Part 60: Loose Ends (Part 2)

CUTSCENE: Had To Happen Eventually
So back with the battle against Grazel

Sephirnot backhands a wall of fire at Caesar and Yulie, and sends them both flying across the plain again.

Yeah. Shit. Things arent looking too good for Yulie and Caesar if theyre down in the dirt and have been forced back to human form.

Whats going on? Why are they suddenly sucking now?

This makes no sense. Theres no reason for it. They were doing so well before. It just doesnt

Oh. Wait. Leonards back in the plot again.

Yep. Dipshit walks back into party and suddenly that -10 Competence score is back in play, so everyone starts sucking again.

I like this line. Its one of the rare moments in the duology where Grazel has something approaching a personality that isnt smug power mad asswipe.

And he smirks tellingly because he has what he thinks is an ace up his sleeve.

Pictured: Whats left of Level-5s Transformation Sequence Budget

And then nothing happened.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: The White Knight (Disc 1, Track 13)

A massive magic circle appears in the sky, and if you look closely, you can make out that the sigil inside the mandala is a combination of the three allied states emblems.

The rings descend around the White Knight in a manner that once again makes me thing Im about to see the fucker digivolve or something.

Out of the ether comes a big golden glowing phallus.

Yes, thanks to Plot Bullshit Magic, Falcyos has turned into a giant-sized Incorruptus weapon... Because we need to have at least one battle with the White Knight in this game to justify actually calling it White Knight Chronicles instead of Everything We Can Think Of Other Than The White Knight Chronicles.

No, more like:

I will give them this, Falcyos looks like a very interesting weapon. You can tell Level-5 really splurged on this one. They cut eight whole scenes were the Avatar talks to someone other than Framboise just to scrape together enough cash to make this thing.

So something funny happens right at the start of the battle. You dont start the fight with Falcyos equipped, you enter it with whatever weapon you had equipped when Dipshit Von Tripintoawoodchipperplease left the party, which in this case was Talion.

Its a blink-and-you-miss-it event, but I made sure to capture it, because I know how much you all love making fun of how rough around the edges this game is.
So Talion simply blinks out of existence, leaving the White Knight unarmed for a split second.

And then Falcyos appears in its place. It happens rather fast, but not fast enough for it to be completely unnoticeable.
I have no idea what happens if you mod Falcyos into your equipment bag before this battle and go into it with it equipped. Maybe your PS3 catches fire? I dunno.

So what you (probably) immediately notice is that on the command bar weve got a brand new skill to try out: +Wildfire. Falcyos also has all of Talions skills too.
Now, about the name Falcyos: while Talion is in fact a real word, Falcyos is not. Its made up fantasy-sounding gibberish. Googling Falcyos returns his linking to pertaining to the sword from this game itself, and not much else.

So I take a swing at the Sun King with the most basic sword attack to start things off. Okay, were pulling triple digit damage again. Thats a good sign.
And by that I mean the Sun King has been nerfed back to a normal boss status this time aroundFalcyos is not THAT powerful. Hell, its not even the strongest Knight sword in the game

Grazel gets his share of hits in too, though the damage is reversed this time. Now hes the one only doing double digits.

So heres how lazy Level-5 is

When you use +Divine Blace, Talions signature attack, the blade is coated in a swirl of blue energy that mimics the shape of the sword Mimics the shape of Talion, I mean. And its animation doesnt change when you get Falcyos, so you get goofy screenshots like this, were Falcyos projects Talions aura to launch the attack.

But Im not complaining THAT much, because it knocks an eighth of Grazels health off in hit.

I also use +Wildfire for the first time here. But because of the games shitty combat camera, you dont get to see much of it.

Basically the White Knight holds Falcyos aloft, He-Man style, and screams I HAVE THE POWER! whilst purple lighting charges it up.

Then it cleaves whatever its targeting with it in two.

Not quite as strong as +Divine Blade was, but its still leaps and bounds better than what Caesar and Yulie were doing against it.

I also have to heal up my MP.

And HP. Though again Im in no real danger of losing this fight here. This is just a gravy battle, actually. This is you reward for toughing out the Van Haven Waste and the wyverns, and Past Pyredaemos and SarvaiLedoGias: the game lets you beat the shit out of Grazel for a few minutes with a new toy for the White Knight thats going to lose its plot relevance the second this battle is finished.

I am not fucking kidding, either.

So have we tweaked onto the strategy for this fight?
Spam +Divine Blade.

The Sun King does its twin swords attack once again, though this time its a little clearer for you all to see.

Im not gonna lie; I kind of want Grazel to win here.

But alas, Leonard pulls out the win.

