Part 75: You Can't Kill Stupid

EPISODE 1 Legacy of the Ancients
We begin the first leg of the Avatar Story with our quest information screen. The jist of things is that there has been a cave-in somewhere in the Bunker Lode Caverns and an archeological expedition that had been investigating the caverns to find more ancient artifacts has gone missing. Were being sent in to look for any survivors and to determine the cause of the accident.

So we begin the quest at the entrance to the caverns. I will say straight up thank god for translated online guides for these missions because if you cant understand Japanese at all, these missions have some very arbitrary and not at all initially obvious objectives and side-objectives at times.
But anyway, here we go.

Theres not much we can really do except run into the mine anyway, which is where we need to be going anyway as indicated by the objective star on the minimap.
When we get close enough to central mine area, a cutscene triggers.

We happen upon an old man discussing something with a Balandor soldier.
A note on these cutscenes: theyre all done in-engine and are silent and text-based primarily because, for the first time ever in-game, including all the online quests up till now, characters will actually address the Avatar by name. And I guess Level-5 didnt want to go to the kind of lengths that Atlus usually does in that whole trying work around having a player-named protagonist in a fully voiced video game thing.
The Avatar, by the way, never says anything throughout the Avatar story, so you can continue either pretending whatever characterization you may or may not have given them is still in effect, or that they really are an incredibly determined and self-defeatingly helpful mute.

We now have to head down to the lower level of the mine close to the ruins where we fought Belcitane and the Dragon Matriarch, which means taking the elevator just off the right there.
You can talk to all these people here, but I didnt just because Ive been having an ass of a time trying to translate the dialog of the characters you need to speak to in this chapter, let alone the ones you dont.

Our objective for this part is laid out for us on the map. Weve got to go speak with the Site Supervisor.

The path to the ruins where the actual accident occurred is blocked off, and the supervisor is standing there in front of it.

Most of the chapters in the Avatar Story have a sub-mission or two that you can complete to earn more pointless numbers and loot. Some of them are vaguely tied into the plot, others are just busy work. Lets bog ourselves down in one now.
When you inspect the door it more-or-less says that the door is locked from this side, and poor Gotch the Junk Merchant, the guy on the inside, is starting to panic. Because hes in the klink, you see.

The game gives you a prompt: hear him out or walk away. Choosing hear him out will activate the sub-quest for the mission.

So in order to fulfill Officer Guilty-Until-Proven-Innocents high bar for Gotchs freedom, weve got to talk to a couple of workers and see if they have anything that backs up Gotchs admittedly flimsy alibi.
The specific workmen you need to talk to are not highlighted on the map, so the game expects you to do the timeworn JRPG tradition of talking to everyone there is to talk to until someone tells you the right thing. Luckily, the online guide I used spelled out exactly where the three blokes in question are.
The first guy is here at the base of the central elevator shaft.

So theres our first piece of evidence. The mystery deepens, it seems.

The second guy we need to talk to is up in the main mine on the path we needed to run through to activate the generators to get this elevator running before.

I dont know how well you can see him in the darkness, but hes right there on the upper end of the looped path, so were going to need to do a bit of running to get to him.

There usual Bunker Lode enemies are littered throughout the level, and are scaled to be on par with you power-wise. Theres also several giant enemies who are programmed to respawn in the same places every time you run this level. Theres a Dire Firespider on the upper path and an Earth and Fire Dragon down in the lowest level of the mine.

Heres our second witness.

Evidence #2 collected. Were on a roll.

The final piece of evidence is a little more tricky to find because it involves a mini-boss battle, but whatever, lets get cracking.

(Because you cant play single player quests as just the Avatar alone, thats why).

The remainder of the chapter, save for the part of coming back up here and giving the gaoler the evidence to get Gotch off, will be played down in the lower mine.

You might remember that we fought and killed the Netherwyrm for reals down here, and Caesar cemented his status once-and-for-all as the biggest Non-Orren badass in this game.

The centre-most of the three elevators in the lower mine is the one that leads to the boss fight for this chapter, however, its offline right now because of the accident.

