided into several segments and is actually kind of a puzzle in terms of how to navigate and solve it to get to the final boss(es).

Of course, given the events of the last chapter, the temple is swarming with Magi soldiers of all types now.

Youll be seeing in various screencaps this update that they went all out in the design of this place, saving their best stuff for last. This place is an absolute wreck but in the best and most aesthetically pleasing way.

The majority of enemies in the temple are cropped from previous areas of the game. There are a few exceptions, however. These guys are Iron Golems, the second-strongest Golem pallet swap in the base game.

A big part of navigating the temple is running into crap like this, ie: a path that appears accessible on the map that is actually a one-way drop that you cant climb up and you need to find away around.
In a more creative-minded game, this would be a spot where the Knights could be useful in general gameplay.
You encounter an obstacle you cant get around? Knight up and step over it.
But no, Level-5 just cant be assed to push the

Oh well. It just means we get to see more of what an interesting craphole the temple is.

Heres a Wind Elemental, because Im too lazy to go back and re-read the previous updates to see whether or not ones appeared before or not.

And lo, heres the final new non-boss enemy of game 1: the Primeval Guardian. Barring unique bounties and one boss in the Avatar quest, these things are the most powerful Golem pallet swaps out there.

The temple alternates largely between open rooms where enemies gather and corridors connecting said rooms but every now and then you get a piece of eye candy like this stretch where the wall is missing and you look out into the narrow strip of the Dogma Rift Level-5 decided to render for this area.

I suddenly want to foreswear LPing White Knight Chronicles II and just spend the summer replaying Final Fantasy X or something.
God, even for an early PS2 game, that game was beautiful.

More beauty shots. This game is like an abusive husband with the Dogma Rift Temple being its please, baby, dont leave Ill change, Ill do better, I swear, moments before it hits you with White Knight Chronicles II.
Domestic violence is wrong and bad and I hate myself for using it as an analogy to convey my feelings about this game to you. I am sorry.

On that note, lets have a cutscene!

CUTSCENE: The Promise of Answers

Also more evidence that the Dogma Rift Temple is actually an Athwani temple: those two statues on either end of the far doorway are wearing helmets/hats just like the Athwani mages were shown to have worn in the Dogma Era exposition fresco from back in Chapter 17.

And then he took a 4 hour nap.

CUTSCENE: The History of the World (Part Three)
So in the midst of this time-sensitive mission, where were racing to try and prevent Grazel from unlocking and claiming for himself the most powerful Knight of them allessentially the most powerful weapon on the entire planet, Eldore decides its time to sit everyone down and rush through 30 hours of deferred character development in the span of 5 minutes.
This is incredibly dumb, but it gets off on the technicality that Grazel is just standing around also doing nothing himself at this moment, as well see soon enough, even though it really shouldnt. I guess stupidity and incompetence are contagious because now even the once-on-point villains have caught it too.
I told you it was all downhill after Belcitane died.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Sincas Children (Disc 2, Track 15)

Ive seen the end of the second game. I know what kind of battle Mureas and Madoras fight.
The Athwani prophets were full of shit.

So Eldore is a time-displaced ronin seeking to make amends for his prior mistake and fulfill his duty properly and was so determined to do so he made a deal with DEATH ITSELF to cross millennia just for the CHANCE at trying to redeem himself knowing it was probably a fools errand even to try it and was going to irreparably damage his body one way or the other.
In any other game, a revelation like that would instantly turn Eldore into a certified badass worthy of giving Auron a brofist so powerful it could split atoms.
Here? Hes still just Eldore. An Auron copycat, only replace became a zombie with became old and her dad with her past life.
And while were at it:
Leonard = A stupider version of Tidus.
Caesar = A likeable version of Wakka.
Yulie = An intelligent version of Rikku.
Kara = Lulu.
The Avatar = Human Kimahri.