CUTSCENE: The Final Challenge
Grazel staggers back in defeat, proving rather definitively that in giant mecha games/animes, the most sure-fire strategy for defeat you can come up with is to paint your mech solid gold. Youre just asking for trouble doing that. Its like buying a bright red sports car; youre just asking for birds to shit on.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Scar (Disc 2, Track 13)

And that right there is the moment she realises that theres just no helping this dumb prick.

Settis dead, girl. Why do people in this game not seem to get that?

Well, looks like Karas dead again.

Oh, fuck me. Leonards going to try to make the save but hell probably end up cutting Kara in half on the upswing because Fate mercilessly despises Kara and her happiness.

So Leonard winds up to land the deathblow on the Sun King with Falcyos

Okay now, shitturd, lets put that Sun King-Slaying Sword to some good use now, aaaaaand

Grazel leaps out of the way, completely unharmed.

Because Leonard is a fuck up. And he cant give chase because he has the only one of the five Knights that cant fly. Because the White Knight sucks too.

Grazel catches himself with a magic bullshit barrier.

And then the monoship just books it out of there.

And because we have Leonard temporarily back in the party, his incompetence bleeds over into the other characters again, so Yulie is unable to re-transform into the Moon Maiden and shoot the monoship down with one of her arrows.


Ive had more productive bowel movements than this.

And so as the party waves good bye to Grazel, and Leonard limps home supported by the 90 lb. girl he friendzoned so hard he gave her whiplash, we also bid a fond farewell to Falcyoss relevance to the plot of White Knight Chronicles II. It will never be referenced again, and, just like with Talion, now that Leonard fucked up destroying the Sun King with it, it has lost its Knight-slaying power all together.
The good news is that now the Dragon Knight and Moon Maiden can do proper damage to the Sun King, so we dont even have to worry about our resident blackhole of a not-protagonist any more period.
Well, um Except for Well That one battle. THAT battle. That culmination of braindead character fuckery and terrible gameplay planning.
THAT battle.

RIP Falcyos: Image 198 Image 372

CUTSCENE: Reunited
And it feels so good.

Later that night, Kara stands in front of the fountain in the Balandor Castle gardens, back in her normal attire for the first time in a solid year, and contemplates her place in the world now that shes officially alive again.

All the while Caesar anxiously watches her.

He finally works up the courage to go and actually talk to her.
God, and I thought her reunion with Miu was going to be awkward

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Out-Of-Reach Feelings (Disc 2, Track 8)

So there you go. Thats the explanation youre getting for why Kara came down with a case of the not-deads. Father Yggdra just randomly said, lol, no, youre alive again. And transported her body to Faria for reasons.
Now, if youre thinking that Karas bullshit resurrection seems like an out of left field curve ball that probably wasnt supposed to happen in the original draft of White Knight Chronicles II, thats because... it is! According to sketches and notes from the White Knight Chronicles Office Art Book, Scardigne was originally supposed to be a 100% original, 100% male character complete with his own Farian-flared Incorruptus, referred to in the book as the God of War, (seen at the end of this update) which you would retrieve from a place known as Ences Temple, which itself was also dummied out of the game. Why Kara was swapped out, to this day I still have no idea, nor do get why she couldnt have the God of War herself, seeing as how she took everything else associated with Scardigne, other than it was an idea that came about at a later stage in the duologys development and was axed because it countermanded the game lores Five Knights and only five Knights commandment.
Still, even when returning from the cold abyss of oblivion to the warmth and light of life, Kara still manages to get screwed over.

Not that that really matters one way or another, because lets remember: KARAS BACK!

And she edges closer to him.

And they embrace in the moonlight.

Best couple ever.

CUTSCENE: The Counter-Offensive

Because this game didnt make enough money to justify a White Knight Chronicles IIIHAIOOOOO!

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Recollection (Disc 1, Track 14)

Oh, sweet, thanks for the pointless visit then, Miu.

So while Miu and her manservants book it back to Faria, weve still got one last dangling plot thread to tie down before we call it quits for this chapter: Shit-For-Brains.

Again, crazy=stupid in this case.

But first, we had a little detour to make.
A detour involving a little something called Yeah, I got a Knight too, bitches.

- 12.1 - Grazel Enters the Fray
- 12.i - Sun King Boss Battle, Rounds Two and Three
- 12.2 - The Invincible Knight
- 12.3 - The Veil Is Lifted
- 12.4 - Where Have I Seen This Plot Before?
- 12.5 - Had To Happen Eventually
- 12.6 - The Final Challenge
- 12.7 - Reunited
- 12.8 - The Counter-Offensive

Leonard's unseen Silly Hat.

Concept Scardigne & The God of War