So heres those dragons, or at least one of them, that I was talking about. In this lower railway, theres a pair of elevators at either end that lead up to what are essentially glorified boss arenas. One of them is where were going to find the last piece of evidence to exonerate Gotch, and the other one is where were going to find Amir.
Were going to have to fight a mini-boss battle at both of them.

Ah, theres that Fire Draon. Also, HOLY SHIT, ELDORES ACTUALLY USING MAGIC!

Note: this is probably just dumb luck. Its not indicative of whether Level-5 patched the party AI at any point over the numerous extra content patches they released for the Japanese version which the European and North American releases never got because D3 is a shitty on-the-cheap publisher.
Fun fact: take this one with a grain of salt, but according to Wikipedia, the D3 in D3 Publisher stands for Domain 3, and supposed to reflect the three domains in which the company intended to publish media; video games, music, and books. They only publish video games now, for reasons that should probably be obvious if youve been paying any attention to this LP at all.
White Knight Chronicles! Where the failure is so strong its metatextual!

This is the elevator that takes you up to the mini-boss fight for Gotchs final piece of evidence.
Id meant to go rescue Amir first, but the game gives you no indication on which elevator leads to what objective. Or maybe it does and I just missed it because I have a pre-schoolers understanding of Glorious Nihongo.

More Mass Effect elevator shenanigans. If nothing else you get a glimpse of Liberators hammerhead and get to see the Greede insignia stamped on it. Because Id like to think that Orren would proudly advertise his affiliation with Greede on account of Caesar being such an awesome guy.
I mean, shit, Caesar did talk to him once completely unprompted. The only time Leonard ever spoke to Orren was because there was literally no one else around to talk to.

As we run down the hallway to the clearing, we notice that theres a couple of tents set up in around the area. Someones camping out in this area, it seems.

This screen essentially says the men up ahead seem suspicious. And youre given the option of fight them or turn back.

Its one hell of a leap from I think these guys are up to something to lets murder all of them!

So now you get to duke it out with a group of brigands who are here in the mines for reasons. Im patching the translation of things together as best I can, and some of it, particularly Oruros dialog, has been kind of obtuse, so I dont know if these guys or what theyre doing here have been alluded to in the mission yet or not.

Never fear though, Orrens massive cudgel of justice will pry the truth from these reporbates!

If Im not mistaken I think these might be the same goons from Albana that Kara sicked on us when she was under that Gigass mind control. Who knows. I sure as shit wouldnt put it past the game to reuse their models rather than come up with an entirely new set of assets for this fight alone.

Because theyre all human, they have no weaknesses, but because theyre human they all go down relatively easy. Or Im assuming, as you might be able to suss out from the lack of damage or HP numbers appearing anywhere on screen Im playing with everyone modded up to such a degree that it actually causes the HP and MP display numbers to glitch out, so I turned them off just for appearances sake.
Here, Yulie, to my complete surprise, whips out one of her area of effect elemental bow attacks. I forget the name of it, but its a piercing Ice elemental attack that strikes a wide range of targets. I think she mowed down like three enemies all on her own with this one.
Go Yulie.

These guys made a huge mistake.

However, theyre not as dead as their corpses piled up at Orrens feet made them appear to be. You can now go around and talk to most of them and get the inside scoop on what the hell theyre doing here and why their first instinct was to try and murder us.

These guys with glowing markers on them have various weapons and armours you can loot of them. Dont know if theyre alive or dead. The game doesnt care to tell you.
This guys name is Derek. Lets go rifle through his maybe-corpse.

This guys fresh corpse was called Ozumu. Same deal with him, loot free for the taking.

Lastly, this workman here holds the final piece of evidence we need to spring Gotch from the klink.

Rumor, speculation, and hearsay, but whatever, lets see if it flies. Weve got the basic facts of the matter pinned down: there was no way one guy could have caused that cave in, some kind of monster was spotted in the dust cloud, and Gotch was scapegoated by the Greede soldiers just because he was there at the scene of the crime without any actual evidence that he did it.
Basically, if their theorys shit, you must acquit.

Time to go save Amir!

You hear someone scream up ahead.
- Run to the rescue
- Turn back

And then Orren said, fuck that noise, and left Amir to die horribly.
The end.