So Eldore was anywhere between 16 to 20 while he was in the Athwani Queensguard. Young Eldore apparently appears in Origins and that two-shot prequel manga thing Episode 0, but I havent managed to tack down any actual image of him. According to sources Ive encountered online who have played the game, they say that Young Eldore at the very last was a youthful and handsome young man before he got turned into well, this.
Hes chronologically only in his late 30's or early 40's, still awfully old for a JRPG main party member, at the very least. I have no idea how old Eldore is physically because he never really specifies how many years Death took from him in the exchange and he aged eighteen years in the intervening time between when he emerged from the time warp and now.
Either way, even with his entire backstory now out there, it still falls apart just like Karas does if you put any critical thought to it.
Oh Hino-san

Because Level-5 can only be bothered to properly animate no more than 20 characters before they get overwhelmed and go running to Studio Ghibli to bail them out.

Take a shot.

This revelation that everyone else figured out back in Frass Chasm at the very least breaks Leonards pea-sized brain and he falls flat back on his ass.

CUTSCENE: Plans for a New Beginning
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Grazels Theme (Disc 2, Track 16)
On that revelatory note, we then transition to these assholes!
Oh hey, Karas actually wearing the Dragias armour this time. I guess shes trying to recapture some fond memories of kinky spikey-armour sex with Caesar to brighten her mood now that her only companionship consists of this dour asshole, a retaining wall with an eyepatch, and a woman with phenomenal magic powers who thinks she killed her father and once swore she would murder her in revenge for it.
You sure you picked the right team there, Kara? I mean, I know 3/5th of Team Caesar are useless rubes, but at least only one of them is hazardous to your continued longevity as opposed to Visser Three, Snake Pisskin, and Princess Genocide here.
But I digress, now its time for Grazel to lay out his backstory and motivation, because, oh shit the games almost over and we know next to nothing about our main antagonist!

Youve brainwashed her multiple times SINCE THE GAME BEGAN, and youve got the balls to question whether or not shes lost faith in an insane plan that only you, Shapur and Belcitane seem to have believed in anyway?
Grazel. Buddy. I dont mean to be critical here, but YOURE AN ASSHOLE!
Jesus, and I thought Leonard was blackhole of self-interest?

Grazel no-likey hearing this, so he goes in for the Bad Touch.

Thankfully, before he goes the full Jaime Lannister on her, he tosses her aside like the utter unrepentant asswipe he is and always will be.

So Grazel killed Medius because Medius once tried to kill Setti. The implication here is that Grazel was born in the instant Medius tried to off Setti as some sort of defense mechanism persona that killed Medius in self-defence because Setti couldnt bring himself to kill his father, despite wanting to in the moment. Grazel then became corrupted and twisted because of he was the embodiment of Settis repressed aggression and persecution complex and eventually turned on Setti himself.
And that, as they say, is that. Because the game is not going to actually tell you that at any point, by the way. Well find out the cause of Grazels corruption and his rise to power in a moment, however.

Wait, what? Isnt one of the fundamental rules of screenwriting to not introduce new characters before the climax of the story? Well, at least we now know that even Grazel has a puppetmaster yanking on his strings.

Oh, I guess this time travel shit is a fairly common thing then. People do it all the time apparently!
Unless the game has the balls to pull the same twist twice and reveal Eldore to be Ledom

Oh hey, the retaining walls here. Are you actually going to say anything in this scene, patchy? I think the Avatar has had more dialog than you by this point, and all their dialog is combat walla.

I love that Kara turns around in shock, like shes still concerned for them somewhat.

Behold the face of a woman who has just realised that everyone around her is batshit insane and shes stuck with them all now.

CUTSCENE: The Queen and the Emperor
Wherein the single-greatest threat to its continued existence the world has ever known has a conversation with Grazel.

Enter Megatron and Soundwave.
Because Shapurs not charismatic enough to be Starscream.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Recollection (Disc 1, Track 14)

By this point the track skips the cutey princess opening and just cuts in to the serious shit is going down part of the song that starts around the 1:25 mark in the track whenever it starts playing, no doubt symbolizing Cisnas character development through the music itself.

She actually does

CUTSCENE: One Final Twist
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Recollection (Disc 1, Track 14 Its actually still playing from the previous scene)
God, do we have to go back to these people? Theyre like the video game equivalent to every non-Red Wedding Catelyn chapter in any given A Song of Ice and Fire book.

Really? Youre banking on Level-5 being so damn lazy theyd find an excuse to skip out on their fight with not-Sauron just to save time and money?

