Part 55: In The Name Of The Moon (Part 2)

CUTSCENE: The Therapy Session
Wherein Eldore actually does something productive and Cyrus gets over his bullshit. See? Everything is better without Leonard.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Reflecting (Disc 1, Track 18)
Cyrus sits in the cave sharpening his sword as hes approached by Eldore.

Cyrus has the appropriate response to whenever someone brings up the subject Leonard in this game.

And not a fuck was given by Sir Cyrus of Balandor on that day.

He ponders it for a moment

Then turns away in disgust.

Because youre an impulsive idiot. Id say you got hoodwinked by Ledom, but you DIDNT! You burned them of your own unprompted volition you dumb fuckstick.
I should probably ease up on ol Pubebeard, all told. After all, the train is about to pull into the Cyrus Redemption Station.

Oh shit, son!

Yulie rushes to help Eldore, but Scardigne throws and arm between her and the two fuck up ex-royal knights.

His blade wavers in his grip.

He turns and walks away.
Mic drop not pictured.

And Cyrus is left to his lonesome to mull the merits of becoming a decent human being again. Because depressed, drunken, racist manchild hasnt exactly been working out for him so far.
Winning Osmunds eternal friendship notwithstanding, of course.

Okay, lets clean up this shit.

Skadoosh. crow

CUTSCENE: Can We Just Get This Ark Already?
Team Yulie returns to Osmunds field HQ to report the good news.

Scardigne looks up at the night sky.

Here we go again

Thankfully though, Osmunds camp is close to the Navel, which turns out is that patch of greenery with the waterfalls flowing through it in the middle of the Waste where we found the Fiendslayer lance for the Dragon Knight the last time we were here.
Fun fact: if you start a fresh game from WKCII, like this part of the LP is running on, you dont have the two optional Incorruptus weapons found in the first game in your inventory (Fiendslayer and the White Knights Sword of Malice). That said, the chests where you find them are still there in the Van Haven Waste and Greedes Underbelly in the sequel, so you can claim them at your leisure.

In the midst of the river, the full moons light reflects a strange purple sheen in the ripples.

CUTSCENE: There The Silver Bow Doth Bide


Reacting to its Pactmakers presence, the Ark emerges from the water in a flash of purple light.

Yep. Thats a silver bow alright.
Im just assuming its reacting to Yulie being here at the right time and all. For all I know, this has actually happened once a month for the last 18 years since Medius hid it here weve just been lucky enough that nobodys happened upon it the other 215 times its done this.
Because full moons arent exactly rare occurrences in this world by the sound of it.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: The Ark of the Moon Maiden (Game 2 OST, Track 12)
Yulie reaches for it, ready to claim, or rather, reclaim its power.


The Ark spits out a flash of white light and the booming roar that fills the cave does not portend anything good.

Huh. Maybe Yulie misremembered that whole raised in Sinca with Leonard, et al. and she just deluded herself into thinking she was Luthias Pactmaker out of a desperate lust for power?
Wouldnt be that something?
Well, lets find out, eh?

As the light fades, the party finds itself in the same ethereal plain where Leonard encountered the Phantom when he first touched Wizels Ark.

Behold the Efreet, one of the last new giant enemies introduced in the game. These are the giant versions of those little fish things, interestingly enough. Theres four elemental pallet swaps in total, each one named after a different mythological beast. The Efreet is the fire elemental one, this one right here. Its named after the Ifrit of Islamic folklore, popularized by the Final Fantasy series as its go-to fire-elemental summon.
The water-based ones are blue and are called Krakens, named after the giant sea monster of European folklore.
The wind-based ones are green and are called Rudas, curiously clipped from Garuda, the bird-man warriors of Sanskrit mythology.
And lastly the earth-based ones are Behemoths, theyre brown and named after the massive mysterious beast from the Book of Job in the Christian Bible, and the apocryphal Hebrew Book of Enoch alongside Leviathan and Ziz, the great monsters of the sea and sky, respectively.

BOSS BATTLE MUSIC: A Worthy Opponent Draws Near (Disc 1, Track 8)
So this thing is essentially the Moon Maidens version of the Phantom, a defense mechanism meant to keep the unworthy from claiming the Ark. However, unlike the Phantom, the Efreet is not intrinsically connected to the Incorruptus is guards like the Phantom is


I dunno, maybe this is something Medius put in place, but then youd think it would recognize a grown up Yulie and we wouldnt even have to fight this fight. But then Medius being a far-minded, short-sighted idiot is kind of par for the course of what weve learned about him so far.
So too are things that are just plopped down without any more thought or explanation behind them than Well, its a thing thats happening, isnt it?. So thats the explanation Im going with for what this thing and its purpose here is: Its happening.
White Knight Chronicles! Its pretty much just personally fucking with me now.

BOSS BATTLE: Efreet (no commentary)
Okay, so here we go, the last major fight of this chapter. Compared to the wyverns earlier, this fellas a pushover.
These giant tubby fucks are all weak against impact attacks, so theyre easy pickings for an axe wielder like Orren.
I also went into this battle fully buffed, because you can actually game the battle system a little if you want to. If you cast all your buff spells before you trigger the cutscene that leads to the boss fight, your stat boots will carry over through the cutscene and still be applied once the boss battle starts.
Its a lot quicker and easier than taking up to two minutes to cast all these buffs on your party in-battle where you run the risk of being knocked off balance and having your spells cancelled.