In the clearing ahead were confronted with our second mini-boss battle of the chapter, massive Rock Hound and a couple of smaller Wild Boars.
You can also spot Amirs unconscious body in the upper left there.

Theres not much to this fight thats interesting or that I havent talked about already in other updates.

So down it goes.

And Im honestly not sure whose attack killed it, Orrens slash or Eldores big fuck-off fire spell.

Well, at least Amirs alive and well, so thats a plus. If Leonard were on the job hed have been killed in the crossfire by now.

You got a plot coupon.

First things first, however. Its time to get Gotch out of jail. Because it is entirely possible to just go from Amir to the central elevator, beat the boss and just leave Gotch in the slammer even though you got all the information needed to prove his innocence.
Because Level-5 loves its menial backtracking.


So now Gotch is free to go about whatever the hell he was doing before all this madness came crashing down on him. All thats left is to talk to him and that receive his thanks and that closes out the sub-quest for this chapter, netting you a full 10,000 worth of useless numbers on the quest complete screen.

In lieu of a generous cash donation, you received Gotchs thanks. Basically, you get 5,000 GR points for returning with evidence and freeing Gotch, and then another 5,000 GR points for taking to him and get his thanks. Go figure.

And now, finally, lets head up and deal with this mysterious monster thats been causing everyone so much grief here in the caverns.


Use the lift?

Okay, time to see what the hell is causing these cave-ins here in the mines.


Turn Back


Up in the cavern where we fought the Netherwyrm, we come across a unique type Golem enemy. Its just chillin in the sunlight, just waiting for us to come in and kill it all Shadow of the Colossus style.
In that its acting like 90% of the Colossi in SotC do before you attack them, not that the game is going to suddenly bust out an innovative combat mechanic for a piece of free DLC.

This is Arhkam, or so Im surmising, anyway. Remember, all my translations for things in this part of the LP should be taken with a fist full of salt, but if anyone else wants to front a better suggestion for how to romanize アルハカム (Aruhakamu), then Im all for it. Personally, I think someone was trying for Arkham but fucked it up.

So Arhkam stumbles to its feet and lumbers towards the party now that theyve disturbed its slumber.

I will admit the rod-iron wires sticking out of its back do make this thing look awfully cool.

All of its little bits and bobs change colour as it moves too.

Since Arhkam is a golem enemy, standard golem enemy rules apply, namely impact attacks and impact attacks only. It doesnt have any elemental weaknesses, and its a goddamn tank in terms of its damage dealing and damage taking potential.
Just like all the enemies in Vellgander, this thing is near impossible to beat without cheating. I say near because in the Japanese version the level cap for your party is raised from 80 to 90, so youve got a full ten levels of stats you can earn to help make this fight easier.
That said everything from here out is ideally played online with a party of fellow Avatars, which, hey now hey now, is impossible because Sony axed GeoNet.
But whatever, its Arc Knight Chronicles time again.

NTSC-J, motherfuckers.

Here we go.


The Arc Knight is back wielding the Gigantic Hammer for this update because this save file is about four months old and thus predated the threads rabid clamouring for

Arhkam has all the standard golem attacks including an area of effect wind attack. Not, I also broke its face plate off revealing the weird Ying-Yang symbol that all golems have hidden away on them.

And down it goes.

I really wish the camera didnt spaz out when you revert to human from like it does. It really making getting these post-victory gloat shots hella difficult.

We then get one last cutscene to round out the episode.

Oruro knees down in front of the fallen golem and begins to dig something out from its remains.

Wait, that looks vaguely like

Uh oh


And on Oruro handing Orren the yellow proto-Ark, we fade to black. Chapter over.

It would seem as though a new mystery is about to be afoot.

With the Ark Core safely in custody, we set out that evening for the Flandar Mountains. I knew better than anyone the potential threat a loose Ark just waiting for a Pactmaker to claim it could pose. The sooner we got it to Framboise to... I dont know, do whatever she does with these things, hit them with a giant hammer? Who knows? Anyway, the sooner the better.
If Id known what was waiting for me on the mountain path that night, I would have brought some more firepower with me...