Oh, so it literally is like a Sauron thing.

This is a pretty sweet idea, an immortal genocidal maniac who survived the destruction of his empire, the defeat of his super weapons and the collapse and rebuilding of global society just hiding out pretending to be a shop keeper or street bum somewhere until his rival is reincarnated so he can get revenge on her for blowing the damn world up in their tussle to try and conquer it for themselves.
Think about it, a villain with thousands of years of insight into how people and civilizations work who knows both heights of power and the depths of powerlessness and has learned how to effectively exploit both ends of the social spectrum. A humble, non-descript dark lord. A villainous man of the people, in a way. Like if Jesus were evil.
In fact, this is such an interesting and creative idea thats been set up that Level-5 doesnt even bother to follow through with it.
Whats that? You were taken in for a moment by the promise of an actual interesting development in this story? Hang on, Ive got a present for you from Akihiro Hino.
You ready for it?
Here it comes .
Fuck you.
Love, Level-5 CEO & White Knight Chronicles writer/producer, Akihiro Hino

Youre damn right its hard to believe anyone could screw up basic storytelling this much Oh, youre talking about Eldores story.

And the Mousekteers nod approvingly and rise to their feet.

Anyways, this is it here, the last section of actual gameplay before the final boss gauntlet at the end of the game.
This section is one giant semi-obtuse procedural puzzle akin to Greedes Underbelly. You cant see it in this screenshot, but this room up ahead is a giant + shape with three rooms at the right, left and top of it.
The top room is blocked off by a giant wall, as seen in front of us. The rooms on the left and right are accessible, and both have a teleportation pedestal in them, however at the moment only the one in the right room is working. What we need to do is find a way to get the one in the left room working.

And right now our only option is to take the right room teleporter and see where that flings us to.

Longer than you think, Dad! Longer than you thiiiiiiiink!

So were deposited in this self-contained area. Each one of those + shaped rooms is a teleporter, and each of those square rooms has a bunch of enemies in them. You can see the pattern emerging now, cant you?

This one has a bunch of Magi soldiers, a Black Knave and an Iron Golem in it.

So after a few minutes of tediously killing the soldiers one-by-one and getting stomped around by the Knave

I say screw it and whip out the White Knight.

And the Knight makes short work of everything in the room.

More delightfully unnerving Dogma Era architecture.

We take another teleporter

And this one deposits us right back where we started.

See what I mean about he left teleporter being locked down?

More teleporting and running through more interesting patches of temple later and

In the midst of another fight in a square room we discover the key to the puzzle. The Black Knaves are keeping the portals energy sealed, so we need to go around the various parts of the temple and kill all of them to get the left teleporter working.

Im skipping as much of it as I can because its redundant, tedious and boring.

In this room full of Magi mooks and a Black Knave, I finally get to show off what I thought part of combat with the White Knight was going to be in general.

So youve got a whole swath of human-sized enemies on the ground, and a 20 foot tall giant suit of armour with a 10 foot magic sword standing among them.

You can already tell how this is going to end

And of course, the aftermath: corpses everywhere.

So after we get all the Knaves dead, finally (30 minutes of gameplay time later) the left teleporter is unlocked.

It deposits us here, an area that has one final Logic Stone to save at, one final room full of bad guys, and two teleporters. The one on the right is the receiver platform, the one in the middle is the way out back to the regular temple, and the one on the left is the one that takes you to the final boss(es).

Again, the game gets interesting to look at in the final few minutes of exploratory gameplay you have left with it.

There, by the way, to the left of the waterfall is the place where the games climax plays out. Well be seeing that in the next chapter.
Suffice to say, its very Shadow of the Colossus Shrine of Worship-y.

In the room with the final teleporter, we also encounter the final three regular enemies of White Knight Chronicles, a Magi Axeman, a Magi Axemaster, and a Magi Commander.

And they go down like 1


Again, an appropriate image to end the base game on given the general trajectory of things: bodies piled up at Leonards feet.
Its like poetry, it rhymes.

Lets go murder the shit out of Grazel.

You see that there, just on the horizon? Someone is getting their ass kicked so hard today theyre going to feel it back in the Dogma Era.
I just hope its not us.
Gods I hope its not us.