The Efreet calls for reinforcements early on in the battle by summoning a quartet of Salamanders to its side. Those two bulbous tentacles dangling from its sides are called Summoners, and each one summons a pair of fishes of its elemental type.
These are destroyable, by the way. Taking them out seals its ability to summon underlings, however, it will eventually regenerate both of them if you take too long beating it. This is just to give you some breathing room when facing it.

Again, +Aftermath works wonders here. It does weakness-matching damage to the Efreet and one-shots the Salamanders.

Then I hop into Eldore and get magicd across the field by the Efreet, because fuck you, love White Knight Chronicles II.

Throughout the battle, Yulie and co. are freaking out like theyre getting beaten badly, yet Im handling this thing kind of admirably, all told.

I even break the Summoner pods on it. And thats enough to win this stage of the battle and trigger the cutscene.

CUTSCENE: Yulies Big Moment

The Efreet sends out a burst of fire towards our heroes.

Yulies able to stagger to her feet, but shes not looking too good now, is she?

The Efreet starts to blur and her vision begins to blacken.

She falls forward, completely beaten.

Oh, I guess she died then.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: The Ark of the Moon Maiden (Game 2 OST, Track 12)
Okay then. I guess were about to do a Kingdom Hearts opening sequence then.

Dont be, girl. He doesnt deserve it.

See. Good job!

And Yulie developed super powers and flew away to go star in a better video game.


Well, now we at least get a semi-explanation for why the Black Knights influence fucked with Kara and Shapur so much.

The Moon Maiden turns back into blue glowy energy and flows into Yulie.

Aaaand were back.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Argent Goddess (Game 2 OST, Track 13)
Good god, the Moon Maiden has a kick ass theme, its probably the best and most uplifting of all the Knight themes. It also has a nice little bit to it near the end of the song which features a heroic reprise of The Ark of the Moon Maiden, heard earlier in this chapter.

Well, it took goddamn long enough, but here we go: Knight #5.

Im so giddy right now I dont have anything snide or derisive to say. Look at that face. Shes so happy right now. And boy does she ever have the right to be.

Unlike Leonard and his transformation, Yulie 100% earned every moment of this one.

I have never been more happier to be playing as a sparkly purple metallic princess robot with a set of torpedo boobs.

Until someone walks in the room and I hard shutdown the PS3 in shame and embarrassment.

But thats neither here nor there. Lets all just take a moment and be happy for Yulie, the One Girl Akihiro Hino Got Right.

I think Cyrus just shit himself there.

So now its round two with the Efreet. This is our tutorial battle for how the Moon Maiden plays.
The Moon Maiden wields a bow, much like Yulie herself does. This bow, called ElLiet, is one of only two bows for the Moon Maiden in the game. Yeah, Yulie gets the shaft when it comes to Incorruptus weaponry.
ElLiet is a decent enough weapon for now, however. Its got a few attacks to it: a stabbing attack (Energy Shot), an impact attack (Concussive Arrowperfect for fighting the Efreet), an area-off-effect healing spell (+Glittering Moonlight), an area-of-effect resurrection spell (+Pale Moonlight), and an enemy magic attack power breaking spell (Spirit Dance).

The Moon Maiden isnt as fast on the draw as Yulie is on foot. She has this very slow and deliberate drawing animation that takes a few seconds before she shoots again.

I use Spirit Dance to nerf the Efreets magic attack potential. The Moon Maiden literally spins around when she does this skill.

When you Turn Break an enemy with the Moon Maiden, however, she looses an arrow at it instantly.

I also felt I should show off +Glittering Moonlight, even though at that point in the fight I could have taken the Efreet without even bothering to heal.

The Moon Maiden hews very closely to Yulies stated mission of protecting others. Its the only Incorruptus that has healing abilities that affect others and not just herself. The White and Dragon Knights Healers Soul skill only heal themselves.

I dont show off +Pale Moonlight because there was no one there to revive with it. And if Yulie dies in this battle, its game over. Whats more you cant revive yourself with it, so its kind of moot at this point, though I imagine I will find a use for it soon enough.

And POW!

CUTSCENE: And Thats How Its Done
With the Efreet defeated, were returned to the real world triumphant and with one more non-Leonard Knight under our control.

So, we saved someone and actually had them survive the post rescue, solved one of the dangling mysteries of the first game, put the hurt on Grazels troops, unlocked a new Knight, found Yulies purpose in the plot, and kicked Cyrus out of his petulant shitlord funk.
And all we needed to do was kick Leonard the fuck out of the game. Were on a bloody roll right now.


The Windwalker run up to Yulie hooting and hollering in celebration of their new hero.

Cyrus, meanwhile, stands off in the background, pondering his place in this plot.

And then Osmund comes in to awesome up the scene even more.

We sure do, Osmund.