Part 43: The Not-So-Great Deku Tree (Part 2)

CUTSCENE: The Retrospecticon
We come out of the title sequence to find everyone gathered around Father Yggdra for some more exposition.

The game does an absolutely terrible job of explaining just thats up with Yggdra, so Ill sum it up here before we move on. Father Yggdra was a very powerful wizard back in the Dogma Era. He was a Farian, or at the very least a member of the species that founded the Archduchy of Faria. He was also, as noted in the first chapter of the game, a close ally of Queen Mureas. He turns up in person in that prequel manga I mentioned earlier, but here all were going to be hearing of him is his voice.
And thats really odd, because theres an official artbook out there that has drawings of what his original form looked like. Its the one I use for his character profile entry and his avatar. I think Yggdra was meant to appear in person at one point, but was cut for time/budgetry/workability issues. Regardless, in his physical incarnation he was a diminutive, wizened old Yoda-like being with a MASSIVE set of antlers and a big Fu Manchu beard/moustache.
Anyways, after things went to shit in the Dogma Era and Mureas died, Yggdra forsook his physical body and bound his soul to the massive tree that sat in the lake in the middle of what is now the Farian capital city. With his being now bonded to the mighty tree, Yggdra survived the millennia, becoming a spiritual leader to the Farian people and guide to all the Archdukes and Archduchesses to have taken up his stead as ruler.
Somewhere along that timeline he also became the guardian of the Moon Maiden armour after Mureass sealing spell rendered it inoperable. The armour was placed inside his trunk somehow and remained hidden away, lost to history for the next 10,000-odd years until Yshrenia came that close to claiming it just now.
Because none of that is getting explained in-game beyond a passing gloss.

One more thing to note [mouseover to break LP kayfabe]: Youll see it if you watch the videos, but the Avatar is in fact in this scene doing nothing and saying nothing as usual. Theyre standing off to the right behind Leonards shoulder. I merely edited the Marcell model out of this scene with Photoshop to maintain the illusion of him actually dying.
Just so you know.
Also, its not in the screen caps, but when Yggdra says Nanazel will be missed, Miu has a brief downcast side glance like shes thinking not bloody likely. And after the shit shes been through the two days at Nanazels hands, I dont blame her if thats what that look really is meant to convey.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Recollection (Disc 1, Track 14)

Insert Cisna the Hun jokes here.

What the hell are you talking about? Cisna is running Balandor perfectly fine, and Caesar is running Greede quite admirably from all accounts, and well, Lorias seems to have shit together in Faria now that Nanazels toast, unless Miu wants to step up to the plate or anything.
What Im trying to say is that Father Yggdra has his knotty head up his own wooden ass.

Miu sighs and gets all antsy because she knows hes inadvertently talking shit about her and how she needs to woman up and start running this damn place already.

Yggdra PEWs a book out of the ether.

I love how hes so underwhelmed by the fact that a 10,000 year old talking tree conjured this thing out of thin air specifically for him. Usually Eldores not the kind of guy to look a gift horse in the mouth, but then again the writing in this game has been the antithesis of consistent from the word go.

Were now going to spend a third of the game going back and revisiting shit from the first game, because its cheaper and easier to reuse assets you already made wholecloth than come up with anything new or innovative.
The time travel subplot in this game is such infuriating bullshit because the two things youd expect a group with a history like this one to do (a) go back and try to amend some of their fuck ups or b) actually visit the Dogma Era) dont happen.
Again, its another story concept thats just plopped down without any introduction or spectacular payoff. Instead of Back to the Future, were getting the 2002 Time Machine movie.

Fuck you, it just does, is the answer thats left unspoken, BTW.

She gasps in surprise.

CUTSCENE: Something Stirs

Then the game suddenly activates the Photoshop zoom blur effect and we get another BDOOM stab chord to let us know shit is still not right with Leonard, and no, surprisingly, the sequel has not forgotten about his little fainting spell from the end of the first game.

And he goes down.

But luckily Eldore is there to catch him. Get used to this image, folks. Youre going to be seeing a whole shit-ton of Leonard weakly slumped in the arms of another character shots in this game.
Because you should never EVER forget that Leonard is a useless fuck up of a character whos struggling to remain an actual character at this point.

"CUTSCENE MUSIC": Just play this while you read this last part, it helps sell it a little better.
So now where does this leave us?
Nanazel is dead, and Shapur has retreated. Faria is safe, for now
But Yshrenia is still out there, still conquering other parts of the world
And were down yet another party member
Poor Marcell, the kid just didnt see it coming
And now Leonards starting to act strange
And the White Knight doesnt seem like its going to be the reliable weapon it used to be
In theory, I mean. Hell, weve all seen how reliable it was in Leonards hands before these little hiccups started happening.
Things seem rather bleak
But maybe theres an answer in the past
We need to find Dalam
We need to save him
But with Leonards stupidity now fully unchecked
What damage will the boy unleash upon the past?
There is someone who can stop him, however
Someone who knows how to control him
Someone who thought he was rid the boy for good
The unsung legend
The true hero of Nadias
The one who will actually save us all

What? You thought I was gone for good? Who the fuck do you think is telling this story, remember?

- 3.1 - Moves And Countermoves
- 3.2 - Confronting Nanazel
- 3.i - Duke Gigas (Ban Nanazel) Boss Battle (with commentary by nine-gear crow and
Blind SallyJohn Galt)
- 3.3 - Trump Cards
- 3.4 - Ban Hammered
- 3.i - Title Sequence The Battlefield Flower
- 3.5 - The Retrospecticon
- 3.6 - Something Stirs

Heres what I had to do to poor Marcell to edit him out of all those screenshots effectively, by the way:

Hes so tiny he makes Papitaurs seem tall.